24th issue

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ISSUE 24 Jan 2023<br />


Appreciation Corridor<br />

PAGE 2<br />

Fancy Friday<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Tribute to Mr Viljoen<br />

PAGE 6<br />

Appreciating CKY Hearts of Gold<br />

PAGE 10<br />

Student DJ Training<br />

PAGE 13<br />

University Fair<br />

PAGE 15<br />

Kayaking Trip<br />

PAGE 22<br />

Primary School Picnic<br />

PAGE 24<br />

Secondary Activity Day<br />

PAGE 27<br />

Minecraft<br />

PAGE 29<br />

Alumni News<br />

PAGE 34<br />

And many more

Founding Principal’s Words<br />

校 ⻑ 的 話<br />

Joy and Appreciation<br />

Since the start of our new school year, we have had much to be joyful about and thankful for. The joy of<br />

learning together on campus has created many treasured moments of fun, where we can enjoy each other’s<br />

genuine friendship in person, instead of through digital screens. In an academically rigorous school like<br />

ours, we should never lose sight of the importance of balance, rest and play. Moreover, being appreciative of<br />

all the blessings that life bestows, and the people who deserve our thanks, is an unlimited source of joy. This<br />

edition of the CKY Newsletter is themed Joy and Appreciation, and features some of the special ways we<br />

are finding joy and expressing gratitude throughout our school community. <br />

We are running a series of ‘Fun Fridays’ this school year, where everyone at our campus can see the funny<br />

side of school life during these special dress days. Pyjama, fitness, and fancy dress days, for instance, are<br />

not only an opportunity to see each other in very unusual and light-hearted circumstances. There are positive<br />

messages that can be spread on such days, including the need for good sleeping habits, regular physical<br />

exercise, and using superheroes as ideal role models for resilience! ‘Fun Fridays’ is fast becoming a joyous<br />

event which everyone, even our senior students, is much looking forward to. Expressing genuine<br />

appreciation to our nearest and dearest, as well as others whose kindness does us a good turn, is also a real<br />

focus this term among students and staff. In this edition, we shine a spotlight on how we are promoting<br />

gratitude through ‘Appreciation Lanes’ and well decorated walls, all full with handwritten notes of thanks.<br />

Among the many individuals appreciated in this edition, we give special thanks to the late Mr Viljoen, for<br />

many years a dear colleague and much-loved teacher in our Primary section, who inspired countless<br />

children with a generosity of humour, encouragement and care.

As a busy school community at CKY,<br />

we are accustomed to working at pace.<br />

But we revel in staying active and<br />

driving forward. We are indeed restless<br />

for improvement. After all, standing<br />

still, while everything else is on the<br />

move, is the same as falling behind.<br />

The sheer variety of school events and<br />

activities held this term reflect just how<br />

close-knit our school community is,<br />

through the shared experiences that we<br />

are all enjoying together. Some of these<br />

entirely new activities are featured in<br />

this edition, from enlightening field<br />

trips to inter-school competitions and<br />

delightful PTA excursions; a testament<br />

to our extraordinary home-school<br />

cooperation.<br />

As we approach the Spring Festival,<br />

I would like to take this opportunity<br />

to wish you and your loved ones<br />

peace and good health in 2023,<br />

and a prosperous and Happy<br />

Chinese New Year!<br />

Dr. LAU, Siu-Ling<br />

Founding Principal

..<br />

•<br />

Po Leung Kuk<br />

Chol Kai Yau<br />

School (Primary<br />

Section)<br />

DEAR<br />

.......<br />

Page 3

Fancy Friday<br />

Friday, 28th October 2022<br />

On Fancy Friday, students<br />

could dress up as any character,<br />

animal or thing that they wished!<br />

There were incredibly surprising<br />

and creative costumes. The top<br />

two outstanding costumes were<br />

given a certificate by their class<br />

teachers. It was an incredible<br />

day where everyone had fun!

