The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“Adam, I’m pretty sure that if we were to ask anyone todescribe you with one word, ‘brutal’ would come up one orten times.”She saw him stiffen before she was even done speaking,the line of his shoulders suddenly tense and rigid, his jaw tightand with a slight twitch to it. Her first instinct was toapologize, but she was not sure for what. There was nothingnew to what she’d just told him—they’d discussed his blunt,uncompromising mentoring style before, and he’d alwaystaken it in stride. Owned it, even. And yet his fists wereclenched on the table, and his eyes were darker than usual.“I . . . Adam, did I—” she stammered, but he interruptedher before she could continue.“Everyone has issues with their advisers,” he said, andthere was a finality to his tone that warned her not to finish hersentence. Not to ask What happened? Where did you just go?So she swallowed and nodded. “Dr. Aslan is . . .” Shehesitated. His knuckles were not quite as white anymore, andthe tension in his muscles was slowly dissolving. It waspossible that she’d imagined it. Yes, she must have. “She’sgreat. But sometimes I feel like she doesn’t really understandthat I need more . . .” Guidance. Support. Some practicaladvice, instead of blind encouragement. “I’m not even surewhat I need, myself. I think that might be part of the problem—I’m not very good at communicating it.”He nodded and appeared to choose his words carefully.“It’s hard, mentoring. No one teaches you how to do it. We’retrained to become scientists, but as professors, we’re also incharge of making sure that students learn to produce rigorousscience. I hold my grads accountable, and I set high standardsfor them. They’re scared of me, and that’s fine. The stakes arehigh, and if being scared means that they’re taking theirtraining seriously, then I’m okay with it.”

She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”“My job is to make sure that my adult graduate studentsdon’t become mediocre scientists. That means I’m the onewho’s tasked with demanding that they rerun their experimentsor adjust their hypotheses. It comes with the territory.”Olive had never been a people pleaser, but Adam’s attitudetoward others’ perception of him was so cavalier, it wasalmost fascinating. “Do you really not care?” she asked,curious. “That your grads might dislike you as a person?”“Nah. I don’t like them very much, either.” She thought ofJess and Alex and the other half a dozen grads and postdocsmentored by Adam whom she didn’t know very well. Thethought of him finding them as annoying as they found himdespotic made her chuckle. “To be fair, I don’t like people ingeneral.”“Right.” Don’t ask, Olive. Do not ask. “Do you like me?”A millisecond of hesitation as he pressed his lips together.“Nope. You’re a smart-ass with abysmal taste in beverages.”He traced the corner of his iPad, a small smile playing on hislips. “Send me your slides.”“My slides?”“For your talk. I’ll take a look at them.”Olive tried not to gape at him. “Oh—you . . . I’m not yourgrad. You don’t have to.”“I know.”“You really don’t have to—”“I want to,” he said, voice pitched low and even as helooked into her eyes, and Olive had to avert her gaze becausesomething felt too tight in her chest.“Okay.” She finally managed to snap out the loose threadon her sleeve. “How likely is it that your feedback will cause

She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“My job is to make sure that my adult graduate students

don’t become mediocre scientists. That means I’m the one

who’s tasked with demanding that they rerun their experiments

or adjust their hypotheses. It comes with the territory.”

Olive had never been a people pleaser, but Adam’s attitude

toward others’ perception of him was so cavalier, it was

almost fascinating. “Do you really not care?” she asked,

curious. “That your grads might dislike you as a person?”

“Nah. I don’t like them very much, either.” She thought of

Jess and Alex and the other half a dozen grads and postdocs

mentored by Adam whom she didn’t know very well. The

thought of him finding them as annoying as they found him

despotic made her chuckle. “To be fair, I don’t like people in


“Right.” Don’t ask, Olive. Do not ask. “Do you like me?”

A millisecond of hesitation as he pressed his lips together.

“Nope. You’re a smart-ass with abysmal taste in beverages.”

He traced the corner of his iPad, a small smile playing on his

lips. “Send me your slides.”

“My slides?”

“For your talk. I’ll take a look at them.”

Olive tried not to gape at him. “Oh—you . . . I’m not your

grad. You don’t have to.”

“I know.”

“You really don’t have to—”

“I want to,” he said, voice pitched low and even as he

looked into her eyes, and Olive had to avert her gaze because

something felt too tight in her chest.

“Okay.” She finally managed to snap out the loose thread

on her sleeve. “How likely is it that your feedback will cause

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