24th issue

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I personally believe that being a DJ for CKY was a very rewarding and fruitful experience. It was also<br />

highly enjoyable for me to go through - I would jump at the chance to do this again in the future!<br />

During the two weeks of making broadcasts, I realised that confidence is not forced and comes from<br />

practice - lots of it. This workshop helped me develop my confidence further and made me more<br />

comfortable with speaking to other people without the fear of embarrassing myself. I also realised that<br />

making people happy made myself, in turn, more relaxed and cheerful in general. Being able to see how<br />

everyone in my grade appreciates each other is extremely heartwarming; there were even some funny<br />

moments that brightened up my day. The best part of being a DJ, in my opinion, is seeing how other<br />

people react to their messages being read. The look of delight and happiness on their faces make the<br />

process worth it, and I genuinely enjoy being able to deliver these precious messages and being able to<br />

read out people’s genuine thoughts about others. This experience made me more responsible, too - if I<br />

wanted to do a good job, I would have to prepare in advance and arrive at places on time. I truly<br />

enjoyed writing out different scripts for different scenarios. Overall, being a DJ is a wonderful<br />

experience and it’s extremely fun for both the DJ and the listener!<br />

8B Hailey Wong<br />

8D Chase Lau<br />

I really enjoyed this DJ activity, and glad that I decided to join. Throughout the few DJ weeks, I have<br />

improved a lot in speaking and presenting skills, including better in articulating and pronouncing<br />

words, and even have fewer stage fright. At first I joined this event because I thought it was the<br />

producing music kind of DJ, but after the first session I kind of lost interest in the event. But after my<br />

first DJ session, which was the first day, I find it quite fun and at least it can entertain my classmates<br />

during lunch. During my DJ sessions, my classmates were very supportive and which really makes me<br />

want to do the DJ session better for them. I feel like this event is very meaningful also, many people<br />

have messages to other classmates, but don’t have the courage to speak to them one on one, though<br />

with this activity, we DJs can help deliver the message. Overall, I don’t regret joining this DJ event,<br />

and hope to join future events also.<br />

在 做 DJ 的 那 段 時 間 , 我 就 如 ⽩ 鴿 送<br />

信 , 傳 遞 彼 此 欣 賞 的 信 息 ; 如 同 學 們 的 樹<br />

洞 , 收 集 和 傳 遞 他 們 藏 在 ⼼ 底 最 真 實 的 祝<br />

福 。 我 享 受 ⼀ 邊 聽 ⾳ 樂 ,⼀ 邊 講 ⼤ 家 的 欣 賞<br />

點 播 卡 , 又 能 從 中 矯 正 ⾃⼰ 的 「 懶 ⾳」, 真<br />

的 ⼀ 舉 三 得 ! 真 的 強 烈 ⼤ 家 去 嘗 試 ⼀ 下 !<br />

在 這 期 間 , 我 學 到 了 如 何 正 確 發<br />

⾳, 我 認 識 了 廣 東 話 的 九 個 ⾳ 調 。 在 訓 練<br />

⽇, 學 校 邀 請 了 ⼀ 位 廣 播 員 來 教 導 我 們 , 其<br />

中 我 記 得 那 句 讓 我 印 象 深 刻 「 三 碗 半 ⽜ 腩<br />

麵 」。 這 聽 起 來 平 平 無 奇 的 句 ⼦ 卻 能 有 效 的<br />

讓 我 記 住 最 重 要 的 六 個 ⾳ 調 。 我 也 很 感 謝 導<br />

師 可 以 在 課 堂 上 ⽤⼀ 個 有 趣 的 ⽅ 式 讓 我 們 明<br />

⽩ 做 DJ 的 意 義 和 發 掘 了 我 們 的 興 趣 。<br />

Page 14<br />

10A Kary Wong ⿈ 顯 晴

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