Funny<br />

Friday<br />

Pyjamas at School!<br />

Students were encouraged to<br />

wear their pyjamas to school.<br />

Beforehand, they completed a<br />

quiz about their sleep habits.<br />

Students discussed the<br />

importance of sleep while<br />

wearing pyjamas in school!<br />

What a memorable way to<br />

learn about sleep!<br />

Page 5

Messages from Staff<br />

My dearest Niel,<br />

You are so dearly missed every day. What I miss the most<br />

are our morning catch-ups over a cup of coffee and our<br />

favourite snacks from back home. I am so grateful for the<br />

special bond that we shared and for all the memories we have<br />

together. You were always so supportive and gave the best<br />

advice to everyone around you. You were a great example and<br />

role model to your colleagues and students and, CKY is so<br />

lucky to have had you as part of their family. You were always<br />

so helpful and would go out of your way for anyone who<br />

needed it. Your memory lives on in all of us. May you rest in<br />

peace, my friend.<br />

Ms Bianca Theron<br />

Mr Viljoen was one of the nicest people that I have ever<br />

met. I could only see him smile no matter what was going on.<br />

We came to CKY to teach in the same year, and we already<br />

became good friends once we met. We support each other<br />

and enjoy the preparation of the lessons as well as happy<br />

hours after lessons. I was so lucky to have him as my teaching<br />

bestie throughout my teaching life in CKY. If one day my kids<br />

asked me if I was a great teacher, I would tell them, “ I am not<br />

so sure, but one thing I am sure of is that I was once working<br />

with a great teacher.”<br />

Mr Samuel Wong<br />

Teachers and students at CKY school got to<br />

meet an amazing teacher like Niel. He was like a<br />

father figure, always praising my students’<br />

artwork and my diligent performance at school.<br />

He will remain alive in my heart.<br />

Ms Cathy Cheung<br />

Niel managed to fit more into his life than most<br />

would consider possible. He lived through difficult,<br />

historic times in his homeland of Zimbabwe, before<br />

moving on to build a new life in both South Africa<br />

and Hong Kong. Given the depth of wisdom such<br />

experiences had granted him, he was remarkably<br />

humble. When he shared with you what life had<br />

taught him, you knew it was a blessing. Whether it<br />

be his advice on how to sustain a happy marriage, or<br />

how to stay positive during difficult times, I give<br />

thanks. His words and his kindness will forever be<br />

remembered by all those who knew him.<br />

Mr Ian Tedstone

Mr Viljoen was definitely one of the most wonderful<br />

teachers in CKY. He cared about his students a lot, and<br />

took time to teach and help us through every little detail<br />

that we didn’t understand. He was compassionate towards<br />

everyone and we have all felt his care and have felt valued<br />

by him. He understood our creativity, wonder and laughter.<br />

Although we might always talk in class, he somehow<br />

managed to make a joke out of it. He did not scold us if we<br />

forgot our homework, however he made us learn from our<br />

mistakes instead of rebuking us. Other times, he may be<br />

strict, by giving us high expectations, but it only enhances<br />

our behaviour and academics. He made my learning<br />

experiences entertaining and amusing. He inspired and<br />

encouraged so many of his students to always keep trying.<br />

Mr Viljoen was truly a marvellous teacher, for his love for<br />

teaching makes learning worthy of everyone’s care. His<br />

memories with 4F will always remain in our minds, and I will<br />

never forget him.<br />

Kaylee Ko<br />

Messages from<br />

Former Students<br />

Mr Viljoen was the best teacher we have ever met.<br />

People think that he was mean because he was too strict,<br />

but being strict was actually a good thing for us. Mr Viljoen<br />

helped us whenever we needed him and he always tried his<br />

best to give his class the best education possible. Every<br />

time a student in the class failed to hand in their homework,<br />

he always asked them if they are having any difficulties<br />

finishing the assignment. He cared deeply about his<br />

students’ growth process. Mr Viljoen was always willing to<br />

sacrifice his time to help his students in need. Although he<br />

has passed away, we will still remember him as the most<br />

outstanding teacher of all time.<br />

Darren Kan and Jackson Leung<br />




Mr Viljoen was one of the best English teachers that I<br />

have ever had during my time at CKY. He was also a great<br />

class teacher to all of us in 4F (2020-21) as well. Mr Viljoen<br />

has been very nice to all of us and we all wish that we<br />

could repay his kindness. He remains, in my opinion and<br />

many others, one of the best teachers I could ever have<br />

met. He likes to joke and play around with us. One of his<br />

funniest jokes was ‘throw it in the lap-sap’ which is the<br />

Cantonese version of “throw it in the garbage’’. I will<br />

treasure all the memories that I have of him forever.<br />

Kate Wong<br />

Mr Viljoen has been a wonderful teacher. I am very<br />

grateful for having him as my class teacher, everyone<br />

adored him because of his kind and caring heart. He was<br />

funny and responsible, and joked around to make learning<br />

much more enjoyable. He cared very much about our<br />

education, and encouraged us to learn and read in a joyful<br />

environment. We are thankful for his support, kindness and<br />

his inspiring personality all through Year 4. Even though he<br />

has already passed away, he will still remain in everyone’s<br />

hearts and will be remembered by every one of us. He was<br />

truly one of the best teachers I’ve ever met.<br />

Charlotte Liu<br />

Mr Viljoen, you were a great teacher. No matter what I<br />

did wrong, you were patient and made me become a well<br />

disciplined student. You gave me a lot of opportunities,<br />

from subject scholarships to Mathematics and English<br />

Writing competitions. You gave our class lots of important<br />

knowledge, and now we understand how it affects us. You<br />

left a meaningful mark in our heart, and we all truly<br />

appreciate your effort to help us learn and become a<br />

successful person.<br />

Jack Wong<br />

Page 9

Appreciating our Hearts of Gold<br />

Caring people with hearts of gold abound at CKY. While our teachers are hugely<br />

appreciated for their constant support and care, there are a number of other teams<br />

