The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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unresponsive to my brain’s commands. I stand there, terrified,

paralyzed, and close my eyes as a jumbled chaos of thoughts

twists through my head. Is the cat okay? Am I going to die?

Oh God, I am going to die. Squashed by a tungsten anvil like

Wile E. Coyote. I am a twenty-first century Pierre Curie, about

to get my skull crushed by a horse-drawn cart. Except that I

have no chair in the physics department of the University of

Paris to leave to my lovely spouse, Marie. Except that I have

barely done a tenth of all the science I meant to do. Except

that I wanted so many things and I never oh my God any

second now—

Something slams into my body, shoving me aside and into

the wall.

Everything is pain.

For a couple of seconds. Then the pain is over, and

everything is noise: metal clanking as it plunges to the floor,

horrified screaming, a shrill “meow” somewhere in the

distance, and, closer to my ear . . . someone is panting. Less

than an inch from me.

I open my eyes, gasping for breath, and . . .


All I can see is green. Not dark, like the grass outside; not

dull, like the pistachios I had on the plane. This green is light,

piercing, intense. Familiar, but hard to place, not unlike—

Eyes. I’m looking up into the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen.

Eyes that I’ve seen before. Eyes surrounded by wavy black

hair and a face that’s angles and sharp edges and full lips, a

face that’s offensively, imperfectly handsome. A face attached

to a large, solid body—a body that is pinning me to the wall, a

body made of a broad chest and two thighs that could

moonlight as redwoods. Easily. One is slotted between my legs

and it’s holding me up. Unyielding. This man even smells like

a forest—and that mouth. That mouth is still breathing heavily

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