The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“What is it?”“Calories. To fuel your despair habits.”“Oh.” She accepted it and then studied the protein bar inher hands, trying not to burst out crying. It was just food.Probably a snack he’d brought for the plane ride and ended upnot eating. He didn’t need to despair, after all. He was Dr.Adam Carlsen. “Thanks. Are you . . .” The wrapping of the barcrinkled as she shifted it from one hand to another. “Are youstill coming to my talk?”“Of course. When is it exactly?”“Today at four, room 278. Session three-b. The good newsis that it partially overlaps with the keynote address, whichmeans that hopefully only a handful of people will showup . . .”His spine stiffened noticeably. Olive hesitated.“Unless you were planning to go to the keynote address?”Adam wet his lips. “I . . .”Her eyes chose that precise moment to fall to theconference badge dangling from his neck.Adam Carlsen, Ph.D.Stanford UniversityKeynote SpeakerHer jaw dropped.“Oh my God.” She looked up at him, wide-eyed, and . . .Oh God. At least he had the grace to look sheepish. “How didyou not tell me that you are the keynote speaker?”Adam scratched his jaw, oozing discomfort. “I didn’t thinkof it.”

“Oh my God,” she repeated.To be fair, it was on her. The name of the keynote speakerwas likely printed in font size 300 in the program, and all thepromotional material, not to mention the conference app andthe emails. Olive must have had her head very much up herbutt to fail to notice.“Adam.” She made to rub her eyes with her fingers, andthen thought better of it. Damn makeup. “I can’t be fakedatingSBD’s keynote speaker.”“Well, there are technically three keynote speakers, and theother two are married women in their fifties who live inEurope and Japan, so—”Olive crossed her arms on her chest and gave him a flatlook until he quieted. She couldn’t help laughing. “How didthis not come up?”“It’s not a big deal.” He shrugged. “I doubt I was their firstchoice.”“Right.” Sure. Because a person existed who’d refuse to bekeynote speaker at SBD. She tilted her head. “Did you think Iwas an idiot, when I started complaining about my ten-minutetalk that will be attended by fourteen and a half people?”“Not at all. Your reaction was understandable.” He thoughtabout it for a moment. “I do sometimes think you’re an idiot,mostly when I see you put ketchup and cream cheese onbagels.”“It’s a great mix.”He looked pained. “When are you presenting in yourpanel? Maybe I can still make it.”“No. I’m exactly halfway through.” She waved a hand,hoping to seem unconcerned. “It’s fine, really.” And it was.“I’m going to have to record myself with my iPhone, anyway.”

“Oh my God,” she repeated.

To be fair, it was on her. The name of the keynote speaker

was likely printed in font size 300 in the program, and all the

promotional material, not to mention the conference app and

the emails. Olive must have had her head very much up her

butt to fail to notice.

“Adam.” She made to rub her eyes with her fingers, and

then thought better of it. Damn makeup. “I can’t be fakedating

SBD’s keynote speaker.”

“Well, there are technically three keynote speakers, and the

other two are married women in their fifties who live in

Europe and Japan, so—”

Olive crossed her arms on her chest and gave him a flat

look until he quieted. She couldn’t help laughing. “How did

this not come up?”

“It’s not a big deal.” He shrugged. “I doubt I was their first


“Right.” Sure. Because a person existed who’d refuse to be

keynote speaker at SBD. She tilted her head. “Did you think I

was an idiot, when I started complaining about my ten-minute

talk that will be attended by fourteen and a half people?”

“Not at all. Your reaction was understandable.” He thought

about it for a moment. “I do sometimes think you’re an idiot,

mostly when I see you put ketchup and cream cheese on


“It’s a great mix.”

He looked pained. “When are you presenting in your

panel? Maybe I can still make it.”

“No. I’m exactly halfway through.” She waved a hand,

hoping to seem unconcerned. “It’s fine, really.” And it was.

“I’m going to have to record myself with my iPhone, anyway.”

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