who work day in, day out to ensure our campus is clean and orderly, that we are well<br />

fed at lunchtimes with hearty meals, and that we are safe when arriving at and leaving<br />

the campus. We will feature other hearts of gold in later <strong>issue</strong>s. For now, next time you<br />

see our janitors, technicians, the catering team, and security guards around the<br />

campus, why not take a moment to stop and say ‘thank you!’<br />

Security guard team<br />

From right to left:<br />

Mr Cheung (Security<br />

Supervisor)<br />

Mr Tik,<br />

Mr Chan,<br />

Mr Leung,<br />

Mr Ng<br />

Page 10

Canteen team<br />

From left to right:<br />

Ms Ko, Ms Shea, Ms Kwok, Ms Chen, Ms Yu, Ms Ou<br />

Primary Janitors<br />

Page 11

Secondary Janitors<br />

Drivers &<br />

Technicians<br />

Page 12

Students’ DJ Training<br />

「 欣 賞 ⾥」 點 播 站<br />

每 當 聽 到 “Never gonna give you up” 就 令 我 想 起 「 欣 賞 ⾥ 點 播 站 」, 因 為 這<br />

是 其 中 ⼀⾸ 熱 播 歌 。<br />

我 是 「 欣 賞 ⾥」⾸ 播 ⽇ 的 其 中 ⼀ 個 主 持 , 為 了 做 好 準 備 , 幾 天 前 已 把 講 稿<br />

寫 好 。 怎 料 ⾸ 播 當 ⽇ 只 能 播 放 ⼀ 半 的 歌 , 我 和 拍 檔 便 要 臨 場 「 執 ⽣」, 在 有 限 的<br />

時 間 盡 量 把 同 學 的 ⼼ 意 在 空 氣 傳 送 。 這 令 我 學 到 , 當 ⼀ 個 好 的 主 播 , 除 了 要 「 做<br />

⾜ 功 課 」, 還 要 處 變 不 驚 , 實 在 不 易 !<br />

感 謝 校 ⾧,Auntie Bonnie 和 社 ⼯ 們 令 我 們 的 DJ 夢 成 真 , 更 ⽤ 歌 聲 打 破 同 學<br />

吃 午 飯 時 的 沈 默 , 讓 笑 聲 傳 遍 校 園 。 我 希 望 「 欣 賞 ⾥」 可 以 再 辦 , 讓 同 學 邊 聽<br />

Rickroll、 邊 笑 、 邊 吃 飯 !<br />

6A Tania Cheng 鄭 ⽇ 陶<br />

知 不 知 道 , 聲 ⾳ 是 可 以 傳 「 情 」 傳 「 愛 」 傳 「 感 恩 」 呢 ?<br />

在 剛 剛 過 去 的 DJ 點 播 站 , 我 有 幸 成 為 學 校 的 DJ。 這 個 看 似 簡 單 的 活 動 , 但 細 味 下 , 我<br />

才 發 現 它 既 特 別 又 有 意 義 。<br />

聲 ⾳ 的 特 點 , 是 發 出 聲 ⾳ 的 ⼈, 可 以 透 過 語 氣 、 節 奏 和 感 情 , 去 加 強 訊 息 的 意<br />

義 。 不 同 於 ⽂ 字 , 聲 ⾳ 是 更 有 效 表 達 情 感 的 ⽅ 式 。<br />

現 代 ⼈ 太 習 慣 於 ⽤⽂ 字 或 簡 單 訊 息 去 表 達 情 感 , 在 讀 訊 息 中 , 可 能 會 令 接 收 者 得<br />

到 錯 誤 的 信 息 。<br />

所 以 , 聲 ⾳ 其 實 是 很 重 要 的 溝 通 途 徑 。<br />

7B Gabriel Ho<br />

何 柏 賢<br />

在 今 次 DJ 活 動 中 , 我 很 努 ⼒ 地 了 解 點 唱 者 的 訊 息 及 ⼼ 情 。 我 盡 量 以 最 合 適 的 ⽅<br />

式 , 利 ⽤ 聲 ⾳、 感 情 去 將 訊 息 帶 給 接 收 者 及 其 他 ⼈。 在 活 動 中 , 我 ⾃⼰ 也 很 感 動 , 因 為<br />

我 可 以 成 為 ⼀ 個 傳 訊 者 , 將 訊 息 由 點 播 者 帶 給 接 收 者 , 將 「 情 」、 將 「 感 謝 」、 將 「 感<br />

恩 」 帶 給 所 有 ⼈。<br />

Page 13

I personally believe that being a DJ for CKY was a very rewarding and fruitful experience. It was also<br />

highly enjoyable for me to go through - I would jump at the chance to do this again in the future!<br />

