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offsite or onsite Cisco locations. We developed a COVID-19 response and recovery strategy with a focus on both physical andmental health, recognizing the need to create an environment where employees can speak openly about mental health. In fiscal2021, we continued to offer employees “A Day for Me,” which were paid days off that allowed for each individual to rechargeand rest.Employee DevelopmentWe believe in open-ended, self-directed learning, understanding that each individual knows what skills and resources they needto succeed. We encourage employees to explore job roles outside of their daily work and encourage everyone to harness theirstrengths and improve the way we all work. Employees choose their own path and we support that choice by providing themtools and resources to help them achieve their career goals.Employee EngagementWe believe that strong communication is key in our Conscious Culture. This communication includes regular, virtual all hands,which we refer to as a “Cisco Check-In,” and weekly team leader check-ins, which we refer to as a “Team Space Check-In.” Ourregular virtual Cisco Check-Ins were initially launched with a focus on sharing medical information at the start of the COVID-19pandemic. The Cisco Check-Ins have since evolved into a forum where we can discuss much more with our employees, frombusiness updates to social justice to physical and mental health.In fiscal 2021, we have seen high level of employee engagement. For example, there were approximately 2 million Team SpaceCheck-Ins by our employees in fiscal 2021, reflecting 85% of employees submitting Team Space Check-Ins. Employees alsoparticipate in our global Engagement Pulse Survey and the Real Deal Survey. These surveys allow our employees to provideconfidential feedback on our culture, company strategy and trust in their direct leaders.CSR Impact ReportAdditional information regarding Cisco’s activities related to its people and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as well asour workforce diversity data, can be found in our CSR Impact Report and related supplemental information, which are locatedon our ESG Reporting Hub at The contents of our CSR Impact Reportand related supplemental information are not incorporated by reference into this Annual Report on Form 10-K or in any otherreport or document we file with the SEC.Information about our Executive OfficersThe following table shows the name, age, and position as of August 31, 2021 of each of our executive officers:Name Age Position with the CompanyCharles H. Robbins . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Chair and Chief Executive OfficerGerri Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Executive Vice President and Chief Customer and Partner OfficerR. Scott Herren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerMaria Martinez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerDeborah L. Stahlkopf . . . . . . . . . . 51 Executive Vice President and Chief Legal OfficerMr. Robbins serves as our Chief Executive Officer since July 2015, as a member of the Board of Directors since May 2015, andas Chair of the Board since December 2017. Mr. Robbins joined Cisco in December 1997, from which time until March 2002he held a number of managerial positions within Cisco’s sales organization. Mr. Robbins was promoted to Vice President inMarch 2002, assuming leadership of Cisco’s U.S. channel sales organization. Additionally, in July 2005, Mr. Robbins assumedleadership of Cisco’s Canada channel sales organization. In December 2007, Mr. Robbins was promoted to Senior Vice President,U.S. Commercial, and, in August 2009 he was appointed Senior Vice President, U.S. Enterprise, Commercial and Canada. InJuly 2011, Mr. Robbins was named Senior Vice President, Americas. In October 2012, Mr. Robbins was promoted to SeniorVice President, Worldwide Field Operations, in which position he served until assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer.Mr. Robbins is also a member of the board of directors of BlackRock, Inc (since 2017).Ms. Elliott joined Cisco in April 2018 and serves as our Executive Vice President and Chief Customer and Partner Officer.Ms. Elliott is a former Executive Vice President of Juniper Networks, Inc. (“Juniper”), where she served as Executive VicePresident and Chief Customer Officer from March 2013 to February 2014, Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer fromJuly 2011 to March 2013, and Executive Vice President, Strategic Alliances from June 2009 to July 2011. Before joining Juniper,Ms. Elliott held a series of senior executive positions with Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) from 2001-2008, including asCorporate Vice President of Microsoft’s Industry Solutions Group, Worldwide Public Sector and North American EnterpriseSales organizations. Prior to joining Microsoft, Ms. Elliott spent 22 years at International Business Machines Corporation(“IBM”), where she held several senior executive positions both in the U.S. and internationally. Ms. Elliott is a member of theboard of directors of Whirlpool Corporation (since 2014) and Marqeta, Inc. (since 2021).12

