The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“But the thing is, type II error is bad, too.”

Her eyes bore into his, hesitant and urgent all at once. She

was frightened—so frightened by what she was about to say.

But also exhilarated for him to finally know. Determined to get

it out.

“Yes,” he agreed slowly, confused. “False negatives are

bad, too.”

“That’s the thing with science. We’re drilled to believe that

false positives are bad, but false negatives are just as

terrifying.” She swallowed. “Not being able to see something,

even if it’s in front of your eyes. Purposefully making yourself

blind, just because you’re afraid of seeing too much.”

“Are you saying that statistics graduate education is


She exhaled a laugh, suddenly flushed, even in the dark

cool of the night. Her eyes were starting to sting. “Maybe. But

also . . . I think that I have been inadequate. And I don’t want

to be, not anymore.”

“Olive.” He took one step closer, just a few inches. Not

enough to crowd, but plenty for her to feel his warmth. “Are

you okay?”

“There have been . . . so many things that have happened,

before I even met you, and I think they messed me up a little.

I’ve mostly lived in fear of being alone, and . . . I’ll tell you

about them, if you want. First, I have to figure it out on my

own, why shielding myself with a bunch of lies seemed like a

better idea than admitting even one ounce of truth. But I

think . . .”

She took a deep, shuddering breath. There was a tear, one

single tear that she could feel sliding down her cheek. Adam

saw it and mouthed her name.

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