During the two weeks of making broadcasts, I realised that confidence is not forced and comes from<br />

practice - lots of it. This workshop helped me develop my confidence further and made me more<br />

comfortable with speaking to other people without the fear of embarrassing myself. I also realised that<br />

making people happy made myself, in turn, more relaxed and cheerful in general. Being able to see how<br />

everyone in my grade appreciates each other is extremely heartwarming; there were even some funny<br />

moments that brightened up my day. The best part of being a DJ, in my opinion, is seeing how other<br />

people react to their messages being read. The look of delight and happiness on their faces make the<br />

process worth it, and I genuinely enjoy being able to deliver these precious messages and being able to<br />

read out people’s genuine thoughts about others. This experience made me more responsible, too - if I<br />

wanted to do a good job, I would have to prepare in advance and arrive at places on time. I truly<br />

enjoyed writing out different scripts for different scenarios. Overall, being a DJ is a wonderful<br />

experience and it’s extremely fun for both the DJ and the listener!<br />

8B Hailey Wong<br />

8D Chase Lau<br />

I really enjoyed this DJ activity, and glad that I decided to join. Throughout the few DJ weeks, I have<br />

improved a lot in speaking and presenting skills, including better in articulating and pronouncing<br />

words, and even have fewer stage fright. At first I joined this event because I thought it was the<br />

producing music kind of DJ, but after the first session I kind of lost interest in the event. But after my<br />

first DJ session, which was the first day, I find it quite fun and at least it can entertain my classmates<br />

during lunch. During my DJ sessions, my classmates were very supportive and which really makes me<br />

want to do the DJ session better for them. I feel like this event is very meaningful also, many people<br />

have messages to other classmates, but don’t have the courage to speak to them one on one, though<br />

with this activity, we DJs can help deliver the message. Overall, I don’t regret joining this DJ event,<br />

