The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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There was a certainty, a finality in his tone that took her bysurprise. She could only nod, even though she wanted toprotest that he couldn’t possibly know, even though a millionquestions surfaced in her mind. Ninety-nine percent of themwere inappropriate and not her business, so she shooed themaway.“Okay. Fourth. We obviously can’t keep on doing thisforever, so we should give ourselves a deadline.”His lips pressed together. “When would that be?”“I’m not sure. A month or so would probably be enough toconvince Anh that I’m firmly over Jeremy. But it might not beenough on your end, so . . . you tell me.”He mulled it, and then nodded once. “September twentyninth.”It was a little over a month from now. But also . . . “That’sa weirdly specific date.” Olive racked her head, trying tofigure out why it could be meaningful. The only thing thatcame to mind was that she’d be in Boston that week for theannual biology conference.“It’s the day after the department’s final budget review. Ifthey don’t release my funds by then, they won’t release themat all.”“I see. Well, then, let’s agree that on September twentyninthwe part ways. I’ll tell Anh that our breakup wasamicable but that I’m a little sad about it because I still have abit of a crush on you.” She grinned at him. “Just so she won’tsuspect that I’m still hung up on Jeremy. Okay.” She took adeep breath. “Fifth and last.”This was the tricky one. The one she was afraid he’d objectto. She noticed that she was wringing her hands and placedthem firmly in her lap.

“For this to work we should probably . . . do thingstogether. Every once in a while.”“Things?”“Things. Stuff.”“Stuff,” he repeated dubiously.“Yep. Stuff. What do you do for fun?” He was probablyinto something atrocious, like cow-tipping excursions orJapanese beetle fighting. Maybe he collected porcelain dolls.Maybe he was an avid geocacher. Maybe he frequented vapingconventions. Oh God.“Fun?” he repeated, like he’d never heard the word before.“Yeah. What do you do when you’re not at work?”The length of time that passed between Olive’s questionand his answer was alarming. “Sometimes I work at home,too. And I work out. And I sleep.”She had to actively stop herself from face-palming. “Um,great. Anything else?”“What do you do for fun?” he asked, somewhatdefensively.“Plenty of things. I . . .” Go to the movies. Though shehadn’t been since the last time Malcolm had dragged her. Playboard games. But every single one of her friends was too busylately, so not that, either. She’d participated in that volleyballtournament, but it had been over a year ago.“Um. I work out?” She would have loved to wipe thatsmug expression off his face. So much. “Whatever. We shoulddo something together on a regular basis. I don’t know, maybeget coffee? Like, once a week? Just for ten minutes, at a placewhere people could easily see us. I know it sounds annoyingand like a waste of time, but it’ll be super short, and it wouldmake the fake dating more credible, and—”

There was a certainty, a finality in his tone that took her by

surprise. She could only nod, even though she wanted to

protest that he couldn’t possibly know, even though a million

questions surfaced in her mind. Ninety-nine percent of them

were inappropriate and not her business, so she shooed them


“Okay. Fourth. We obviously can’t keep on doing this

forever, so we should give ourselves a deadline.”

His lips pressed together. “When would that be?”

“I’m not sure. A month or so would probably be enough to

convince Anh that I’m firmly over Jeremy. But it might not be

enough on your end, so . . . you tell me.”

He mulled it, and then nodded once. “September twentyninth.”

It was a little over a month from now. But also . . . “That’s

a weirdly specific date.” Olive racked her head, trying to

figure out why it could be meaningful. The only thing that

came to mind was that she’d be in Boston that week for the

annual biology conference.

“It’s the day after the department’s final budget review. If

they don’t release my funds by then, they won’t release them

at all.”

“I see. Well, then, let’s agree that on September twentyninth

we part ways. I’ll tell Anh that our breakup was

amicable but that I’m a little sad about it because I still have a

bit of a crush on you.” She grinned at him. “Just so she won’t

suspect that I’m still hung up on Jeremy. Okay.” She took a

deep breath. “Fifth and last.”

This was the tricky one. The one she was afraid he’d object

to. She noticed that she was wringing her hands and placed

them firmly in her lap.

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