Mr. Herren joined Cisco in December 2020 and serves as our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Priorto joining Cisco, Mr. Herren served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Autodesk, Inc. (“Autodesk”)since November 2014. Prior to joining Autodesk, Mr. Herren served as Senior Vice President of Finance at Citrix Systems,Inc. (“Citrix”) from September 2011 to October 2014, and in a variety of other leadership roles after joining Citrix in March2000, including as Vice President and Managing Director for EMEA and Vice President and General Manager of Citrix’svirtualization systems group. Before joining Citrix, Mr. Herren spent over 15 years in senior strategy and financial positions atFedEx Corporation and IBM.Ms. Martinez joined Cisco in April 2018 and served as our Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience Officeruntil her appointment as our Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in March 2021. Prior to joining Cisco,Ms. Martinez served in a variety of senior executive roles at, inc. (“Salesforce”), including as President, GlobalCustomer Success and Latin America from March 2016 to April 2018; President, Sales and Customer Success from February2013 to March 2016; Executive Vice President and Chief Growth Officer from February 2012 to February 2013; and as ExecutiveVice President, Customers for Life from February 2010 to February 2012. Ms. Martinez’s experience prior to Salesforce includesserving as Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Services at Microsoft, President and Chief Executive Officer of EmbraceNetworks, Inc. and various senior leadership roles at Motorola, Inc. and AT&T Inc./Bell Laboratories. Ms. Martinez is a memberof the board of directors of McKesson Corporation (since 2019).Ms. Stahlkopf joined Cisco in August 2021 and serves as our Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. Prior to joiningCisco, Ms. Stahlkopf spent 14 years at Microsoft, where she served most recently as Corporate Vice President, General Counseland Corporate Secretary, Corporate, External and Legal Affairs from April 2018 to July 2021. Ms. Stahlkopf also served in otherleadership roles at Microsoft, including as Vice President and Deputy General Counsel from December 2015 to April 2018 andas Associate General Counsel from December 2010 to December 2015. Prior to joining Microsoft, Ms. Stahlkopf practiced lawat Perkins Coie LLP and Cooley Godward LLP.Item 1A.Risk FactorsSet forth below and elsewhere in this report and in other documents we file with the SEC are descriptions of the risks anduncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the results contemplated by the forward-lookingstatements contained in this report.Risks Related to our Business and IndustryOur business, results of operations and financial condition have been adversely affected and could in the future bematerially adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting containment measures have caused economic and financial disruptions globally, includingin most of the regions in which we sell our products and services and conduct our business operations. In the second half of fiscal 2020,the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on our financial results and business operations, with a significant impact in the third quarterof fiscal 2020 on our supply chain where we saw manufacturing challenges and component constraints. We continue to address thesesupply chain challenges and cost impacts, which we expect will continue at least through the first half of fiscal 2022 and potentiallyinto the second half of fiscal 2022. The magnitude and duration of the disruption, its continuing impact on us, and resulting decline inglobal business activity is uncertain. These disruptions include the unprecedented actions taken to try to contain the pandemic such astravel bans and restrictions, business closures, and social distancing measures, such as quarantines and shelter-in-place orders.The COVID-19 pandemic and the responsive measures taken in many countries have adversely affected and could in the futurematerially adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. Shelter-in-place orders and other measures,including work-from-home and other policies implemented to protect workers, has and could in the future impact our supply chain.Such disruptions may continue, or worsen, in the future. In addition, current and future restrictions or disruptions of transportation,such as reduced availability of air transport, port closures, and increased border controls or closures, can also impact our ability to meetcustomer demand and could materially adversely affect us. Our customers have also experienced, and may continue to experience,disruptions in their operations, which can result in delayed, reduced, or canceled orders, and increased collection risks, and whichmay adversely affect our results of operations. The COVID-19 pandemic may also result in long-term changes in customer needs forour products and services in various sectors, along with IT-related capital spending reductions, or shifts in spending focus, that couldmaterially adversely affect us if we are unable to adjust our product and service offerings to match customer needs.The recent shift to a remote working environment also creates challenges. For example, governmental lockdowns, restrictionsor new regulations has and could in the future impact the ability of our employees and vendors to work with the same speed andproductivity in certain areas, even as other areas do not see negative impact. The extent and/or duration of ongoing workforce13

Mr. Herren joined Cisco in December 2020 and serves as our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Prior

to joining Cisco, Mr. Herren served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Autodesk, Inc. (“Autodesk”)

since November 2014. Prior to joining Autodesk, Mr. Herren served as Senior Vice President of Finance at Citrix Systems,

Inc. (“Citrix”) from September 2011 to October 2014, and in a variety of other leadership roles after joining Citrix in March

2000, including as Vice President and Managing Director for EMEA and Vice President and General Manager of Citrix’s

virtualization systems group. Before joining Citrix, Mr. Herren spent over 15 years in senior strategy and financial positions at

FedEx Corporation and IBM.