and hope to join future events also.<br />

在 做 DJ 的 那 段 時 間 , 我 就 如 ⽩ 鴿 送<br />

信 , 傳 遞 彼 此 欣 賞 的 信 息 ; 如 同 學 們 的 樹<br />

洞 , 收 集 和 傳 遞 他 們 藏 在 ⼼ 底 最 真 實 的 祝<br />

福 。 我 享 受 ⼀ 邊 聽 ⾳ 樂 ,⼀ 邊 講 ⼤ 家 的 欣 賞<br />

點 播 卡 , 又 能 從 中 矯 正 ⾃⼰ 的 「 懶 ⾳」, 真<br />

的 ⼀ 舉 三 得 ! 真 的 強 烈 ⼤ 家 去 嘗 試 ⼀ 下 !<br />

在 這 期 間 , 我 學 到 了 如 何 正 確 發<br />

⾳, 我 認 識 了 廣 東 話 的 九 個 ⾳ 調 。 在 訓 練<br />

⽇, 學 校 邀 請 了 ⼀ 位 廣 播 員 來 教 導 我 們 , 其<br />

中 我 記 得 那 句 讓 我 印 象 深 刻 「 三 碗 半 ⽜ 腩<br />

麵 」。 這 聽 起 來 平 平 無 奇 的 句 ⼦ 卻 能 有 效 的<br />

讓 我 記 住 最 重 要 的 六 個 ⾳ 調 。 我 也 很 感 謝 導<br />

師 可 以 在 課 堂 上 ⽤⼀ 個 有 趣 的 ⽅ 式 讓 我 們 明<br />

⽩ 做 DJ 的 意 義 和 發 掘 了 我 們 的 興 趣 。<br />

Page 14<br />

10A Kary Wong ⿈ 顯 晴

The University Fair was something that I had been<br />

looking forward to for many days and I was really<br />

excited as it was the first face-to-face fair since the<br />

pandemic began. It was the perfect way for me to<br />

feel inspired about my future at University, and it<br />

was extremely motivating! Throughout the course<br />

of a few hours, I had the chance to explore various<br />

University booths with the help of some student<br />

representatives.<br />

Other than that, there were various seminars that<br />

were extremely informative and enlightening. For<br />

example, I learned about applying to selective UK<br />

universities, such as Russell Group Universities,<br />

by writing a compelling personal statement. The<br />

lecture was given by a college admissions officer<br />

from Imperial College, and I definitely learned a lot<br />

through them. I also learned a lot about various<br />

admissions tests, such as the UKCAT and the<br />

BMAT, and the different interview styles for each<br />

University. The seminars approached daunting<br />

tasks, such as the UCAS applications and entry<br />

requirements, in a fun and relaxed way, helping<br />

students to feel less stressed about the process. It<br />

was extremely enlightening, and I learned a lot.<br />

The fair was assisted by a team of student<br />

ambassadors who worked hard to ensure the<br />

smooth running of the University Fair. Ryan, a Year<br />

12 student ambassador for the University Fair, was<br />

exuberant about the process. “It was amazing that<br />

the students can broaden their horizons and<br />

viewpoints by attending this University Fair”, he<br />

stated. “Through the University Fair, I had an<br />

excellent opportunity to meet the University<br />

representatives, and I learned a lot through<br />

speaking with them. As a prospective University<br />

student, the friendly welcome I received from the<br />

reps has definitely made me a lot more optimistic<br />

about University!”<br />

8B Claudia Loh<br />

Taking the time to visit the Information Booths made me realise that<br />

University is not just a haven of higher education, but serves as a<br />

family. I was able to find out a lot about courses and other<br />

opportunities they offered, such as societies and clubs. It was<br />

definitely heartwarming to see University representatives talk about<br />

their Universities and their cities with enthusiasm and passion!<br />

The University Fair helped me strengthen my passion for Medicine.<br />

Throughout the interactive booths and the seminars, my knowledge<br />

of the Medical field increased enormously. I was able to ask many<br />

questions and gain more insight into the Medical courses offered.<br />

The University Fair has made me more certain and determined of<br />

my future career in Medicine and it has opened my eyes to the<br />

myriad possibilities University will offer. Thank you to our Principals<br />

and the UGC for organising this enlightening event!<br />

Page 15

Canyoning 峽 ⾕ 挑 戰<br />

Y9-Y10 Student Leadership Training<br />

From the strenuous trek up a rocky mountain to<br />

cannonballing into a bottomless plunge basin, the<br />

eventful day at Ping Nan Stream was a lasting<br />

reminder - a reminder of the importance of teamwork,<br />

of friendship, and of gratitude. A particularly memorable<br />

moment was when a friend and I had to mount the<br />

particularly slippery side of a rock formation to zipline<br />

down a waterfall – from which I learnt to challenge<br />

