The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“You need to tell him. And then the two of you need toreport Benton’s ass and get him kicked out of academia.”“No, I . . . I can’t.”“Ol, listen to me. What Tom said is sexual harassment.There is no way Adam wouldn’t believe you—not to mentionthat you have a recording.”“It doesn’t matter.”“Of course it does!”Olive wiped her cheeks with her palms. “If I tell Adam,he’s not going to want to collaborate with Tom anymore, andthe project they’re working on is too important to him. Not tomention that he wants to move to Harvard next year, and—”Anh snorted. “No, he doesn’t.”“Yes. He told me that—”“Ol, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s head over feet.There is no way he’ll want to move to Boston if you’re notgoing—and I’m sure as hell not letting you go work for thisdipshit . . . What?” Her eyes darted from Olive to Malcolm,who were exchanging a long glance. “Why are you guyslooking at each other like that? And why are you making yourinside-joke faces?”Malcolm sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “OkayAnh, listen carefully. And before you ask—no, I’m not makingthis up. This is real life.” He took a deep breath before starting.“Carlsen and Olive never dated. They pretended so you’dbelieve that Olive wasn’t into Jeremy anymore—which shenever was in the first place. Not sure what Carlsen was gettingout of the arrangement, I forgot to ask. But halfway throughthe fake-dating Olive caught feelings for Carlsen, proceeded tolie to him about it, and pretended to be in love with someoneelse. But then . . .” He gave Olive a side glance. “Well. I didn’twant to be nosy, but judging from the fact that the other day

only one bed in this hotel room was unmade, I’m pretty surethere have been some . . . recent developments.”It was so painfully accurate, Olive had to bury her face inher knees. Just in time to hear Anh say, “This is not real life.”“It is.”“Nuh-uh. This is a Hallmark movie. Or a poorly writtenyoung adult novel. That will not sell well. Olive, tell Malcolmto keep his day job, he’ll never make it as a writer.”Olive made herself look up, and Anh’s frown was thedeepest she’d ever seen. “It’s true, Anh. I am so sorry I lied toyou. I didn’t want to, but—”“You fake-dated Adam Carlsen?”Olive nodded.“God, I knew that kiss was weird.”She lifted her hands defensively. “Anh, I’m sorry—”“You fake-dated Adam. Fucking. Carlsen?”“It seemed like a good idea, and—”“But I saw you kiss him! In the biology building parkinglot!”“Only because you forced me to—”“But you sat on his lap!”“Once again, you forced me to—not the coolest moment inour friendship, by the way—”“But you put sunscreen on him! In front of at least onehundred people!”“Only because someone put me up to it. Do you sense apattern?”Anh shook her head, as if suddenly appalled at her ownactions. “I just—you guys looked so good together! It was so

“You need to tell him. And then the two of you need to

report Benton’s ass and get him kicked out of academia.”

“No, I . . . I can’t.”

“Ol, listen to me. What Tom said is sexual harassment.

There is no way Adam wouldn’t believe you—not to mention

that you have a recording.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it does!”

Olive wiped her cheeks with her palms. “If I tell Adam,

he’s not going to want to collaborate with Tom anymore, and

the project they’re working on is too important to him. Not to

mention that he wants to move to Harvard next year, and—”

Anh snorted. “No, he doesn’t.”

“Yes. He told me that—”

“Ol, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s head over feet.

There is no way he’ll want to move to Boston if you’re not

going—and I’m sure as hell not letting you go work for this

dipshit . . . What?” Her eyes darted from Olive to Malcolm,

who were exchanging a long glance. “Why are you guys

looking at each other like that? And why are you making your

inside-joke faces?”

Malcolm sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Okay

Anh, listen carefully. And before you ask—no, I’m not making

this up. This is real life.” He took a deep breath before starting.

“Carlsen and Olive never dated. They pretended so you’d

believe that Olive wasn’t into Jeremy anymore—which she

never was in the first place. Not sure what Carlsen was getting

out of the arrangement, I forgot to ask. But halfway through

the fake-dating Olive caught feelings for Carlsen, proceeded to

lie to him about it, and pretended to be in love with someone

else. But then . . .” He gave Olive a side glance. “Well. I didn’t

want to be nosy, but judging from the fact that the other day

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