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“What for?”

“School. I was accepted into the University of North

Carolina, so I’ll be there for four years, and then . . . I don’t

know. I’m thinking I’ll settle in London.”

“What’s your ultimate goal?”

“I want to start an event-planning company. It’s my

mother’s dream, and I really think we can do something

great together. We’ll see though.” I smiled as I thought

about it. “I’m studying Hospitality Management and landed

a part-time position in event planning at a hotel near the

school, so I’m hoping to learn as much as I can.”

“I didn’t realize you needed a degree to plan events.”

“You don’t.”

“So, why bother?”

“My parents.” I shrugged. “They both went to college. It

feels weird for me not to go after they spent all that money

on boarding school.”

“It seems weird for you to spend more of their money

going if you already know what you want to do and don’t

need a degree to do it.”

“Starting up a business requires money, and time, and a

lot of dedication, which I’d gladly give, except I have no

money for it, and time and dedication are great, but you have

to have money to back it up.” I shook my head. “What do you


“I work for the government.”

“Ew. Like the cabinet?”

He chuckled. “What’s wrong with the cabinet?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I’ve heard mixed things.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I’ll admit the things I’ve heard are biased, being

that my father works for a newspaper that’s extremely

critical of the Crown and the way they built the cabinet. I

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