myself and discerned the significance of friends’<br />

support when you face a challenge head-on. All in all,<br />

the entire experience was thrilling, and I’m crossing my<br />

fingers that a similar event will be hosted again soon!<br />

<br />

Shannon Lau 9A<br />

Grace Ho 9B<br />

Canyoning was a truly unforgettable experience. The<br />

hike up to the top of the mountain was treacherous and<br />

tiring, but it was worth it for the canyoning up in the<br />

mountains. At first, I was reluctant to get myself wet, but<br />

once I slid down the waterfall, I was immediately<br />

exhilarated and couldn’t help but laugh; I felt so happy<br />

and free. After that, we got to slide down a string and into<br />

a pool below. I had so much fun that I even went up to<br />

slide down again. I also got to slowly lower myself down<br />

a waterfall using a rope. However, the most challenging<br />

part was when I jumped into a pool from a rock that was<br />

2 metres high up. I was extremely scared while looking<br />

down at the water, and was very hesitant, and backed<br />

down when I was about to jump. However, I tried again a<br />

second time and, through the encouragement of my<br />

peers, was able to jump down. I felt very accomplished,<br />

as I broke through my limits. This trip also helped me<br />

bond with my peers; we helped each other out while<br />

climbing on slippery rocks and big drops. Overall, the trip<br />

was extremely fun and also improved my teamwork<br />


參 加 這 次 峽 ⾕ 挑 戰 開 始 是 因 為 ⾃⼰ 第 ⼀ 次 當<br />

選 班 ⻑, 看 到 宣 傳 海 報 所 列 出 的 諸 多 益 處 , 就 抱<br />

著 ⼀ 試 的 ⼼ 態 , 想 藉 此 機 會 提 升 ⾃⼰ 的 領 導 能<br />

⼒, 希 望 ⾃⼰⾯ 對 問 題 時 能 更 加 沉 著 。<br />

開 始 的 幾 次 訓 練 和 聚 會 都 很 順 利 ,⼤ 家 輕 鬆<br />

以 對 , 可 是 在 後 來 把 地 點 改 到 了 更 具 挑 戰 性 的 屏<br />

南 ⽯ 澗 , 雖 然 依 然 保 證 安 全 性 , 但 這 無 疑 像 ⼀ 塊<br />

⼤⽯, 在 我 ⼼ 中 濺 起 些 許 對 未 知 的 不 確 定 。 想 起<br />

前 段 時 間 的 付 出 , 我 不 想 前 功 盡 棄 , 況 且 「⽴ 志<br />

不 堅 , 終 不 濟 事 」, 做 出 理 性 的 抉 擇 後 就 不 該 逃<br />

避 , 在 ⼀ 條 道 路 上 勇 往 直 前 是 成 功 必 要 的 品 質 。<br />

和 預 期 不 同 , 挑 戰 前 半 部 分 的 爬 ⼭ 涉 ⽔ 是<br />

⽐ 較 輕 鬆 的 , 特 別 是 在 腿 腳 微 酸 後 , 找 ⼀ 塊 岩 ⽯<br />

坐 下 , 把 腳 浸 在 清 澈 ⾒ 底 的 溪 ⽔ 中 , 聽 著 嘩 嘩 的<br />

流 ⽔ 和 不 遠 處 ⿃ 兒 的 歌 唱 交 織 成 ⼤ 地 和 ⽔ 的 氣<br />

息 ,⼊ 秋 後 的 ⾵ 涼 涼 地 撫 摸 著 臉 , 正 好 散 去 運 動<br />

帶 來 的 紅 暈 , 也 不 失 為 ⼀ 種 享 受 。 正 當 我 開 始 鬆<br />

懈 ,⼀ 幕 ⽔ 簾 赫 然 聳 ⽴ 在 眼 前 , 阻 隔 這 我 們 前 進<br />

的 道 路 ,⽽ 它 似 乎 越 來 越 寬 , 延 伸 到 無 盡 的 天<br />

邊 , 幾 乎 可 以 吞 噬 ⼀ 切 造 物 , 在 天 際 的 ⾼ 處 向 它<br />

發 起 對 挑 戰 , 彷 彿 必 敗 的 這 種 壓 迫 感 , 使 我 感 受<br />

到 了 ⼀ 種 對 ⼤⾃ 然 的 敬 畏 和 震 撼 , 可 更 多 的 是 知<br />

道 要 跳 下 瀑 布 才 能 ⾛ 出 去 時 , 直 覺 上 的 恐 懼 , 需<br />

要 ⼀ 種 破 釜 沉 ⾈ 的 勇 氣 。<br />

當 隊 友 們 ⼀ 個 個 成 功 地 完 成 挑 戰 , 順 利 到 達<br />

彼 岸 , 我 卻 經 歷 了 ⼼ 裡 ⼀ 次 次 的 ⾾ 爭 , 甚 ⾄ 想 要<br />

原 路 返 回 。 終 於 輪 到 我 時 , 汗 ⽔ 從 我 的 髮 間 滴<br />

下 , 在 岩 ⽯ 中 掙 扎 ⽽ 揮 發 , 映 射 著 我 內 ⼼ 的 倒<br />

影 ,⼀ 種 ⾼ 度 的 迷 失 碰 撞 , 對 ⽣ 命 意 義 的 思 考 。<br />

此 刻 ,⽼ 師 隊 友 們 的 ⿎ 舞 響 應 在 我 腦 中 , 這 讓 我<br />

想 起 了 《top gun: maverick》 中 主 ⻆⿎ 勵 ⾃⼰ 的<br />

「 不 要 想 , 直 接 做 」, 我 必 須 越 過 這 ⼀ 關 。「⾶<br />

流 直 下 三 千 尺 , 疑 是 銀 河 落 九 天 」, 那 是 我 經 歷<br />

過 最 ⻑ 的 ⼀ 段 距 離 。 觸 碰 到 ⽔⾯ 上 , 我 的 臉 是 溫<br />

熱 的 , 這 是 ⼀ 種 對 ⾃ 我 的 突 破 , 我 將 來 回 想 時 ,<br />

⼀ 定 歷 歷 在 ⽬。<br />

<br />

Bob Shen 沈 睿 李 麟 10E<br />

Page 21

獨 ⽊⾈ 之 旅<br />

<br />

The Kayaking Trip<br />

Matt Yip 葉 洺 澔 7F<br />

看 著 眼 前 這 張 ⼤ 合 照 , 獨 ⽊⾈ 在 恬 靜<br />

的 海 ⾯ 上 休 息 , 和 蔚 藍 的 天 空 互 相 映 襯 , 那 難<br />

忘 的 經 歷 在 我 腦 中 浮 現 ...<br />

回 想 當 時 , 我 收 到 獨 ⽊⾈ 之 旅 的 通 告 時 ,<br />

其 實 不 太 想 參 加 , 與 其 在 ⾵⾼ 浪 急 的 海 上 掙<br />

扎 , 不 如 到 泳 池 獨 ⾃ 暢 泳 更 ⾃ 在 。<br />

出 乎 意 料 , 這 次 划 獨 ⽊⾈ 的 旅 程 真 是 獲 益<br />

良 多 ! 雖 然 途 中 的 困 難 重 重 , 但 最 終 成 功 完 成<br />

任 務 的 滿 ⾜ 感 是 無 可 媲 美 的 。 這 其 中 , 我 們 彼<br />

此 配 合 , 順 利 地 到 達 ⽬ 的 地 。 團 體 合 作 有 多 重<br />

要 啊 ! 我 們 要 和 團 隊 好 好 計 劃 才 ⾏ 動 , 不 要 匆<br />

匆 忙 忙 地 直 接 開 始 , 才 能 破 解 困 難 。<br />

另 外 , 獨 ⽊⾈ 對 體 ⼒ 需 求 也 是 ⾮ 常 ⾼, 相<br />

信 很 多 ⼈ 也 會 想 半 途 ⽽ 廢 ,⼀⾛ 了 之 。 這 次 經<br />

驗 能 夠 考 驗 我 們 堅 毅 不 拔 的 意 志 。 我 和 隊 友 划<br />

獨 ⽊⾈ 時 筋 疲 ⼒ 盡 , 每 當 想 放 棄 之 際 都 咬 ⽛ 堅<br />

持 了 下 來 。 我 發 現 只 要 有 毅 ⼒, 就 能 開 啟 成 功<br />

之 路 , 凡 事 可 成 真 !<br />

原 來 踏 出 舒 適 圈 可 以 令 我 有 意 想 不 到 的 收<br />

穫 。 下 次 我 ⼀ 定 會 毫 無 懸 念 地 接 受 任 何 挑 戰 。<br />

Page 22

Looking back at the kayaking session I had with my classmates, I feel grateful for being able<br />

