The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“Adam being gone. Hell, even I miss that little shit.” Hechuckled. “How are you holding up?”“Oh.” She took her hands out of her pockets, crossed herarms in front of her chest, and then changed her mind anddropped them woodenly by her sides. Yep. Perfect. Actingnatural. “Fine. Good. Busy.”Holden looked genuinely relieved. “Great. Have you guysbeen talking on the phone?”No. Of course not. Talking on the phone is the hardest,most stressful thing in the world, and I can’t do it with the nicelady who schedules my dental cleanings, let alone with AdamCarlsen. “Ah, mostly texting, you know?”“Yeah, I do know. However buttoned-up and sulky Adam iswith you, please know that he’s making an effort and he’s amillion times worse with everyone else. Me included.” Hesighed and shook his head, but there was a fondness behind it.An easy affection that Olive couldn’t miss. My oldest friend,he’d said about Adam, and clearly he hadn’t been lying. “He’sactually gotten a lot better, since you guys started dating.”Olive felt on the verge of a full-body cringe. Unsure ofwhat to say, she settled for a simple, painful, awkward:“Really?”Holden nodded. “Yep. I’m so glad he finally scrounged upthe courage to ask you out. He’d been going on and on aboutthis ‘amazing girl’ for years, but he was concerned about beingin the same department, and you know how he is . . .” Heshrugged and waved his hand. “I’m glad he finally managed topull his head out of his ass.”Olive’s brain stuttered. Her neurons went sluggish andcold, and it took her several seconds to process that Adam hadbeen wanting to ask her out for years. She couldn’t wrap herhead around it, because . . . it was not possible. It didn’t makesense. Adam didn’t even remember Olive existed before she’d

Title-IXed him in the hallway a few weeks ago. The more shethought about it, the more she grew convinced that if he’d hadany recollection of their bathroom meeting, he would havesaid as much. Adam was famously direct, after all.Holden must have been referring to someone else. AndAdam must have feelings for that someone. Someone heworked with, someone who was in their department. Someonewho was “amazing.”Olive’s mind, half frozen until a few seconds ago, began tospiral with the knowledge. Setting aside the fact that thisconversation was an utter invasion of Adam’s privacy, Olivecouldn’t stop herself from considering the implications of theirarrangement for him. If the person Holden was talking aboutwas one of Adam’s colleagues, there was no chance that shehadn’t heard about Adam and Olive dating. It was possiblethat she’d seen the two of them get coffee together on aWednesday, or Olive sitting on Adam’s lap during Tom’s talk,or—God, Olive slathering him with sunblock at thatgodforsaken picnic. Which couldn’t be good for his prospects.Unless Adam didn’t mind, because he was sure beyond anydoubt that his feelings were unrequited—and oh, wouldn’t thatbe funny? About as funny as a Greek tragedy.“Anyway.” Holden pushed away from the wall, his handcoming up to scratch his nape. “I think we should go on adouble date one of these days. I’ve been taking a break fromdating—too much heartache—but maybe it’s time to dip mytoes in again. Hopefully I’ll snatch myself a boyfriend soon.”The weight in Olive’s stomach sank even lower. “Thatwould be lovely.” She attempted a smile.“Right?” He grinned. “Adam would hate it with theintensity of a thousand suns.”He really would.

Title-IXed him in the hallway a few weeks ago. The more she

thought about it, the more she grew convinced that if he’d had

any recollection of their bathroom meeting, he would have

said as much. Adam was famously direct, after all.

Holden must have been referring to someone else. And

Adam must have feelings for that someone. Someone he

worked with, someone who was in their department. Someone

who was “amazing.”

Olive’s mind, half frozen until a few seconds ago, began to

spiral with the knowledge. Setting aside the fact that this

conversation was an utter invasion of Adam’s privacy, Olive

couldn’t stop herself from considering the implications of their

arrangement for him. If the person Holden was talking about

was one of Adam’s colleagues, there was no chance that she

hadn’t heard about Adam and Olive dating. It was possible

that she’d seen the two of them get coffee together on a

Wednesday, or Olive sitting on Adam’s lap during Tom’s talk,

or—God, Olive slathering him with sunblock at that

godforsaken picnic. Which couldn’t be good for his prospects.

Unless Adam didn’t mind, because he was sure beyond any

doubt that his feelings were unrequited—and oh, wouldn’t that

be funny? About as funny as a Greek tragedy.

“Anyway.” Holden pushed away from the wall, his hand

coming up to scratch his nape. “I think we should go on a

double date one of these days. I’ve been taking a break from

dating—too much heartache—but maybe it’s time to dip my

toes in again. Hopefully I’ll snatch myself a boyfriend soon.”

The weight in Olive’s stomach sank even lower. “That

would be lovely.” She attempted a smile.

“Right?” He grinned. “Adam would hate it with the

intensity of a thousand suns.”

He really would.

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