Ms. Martinez joined Cisco in April 2018 and served as our Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Experience Officer

until her appointment as our Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in March 2021. Prior to joining Cisco,

Ms. Martinez served in a variety of senior executive roles at, inc. (“Salesforce”), including as President, Global

Customer Success and Latin America from March 2016 to April 2018; President, Sales and Customer Success from February

2013 to March 2016; Executive Vice President and Chief Growth Officer from February 2012 to February 2013; and as Executive

Vice President, Customers for Life from February 2010 to February 2012. Ms. Martinez’s experience prior to Salesforce includes

serving as Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Services at Microsoft, President and Chief Executive Officer of Embrace

Networks, Inc. and various senior leadership roles at Motorola, Inc. and AT&T Inc./Bell Laboratories. Ms. Martinez is a member

of the board of directors of McKesson Corporation (since 2019).

Ms. Stahlkopf joined Cisco in August 2021 and serves as our Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. Prior to joining

Cisco, Ms. Stahlkopf spent 14 years at Microsoft, where she served most recently as Corporate Vice President, General Counsel

and Corporate Secretary, Corporate, External and Legal Affairs from April 2018 to July 2021. Ms. Stahlkopf also served in other

leadership roles at Microsoft, including as Vice President and Deputy General Counsel from December 2015 to April 2018 and

as Associate General Counsel from December 2010 to December 2015. Prior to joining Microsoft, Ms. Stahlkopf practiced law

at Perkins Coie LLP and Cooley Godward LLP.

Item 1A.

Risk Factors

Set forth below and elsewhere in this report and in other documents we file with the SEC are descriptions of the risks and

uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the results contemplated by the forward-looking

statements contained in this report.

Risks Related to our Business and Industry

Our business, results of operations and financial condition have been adversely affected and could in the future be

materially adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting containment measures have caused economic and financial disruptions globally, including

in most of the regions in which we sell our products and services and conduct our business operations. In the second half of fiscal 2020,

the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on our financial results and business operations, with a significant impact in the third quarter

of fiscal 2020 on our supply chain where we saw manufacturing challenges and component constraints. We continue to address these

supply chain challenges and cost impacts, which we expect will continue at least through the first half of fiscal 2022 and potentially

into the second half of fiscal 2022. The magnitude and duration of the disruption, its continuing impact on us, and resulting decline in

global business activity is uncertain. These disruptions include the unprecedented actions taken to try to contain the pandemic such as

travel bans and restrictions, business closures, and social distancing measures, such as quarantines and shelter-in-place orders.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the responsive measures taken in many countries have adversely affected and could in the future

materially adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. Shelter-in-place orders and other measures,

including work-from-home and other policies implemented to protect workers, has and could in the future impact our supply chain.

Such disruptions may continue, or worsen, in the future. In addition, current and future restrictions or disruptions of transportation,

such as reduced availability of air transport, port closures, and increased border controls or closures, can also impact our ability to meet

customer demand and could materially adversely affect us. Our customers have also experienced, and may continue to experience,

disruptions in their operations, which can result in delayed, reduced, or canceled orders, and increased collection risks, and which

may adversely affect our results of operations. The COVID-19 pandemic may also result in long-term changes in customer needs for

our products and services in various sectors, along with IT-related capital spending reductions, or shifts in spending focus, that could

materially adversely affect us if we are unable to adjust our product and service offerings to match customer needs.

The recent shift to a remote working environment also creates challenges. For example, governmental lockdowns, restrictions

or new regulations has and could in the future impact the ability of our employees and vendors to work with the same speed and

productivity in certain areas, even as other areas do not see negative impact. The extent and/or duration of ongoing workforce


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