The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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investigator of the grant they were awarded. Tom is . . . well,replaceable. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very good scientist,but most of his fame is due to him having been our formeradviser’s best and brightest. He inherited a lab that was analready well-oiled machine and kept it going. Adam createdhis own research line from the ground up, and . . . I think hetends to forget how good he is. Which is probably for the best,because he’s already pretty insufferable.” He huffed. “Can youimagine if he had a big ego, too?”Olive laughed at that, and the sound came out oddly wet.When she raised her hands to her cheeks, she was notsurprised to find them glistening. Apparently, weeping silentlywas her new baseline state.“The last thing,” Holden continued, unbothered by thewaterworks, “is something you probably do not know.” Hepaused. “Adam has been recruited by a lot of institutions in thepast. A lot. He’s been offered money, prestigious positions,unlimited access to facilities and equipment. That includesHarvard—this year was not their first attempt at bringing himin. But it’s the first time he’s agreed to interview. And he onlyagreed after you decided to go work in Tom’s lab.” He gaveher a gentle smile, and then looked away, beginning to collecthis things and slide them inside his backpack. “Make of thatwhat you will, Olive.”

Chapter TwentyHYPOTHESIS: People who cross me will come to regret it.She had to lie.Again.It was becoming a bit of a habit, and while she spun anelaborate tale for the secretary of Harvard’s biologydepartment, one in which she was a grad student of Dr.Carlsen’s who needed to track him down immediately to relaya crucial message in person, she swore to herself that thiswould be the last time. It was too stressful. Too difficult. Notworth the strain on her cardiovascular and psychophysicalhealth.Plus, she sucked at it. The department secretary didn’t looklike she believed a word of what Olive said, but she must havedecided that there was no harm in telling her where thebiology faculty had taken Adam out for dinner—according toYelp, a fancy restaurant that was less than a ten-minute Uberride away. Olive looked down at her ripped jeans and lilacConverse and wondered if they’d let her in. Then shewondered if Adam would be mad. Then she wondered if shewas making a mistake and screwing up her own life, Adam’slife, her Uber driver’s life. She was very tempted to change herdestination to the conference hotel when the car pulled up tothe curb, and the driver—Sarah Helen, according to the app—turned around with a smile. “Here we are.”“Thank you.” Olive started getting out of the passengerseat and found that she couldn’t move her legs.

investigator of the grant they were awarded. Tom is . . . well,

replaceable. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very good scientist,

but most of his fame is due to him having been our former

adviser’s best and brightest. He inherited a lab that was an

already well-oiled machine and kept it going. Adam created

his own research line from the ground up, and . . . I think he

tends to forget how good he is. Which is probably for the best,

because he’s already pretty insufferable.” He huffed. “Can you

imagine if he had a big ego, too?”

Olive laughed at that, and the sound came out oddly wet.

When she raised her hands to her cheeks, she was not

surprised to find them glistening. Apparently, weeping silently

was her new baseline state.

“The last thing,” Holden continued, unbothered by the

waterworks, “is something you probably do not know.” He

paused. “Adam has been recruited by a lot of institutions in the

past. A lot. He’s been offered money, prestigious positions,

unlimited access to facilities and equipment. That includes

Harvard—this year was not their first attempt at bringing him

in. But it’s the first time he’s agreed to interview. And he only

agreed after you decided to go work in Tom’s lab.” He gave

her a gentle smile, and then looked away, beginning to collect

his things and slide them inside his backpack. “Make of that

what you will, Olive.”

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