The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“Hey.” Olive forced her face into a smile. Her heart wasdoing something weird in her chest. Beating a little tooquickly. She should probably have it checked as soon as shegot back home. One could never be too careful aboutcardiovascular health. “Hi.”He snapped his mouth closed and cleared his throat.“You’re . . .” He swallowed and shifted on his feet. “Here.”“Yep.” She nodded, still smiling. “Just arrived. My flightlanded on time, surprisingly.”Adam seemed a little slow. Maybe jet-lagged from his ownflight, or perhaps last night he’d been out late with his famousscientist friends, or with the mysterious woman Holden hadtalked about. He just stared at Olive, silent for severalmoments, and when he spoke, it was only to say, “Youlook . . .”She glanced down at her dress and heels, wondering if hereye makeup was already smudged. She’d put it on three wholeminutes ago, so it was more than likely. “Professional?”“That’s not what I . . .” Adam closed his eyes and shook hishead, as if collecting himself. “But, yes. You do. How areyou?”“Good. Fine. I mean, I wish I were dead. But aside fromthat.”He laughed silently and moved closer. “You’ll be okay.”She had thought sweaters were a good look for him, but onlybecause she’d never seen him wear a blazer. He had a secretweapon all along, she thought, trying not to stare too hard.And now he’s unleashing it. Damn him.“Agreed.” She pushed her hair back and smiled. “After Idie.”“You’re fine. You have a script. You memorized it. Yourslides are good.”

“I think they were better before you made me change thePowerPoint background.”“It was acid green.”“I know. It made me happy.”“It made me nauseous.”“Mm. Anyway, thanks again for helping me figure it out.”And for answering the 139 questions I asked. Thank you fortaking less than ten minutes to reply to my emails, every time,even when it was 5:30 a.m. and you misspelled “consensus,”which is unusual of you and makes me suspect that maybe youwere still half asleep. “And for letting me crash with you.”“No problem.”She scratched the side of her nose. “I figured you wereusing that bed, so I put my stuff here, but if you . . .” Shegestured confusedly at the room.“No, that’s where I slept last night.”“Okay.” She was not counting how many inches there werebetween the two beds. Definitely not. “So how’s theconference so far?”“Same old. I was mostly at Harvard for a few meetingswith Tom. I only got back for lunch.”Olive’s stomach rumbled loudly at the mention of food.“You okay?”“Yeah. I think I forgot to eat today.”His eyebrows arched. “I didn’t think you capable.”“Hey!” She glared at him. “The sustained levels of despairI’ve been engaging in for the past week require a staggeringnumber of calories, in case you— What are you doing?”Adam was leaning over his suitcase, rummaging forsomething that he held out to Olive.

“I think they were better before you made me change the

PowerPoint background.”

“It was acid green.”

“I know. It made me happy.”

“It made me nauseous.”

“Mm. Anyway, thanks again for helping me figure it out.”

And for answering the 139 questions I asked. Thank you for

taking less than ten minutes to reply to my emails, every time,

even when it was 5:30 a.m. and you misspelled “consensus,”

which is unusual of you and makes me suspect that maybe you

were still half asleep. “And for letting me crash with you.”

“No problem.”

She scratched the side of her nose. “I figured you were

using that bed, so I put my stuff here, but if you . . .” She

gestured confusedly at the room.

“No, that’s where I slept last night.”

“Okay.” She was not counting how many inches there were

between the two beds. Definitely not. “So how’s the

conference so far?”

“Same old. I was mostly at Harvard for a few meetings

with Tom. I only got back for lunch.”

Olive’s stomach rumbled loudly at the mention of food.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. I think I forgot to eat today.”

His eyebrows arched. “I didn’t think you capable.”

“Hey!” She glared at him. “The sustained levels of despair

I’ve been engaging in for the past week require a staggering

number of calories, in case you— What are you doing?”

Adam was leaning over his suitcase, rummaging for

something that he held out to Olive.

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