The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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like having a thousand little splinters pressed deep into a freshwound. It brought back every single word Tom had said to her,all his lies and his truths and his mocking insults, and . . .Adam must have known. As soon as he put her down, hegathered everything that was conference related and stuck it ona chair facing the windows, where it was hidden from theirsight, and Olive . . . She could have hugged him. She wasn’tgoing to—she already had, twice today—but she really couldhave. Instead she resolutely pushed all those little splinters outof her mind, plopped herself down on her bed belly up, andstared at the ceiling.She’d thought it would be awkward, being with him insuch a small space for a whole night. And it was a little bit, orat least it had been when she’d first arrived earlier today, butnow she felt calm and safe. Like her world, constantly hecticand messy and demanding, was slowing down. Easing up, justa bit.The bedcover rustled under her head when she turned tolook at Adam. He seemed relaxed, too, as he draped his jacketagainst the back of a chair, then took off his watch and set itneatly on the desk. The casual domesticity of it—the thoughtthat his day and hers would end in the same place, at the sametime—soothed her like a slow caress down her spine.“Thank you. For buying me food.”He glanced at her, crinkling his nose. “I don’t know thatthere was any food involved.”She smiled, rolling to her side. “You’re not going outagain?”“Out?”“Yeah. To meet other very important science people? Eatanother seven pounds of edamame?”

“I think I’ve had enough networking and edamame for thisdecade.” He took off his shoes and socks, and set them neatlyby the bed.“You’re staying in, then?”He paused and looked at her. “Unless you’d rather bealone?”No, I would not. She propped herself up on her elbow.“Let’s watch a movie.”Adam blinked at her. “Sure.” He sounded surprised but notdispleased. “But if your taste in movies is anything like yourtaste in restaurants, it’ll probably—”He didn’t see the pillow coming at him. It bounced off hisface and then fell to the floor, making Olive giggle and springoff the bed. “You mind if I shower, before?”“You smart-ass.”She started rummaging through her suitcase. “You can pickthe movie! I don’t care which one, as long as there are noscenes in which horses are killed, because it— Crap.”“What?”“I forgot my pajamas.” She looked for her phone in thepockets of her coat. It wasn’t there, and she realized that shehadn’t brought it with her to the restaurant. “Have you seenmy— Oh, there it is.”The battery was almost dead, probably because she hadforgotten to turn off the recording after her talk. She hadn’tchecked her messages in a few hours, and found severalunread texts—mostly from Anh and Malcolm, asking herwhere she was and if she still planned to come to the social,telling her to get her ass there ASAP because “the booze isflowing like a river,” and then, finally, just informing her thatthey were all going downtown to a bar. Anh must have been

“I think I’ve had enough networking and edamame for this

decade.” He took off his shoes and socks, and set them neatly

by the bed.

“You’re staying in, then?”

He paused and looked at her. “Unless you’d rather be


No, I would not. She propped herself up on her elbow.

“Let’s watch a movie.”

Adam blinked at her. “Sure.” He sounded surprised but not

displeased. “But if your taste in movies is anything like your

taste in restaurants, it’ll probably—”

He didn’t see the pillow coming at him. It bounced off his

face and then fell to the floor, making Olive giggle and spring

off the bed. “You mind if I shower, before?”

“You smart-ass.”

She started rummaging through her suitcase. “You can pick

the movie! I don’t care which one, as long as there are no

scenes in which horses are killed, because it— Crap.”


“I forgot my pajamas.” She looked for her phone in the

pockets of her coat. It wasn’t there, and she realized that she

hadn’t brought it with her to the restaurant. “Have you seen

my— Oh, there it is.”

The battery was almost dead, probably because she had

forgotten to turn off the recording after her talk. She hadn’t

checked her messages in a few hours, and found several

unread texts—mostly from Anh and Malcolm, asking her

where she was and if she still planned to come to the social,

telling her to get her ass there ASAP because “the booze is

flowing like a river,” and then, finally, just informing her that

they were all going downtown to a bar. Anh must have been

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