The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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herring for breakfast on the reg. Maybe his mother had wantedhim to follow in her footsteps and become a diplomat, but hisshiny personality had emerged and she’d given up on thatdream. Olive found herself acutely eager to know more abouthis upbringing, which was . . . weird. Very weird.“Here you go.” Their drinks appeared on the counter. Olivetold herself that the way the blond barista was obviouslychecking out Adam as he turned to retrieve a lid for his cupwas none of her business. She also reminded herself that ascurious as she was about his diplomat mother, how manylanguages he spoke, and whether he liked tulips, it wasinformation that went well beyond their arrangement.People had seen them together. They were going to go backto their labs and tell improbable tales of Dr. Adam Carlsen andthe random, unremarkable student they’d spotted him with.Time for Olive to go back to her science.She cleared her throat. “Well. This was fun.”He looked up from his cup, surprised. “Is fake-datingWednesday over?”“Yep. Great job, team, now hit the showers. You’re freeuntil next week.” Olive stabbed her straw into her drink andtook a sip, feeling the sugar explode in her mouth. Whatevershe’d ordered, it was disgustingly good. She was probablydeveloping diabetes as she spoke. “I’ll see you—”“Where were you born?” Adam asked before she couldleave.Oh. They were doing this, then. He was probably justtrying to be polite, and Olive sighed inwardly, thinkinglongingly of her lab bench. “Toronto.”“Right. You’re Canadian,” he said, like he’d alreadyknown.“Yep.”

“When did you move here?”“Eight years ago. For college.”He nodded, as if storing up the information. “Why the US?Canada has excellent schools.”“I got a full ride.” It was true. If not the whole truth.He fidgeted with the cardboard cup holder. “Do you goback a lot?”“Not really, no.” Olive licked some whipped cream off herstraw. She was puzzled when he immediately looked awayfrom her.“Do you plan to move back home once you graduate?”She tensed. “Not if I can help it.” She had lots of painfulmemories in Canada, and her only family, the people shewanted nearby, were Anh and Malcolm, both US citizens.Olive and Anh had even made a pact that if Olive was ever onthe verge of losing her visa, Anh would marry her. Inhindsight, this entire fake-dating business with Adam wasgoing to be great practice for when Olive leveled up andstarted defrauding the Department of Homeland Security inearnest.Adam nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Favorite color?”Olive opened her mouth to tell him her favorite color,which was so much better than his, and . . . “Dammit.”He gave her a knowing look. “Difficult, isn’t it?”“There are so many good ones.”“Yup.”“I’m going to go with blue. Light blue. No, wait!”“Mmm.”“Let’s say white. Okay, white.”

“When did you move here?”

“Eight years ago. For college.”

He nodded, as if storing up the information. “Why the US?

Canada has excellent schools.”

“I got a full ride.” It was true. If not the whole truth.

He fidgeted with the cardboard cup holder. “Do you go

back a lot?”

“Not really, no.” Olive licked some whipped cream off her

straw. She was puzzled when he immediately looked away

from her.

“Do you plan to move back home once you graduate?”

She tensed. “Not if I can help it.” She had lots of painful

memories in Canada, and her only family, the people she

wanted nearby, were Anh and Malcolm, both US citizens.

Olive and Anh had even made a pact that if Olive was ever on

the verge of losing her visa, Anh would marry her. In

hindsight, this entire fake-dating business with Adam was

going to be great practice for when Olive leveled up and

started defrauding the Department of Homeland Security in


Adam nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Favorite color?”

Olive opened her mouth to tell him her favorite color,

which was so much better than his, and . . . “Dammit.”

He gave her a knowing look. “Difficult, isn’t it?”

“There are so many good ones.”


“I’m going to go with blue. Light blue. No, wait!”


“Let’s say white. Okay, white.”

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