The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“You were a high-powered researcher, surrounded by

students who hung on your every word. And you were

answering a multiparagraph email with an uncapitalized no.”

“Nice. Was I happy?”

“Of course not.” Anh snorted. “It’s academia.”

“Ladies, the department social starts in half an hour.”

Malcolm leaned in to kiss Olive on the cheek and squeeze her

waist. When she was wearing heels, he was just a tiny bit

shorter than her. She definitely wanted a picture of the two of

them side by side. “We should go celebrate the single time

Olive managed to pronounce ‘channelrhodopsin’ right with

some free booze.”

“You dick.”

He pulled her in for a tight hug and whispered in her ear,

“You did amazing, Kalamata.” And then, louder: “Let’s go get


“Why don’t you guys go ahead? I’ll get my USB and put

my stuff back in the hotel.”

Olive made her way through the now-empty room to the

podium, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off her

shoulders. She was relaxed and relieved. Professionally, things

were starting to look up: as it turned out, with adequate

preparation she could actually string together several coherent

sentences in front of other scientists. She also had the means to

carry out her research next year, and two big names in her

field had just complimented her work. She smiled, letting her

mind wander to whether she should text Adam to tell him that

he was right, she did make it out alive; she should probably

ask how his keynote address had gone, too. If his PowerPoint

had acted up and he’d mispronounced words like

“microarrays” or “karyotyping,” whether he planned to go to

the department social. He was probably meeting up with

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