

K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – ACADEMIC TRACKCONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCY CODEa. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism.(563-483 B.C.)10.2. Give examples of acts of generosity ofb. Sacred texts: SutrasMahayana Buddhistsc. Doctrines: Four Noble Truths,Eight-fold Path, The Six Perfectionsto become a Bodhisattva10.3. Explain: The core teaching of Mahayana(generosity, morality, patience,Buddhism is to seek complete enlightenmentperseverance, meditation, andfor the benefit of all living beings throughinsight)insight and compassion.d. God: non-theistice. Issues: Tibet invasion, Engagedactivism10.4. Draw the insight from the acts off. Universality and growth of sects:generosity of Tzu Chi Foundation that reflectDevelopment of Buddhism to Zenthe core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism(Chan) Buddhism as the fruit of itsencounter with Taoism.11. Comparative Analysis The learner demonstratesunderstanding of the threereligions/philosophies in theaspects of origin, morality,purpose, destiny, and views onwomen.12. Confucianism The learner demonstratesunderstanding of the elements ofConfucianism:a. Founder: Confucius (551-479B.C.)The learner conducts aninterview on the doctrines ofeach of the threereligions/philosophies andcompares them in the aspects oforigin, morality, purpose,destiny, and views on women.The learner presents a charactersketch of a person whopersonifies the Confucian virtues.11.1. Identify the uniqueness and similaritiesof Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism andMahayana Buddhism11.2. Provide evidence that Hinduism,Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhismshare common roots from India11.3. Justify that Hinduism, TheravadaBuddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, as Vedicreligions, have largely influenced the worldtoday.11.4. Conduct an interview on the doctrines ofeach of the three religions and compare themin the aspects of origin, morality, purpose,destiny, and views on women12.1. Describe the five basic relationships(king to subject, father to son, husband towife, elder brother to younger brother andfriend to friend)12.2. Give examples of acts showing filial pietyin the family, community and societyHUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-10.2HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-10.3HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-10.4HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVd-11.1HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVd-11.2HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVd-11.3HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVd-11.4HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVe-12.1HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVe-12.2K to 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences Strand – Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems May 2016 Page 6 of 13

K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – ACADEMIC TRACKCONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCY CODEb. Sacred texts: Confucian Classics12.3. Explain: The core teaching ofc. Doctrines: Mandate of Heaven,Confucianism is to be a “gentleman” byT”ien, Human nature as originallyfollowing the moral way consisting of thegood (Mencius) or evil (Hsun Tze),virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom,Rectification of Names, The Moralpropriety and loyalty in order to promoteWay consisting of five cardinalharmony in society.virtues, Filial Piety, and AncestorWorship12.4. Present a character sketch of a persond. God: Heavenwho personifies the Confucian virtuese. Issues: Gender inequality,Authoritarianism13. Taoism The learner demonstratesunderstanding of the elements ofTaoism:a. Founder: Lao Tzu (604 B.C. - ?)b. Sacred texts: Tao Te Ching,Book of Chuang Tzec. Doctrines: Wu-Wei, Law ofReversion, Following natured. Tao as the Origin of all Beings,unnameable and eternale. Issues: Inaction, Superstitiouspractices, Environmentalism14. Shintoism The learner demonstratesunderstanding of the elements ofShintoism:a. Founders: Prehistoric Animists ofJapanb. Sacred texts: Kojiki and Nihongic. Doctrines: belief in kami, divinityof emperorsd. Gods: kami (animist and naturespirits)e. Issues: Shrine visits of Japaneseprime ministers15. Comparative Analysis The learner compares the threereligions in the aspects of origin,morality, purpose, destiny, andThe learner identifies the thingsshe can do without by making aninventory of personal belongings(e.g. things in the bedroom) andwrites a reflection on Taoismbased on the result of theinventory.The learner interprets the Kojikicreation story creatively.The learner prepares amultimedia presentation on theperceptions of people from all13.1. State that “Tao is the origin of all beingswhose essence is nothing”13.2. Give examples of acts showing love andrespect of nature and the environment13.3. Explain: The core teaching of Taoism isbecoming one with ‘Tao.’13.4. Identify the things she can do without bymaking an inventory of personal belongings(e.g. things in the bedroom) and write areflection on Taoism based on the result of theinventory14.1. Narrate the Kojiki creation story14.2. Explain why is it important for Japanesepeople to worship gods14.3. Evaluate: The core teaching of Shintoismis to worship the ancestors and forces ofnature to achieve harmony in all dimensions.14.4. Interpret the Kojiki creation storycreatively15.1. Identify the uniqueness and similaritiesof Confucianism, Taoism and ShintoismHUMSS_WRB12-II/IVe-12.3HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVe-12.4HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVf-g-13.1HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVf-g-13.2HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVf-g-13.3HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVf-g-13.4HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVh-14.1HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVh-14.2HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVh-14.3HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVh-14.4HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVi-15.1K to 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences Strand – Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems May 2016 Page 7 of 13




b. Sacred texts: Confucian Classics

12.3. Explain: The core teaching of

c. Doctrines: Mandate of Heaven,

Confucianism is to be a “gentleman” by

T”ien, Human nature as originally

following the moral way consisting of the

good (Mencius) or evil (Hsun Tze),

virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom,

Rectification of Names, The Moral

propriety and loyalty in order to promote

Way consisting of five cardinal

harmony in society.

virtues, Filial Piety, and Ancestor


12.4. Present a character sketch of a person

d. God: Heaven

who personifies the Confucian virtues

e. Issues: Gender inequality,


13. Taoism The learner demonstrates

understanding of the elements of


a. Founder: Lao Tzu (604 B.C. - ?)

b. Sacred texts: Tao Te Ching,

Book of Chuang Tze

c. Doctrines: Wu-Wei, Law of

Reversion, Following nature

d. Tao as the Origin of all Beings,

unnameable and eternal

e. Issues: Inaction, Superstitious

practices, Environmentalism

14. Shintoism The learner demonstrates

understanding of the elements of


a. Founders: Prehistoric Animists of


b. Sacred texts: Kojiki and Nihongi

c. Doctrines: belief in kami, divinity

of emperors

d. Gods: kami (animist and nature


e. Issues: Shrine visits of Japanese

prime ministers

15. Comparative Analysis The learner compares the three

religions in the aspects of origin,

morality, purpose, destiny, and

The learner identifies the things

she can do without by making an

inventory of personal belongings

(e.g. things in the bedroom) and

writes a reflection on Taoism

based on the result of the


The learner interprets the Kojiki

creation story creatively.

The learner prepares a

multimedia presentation on the

perceptions of people from all

13.1. State that “Tao is the origin of all beings

whose essence is nothing”

13.2. Give examples of acts showing love and

respect of nature and the environment

13.3. Explain: The core teaching of Taoism is

becoming one with ‘Tao.’

13.4. Identify the things she can do without by

making an inventory of personal belongings

(e.g. things in the bedroom) and write a

reflection on Taoism based on the result of the


14.1. Narrate the Kojiki creation story

14.2. Explain why is it important for Japanese

people to worship gods

14.3. Evaluate: The core teaching of Shintoism

is to worship the ancestors and forces of

nature to achieve harmony in all dimensions.

14.4. Interpret the Kojiki creation story


15.1. Identify the uniqueness and similarities

of Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism























K to 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences Strand – Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems May 2016 Page 7 of 13

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