to kayak with them by my side and for having a leadership opportunity. Three factors make<br />

up leadership. Those include courage, responsibility and teamwork. Within that one day of<br />

kayaking experience, my classmates and I have certainly learnt these leadership qualities<br />

and can successfully apply them. For example, my friend Bryan Li was my kayaking<br />

teammate, meaning we'd be stuck together for the rest of the day. His teamwork skills are<br />

extraordinary, and his determination not to give up even though we're already exhausted<br />

makes me admire him. Charis Lo, another classmate, was hardworking and proactive. She<br />

kept a positive mindset and was willing to volunteer in kayaking practice activities. In the end,<br />

I think it’s safe to say that kayaking has made all of us closer together and was indeed an<br />

excellent experience.<br />

Oscar Fong 8C<br />

Isabel Ko 8F<br />

On the 15th October, the class monitors and chairpersons of year 7 and 8 went on a<br />

kayaking trip together. The trip was fun and enlightening, and it helped train up our<br />

leadership skills. <br />

The kayaking trip allowed me to learn and practise a lot of different skills. It wasn't as simple<br />

as just learning how to kayak. No, other skills were also tested in this interesting activity.<br />

One of the leadership skills that was trained in this trip is the ability to take on challenges.<br />

Despite having never gone kayaking before, I decided to give it a try instead of shrinking<br />

away from such a challenge. Without the ability to take on challenges, I would have never<br />

had the courage to agree to go to this activity. <br />

Furthermore, my teamwork skills were also put to the test. I had to work well with my partner<br />

in order to be able to follow instructions and complete the set tasks. Without proper<br />

communication skills, it would not have been possible.<br />

All in all, this kayaking trip went much better than I ever expected. I had a lot of fun with my<br />

friends and also learned a lot. I am glad I was given such an amazing opportunity.

Secondary<br />

<br />

The 4th of November was activity day, where we, as a class, could go anywhere we wanted as long as it involved<br />

physical activities. Then on Tuesday, another factor was thrown in. The observatory forecasted the weather to be<br />

mildly rainy and mildly sunny. This meant we had to go indoors, and that would mean the negation of the hardfought<br />

decision. Our Form Tutor, Mr. Wong, decided to suggest coming back to school. A quarter of our class<br />

were displeased with this idea, but a surprising seventy-five percent of us actively approved. <br />

On Friday morning, it did rain indeed, and the whole class was awakened to the sound of classmates sending the<br />

confirmation message in the class chat, so instead of jumping in excitement of a trip, we dragged ourselves to<br />

school, and without the privilege of school buses. The meet up time was 8:30, half an hour later than normal<br />

school days, which loosened time restraints.<br />

Moreover, I was glad to see my classmates in a more casual setting, and I wasn’t too dissatisfied at this decision<br />

anymore. Once most of the students, as well as the two accompanying teachers Ms. Yip and Mr. Wu, arrived, we<br />

went up to the drama room on the sixth floor. We started with a very classic Cantonese game, a dollar and cents,<br />

to wake us up. When the atmosphere was finally climbing, we played a game called snatch.<br />

Then we decided to use the tag idea, but only across the secondary section. The students frantically ran down<br />

corridors while the catchers, Mr. Wong, Ms. Yip and Mr. Wu gave us a head start. The floor was still a little wet at<br />

the outdoor staircase, and I slipped. Freeman, who was watching out for me, caught me in time, and I was not<br />

hurt. Thank Heavens!<br />

Thankfully, two classmates brought<br />

along their Nintendo Switches, and some<br />

people were dancing in the room. It<br />

looked and felt better than my<br />

judgmental mind thought Activity Day at<br />

school would be. <br />

Eventually, I followed the majority of the<br />

class to the indoor gym on the rooftop. I<br />

was never really interested in volleyball,<br />

but I did join in. We even decided to<br />

battle the Year 11s, although we lost.<br />

The “physical activities” requirement was<br />

thus met.<br />

I expected the three and a half hours at<br />

school to be a constant attempt to burn<br />

time as fast as possible, but our class<br />

actually enjoyed it. By the time we left<br />

school, the sun was already out, the<br />

earth was dry, and our Activity Day was<br />

successfully complete.<br />

Page 27<br />

Enoch Wong 8D

With fond memories of the last activity day from more than four years prior in my mind, I was looking forward to<br />

another day spent with my new form class outside of school, wondering what dynamics would develop and how<br />

much closer we would become. I saw activity day as an opportunity for us classmates, usually scattered like stars<br />

over different social groups and subject classes, to come together with no distractions, and to form new<br />

friendships.<br />

We roamed through shops lining the streets of Cheung Chau that housed unique, stylistic products, ranging from<br />

shimmering, delicate accessories to large posters with cartoon depictions of Hong Kong street foods. There was a<br />

feeling of tranquillity as we browsed in silence, not wanting to disturb the peaceful quiet, lest we break the magic<br />

held in each respectable business display space. Though few words were exchanged, I felt a sense of comfortable<br />

acceptance as my classmates and I each indulged in our own interests, occasionally exchanging light remarks and<br />

commentary as we shared interesting<br />

discoveries with each other.<br />

By the seaside, waves crashed against<br />

the coast lined with rock armour, the<br />

backing track to our delirious laughter as<br />

we sprinted down the narrow path,<br />

racing each other blindly in a burst of<br />

pure carefreeness. Panting, we stepped<br />

down the slope and lowered ourselves<br />

onto the large boulders, helping each<br />

other find our footing in a simple show of<br />

mutual care. As we admired the view,<br />

talked, and laughed together, I felt<br />

incredibly at ease with my friends. With<br />

each click of a camera, I felt grateful for<br />

as many documentations of our time on<br />

the island as possible, already knowing I<br />

would look back on this day fondly, much<br />

like the activity days to come before.<br />

As the minute hand inched closer and<br />

closer to noon, we found ourselves<br />

rushing back to the pier to arrive at the<br />

rendezvous spot. Activity day was coming to a close, and we reluctantly parted ways once more, with some<br />

returning on ferry and others staying behind for lunch, grasping for a few more moments of togetherness. This trip<br />

was fulfilling in how it brought us closer and had us create unforgettable memories, and I hope this was only the<br />

prelude to the full story of our relationship as a class, or even as friends.<br />

Remie Cheng 11D

Primary Participation Award<br />

Minecraft is a very popular game. You build, survive, and<br />

craft in your very own fantasy, and then dwell in a limitless<br />

world. Us, a team of 6 Primary students, built a sustainable<br />

city using over 10,000 blocks.<br />

Though the process was long, it was never tedious. We<br />

spent the summer break pouring our heart and soul into this<br />

project, slowly progressing, our sweat the foundation of the<br />

city. Not long after the new school year started, our project<br />

was finally finished. It was, to us, perfect. Hah! Just kidding.<br />

Although we finally finished this marathon, the roads were<br />

steep and bumpy, and in some cases, we had to build these<br />

roads. During this competition, one of our valued team<br />

members relocated halfway across the world. Needless to<br />

say, due to the difference in time zones, it was an immense<br />

challenge to schedule sessions in which we could create<br />

together. Nonetheless, we organised ourselves and each had<br />

our own duties and activities to attend to.<br />

We didn't win this competition, but we accomplished the<br />

prize of teamwork, as we learned from this experience. Also,<br />

we appreciated all the effort of our teacher, Mr. Clement<br />

Chan, in his own free time to help us with our competition. If<br />

you want to know more about this competition, please come to<br />

5A class anytime and we'll be more than happy to tell you<br />

more about it!<br />

4A Harley Chan, 4A Celine Ho, 4A Aiden Hui<br />

4A Hailey Kan, 4A Gigi Lam, 4ADarius Shiu<br />

"We spent the summer break pouring<br />

our heart and soul into this project..."

Awards<br />

Overall Champion Award<br />

Best School Build Silver<br />

Award<br />

Best Random Build Gold<br />

Award<br />

Best HK Landmark Gold<br />

Award<br />

Best Presentation Award<br />

(Campus)<br />

Best Presentation Award<br />


This is a year where many of my class of 2019<br />

classmates are becoming university graduates<br />

while I am in the fourth year of dentistry. I am sure<br />

all of us felt a sudden weight on our shoulders<br />

because time flies so quickly yet so quietly. Second<br />

year into my clinic life, I found a new experience<br />

and challenge in my training while dealing with real<br />

patients instead of phantom heads in the<br />

simulation labs. There are no school bells to define<br />

a line between being on and off from work, I still<br />

have to arrange appointments with patients, revise<br />

and practice to perfect my dental work after<br />

school. Perhaps it is the profound sense of reward<br />

or the urge to reciprocate patients’ trust that<br />

drives me forward. It could be the small things like<br />

a patient saying thank you, or when they start<br />

confiding in you like a friend.<br />

One thing I appreciate CKY the most was the<br />

opportunities to explore every possible interest I<br />

have which helped me to find out what I am truly<br />

passionate about. My advice is to join as many<br />

activities as you can, have as much fun as you can<br />

and enjoy the tight-knit community here. This is<br />

what I missed having the most going through ups<br />

and downs in university.<br />

Ellie Tsui<br />

(Class of 2019)<br />

After the inauguration for the start of my clinic practice.<br />

"One thing I appreciate CKY the most<br />

was the opportunities to explore<br />

every possible interest I have..."<br />

Helping out in the GSK booth at the HKIDEAS (Hong<br />

Kong International Dental Expo & Symposium)

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