The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“Hey, Olive.”She tore her gaze from Adam’s and noticed Tomapproaching. He, too, was shirtless, and clearly fit, and had alarge number of abs that were defined enough to be easilycounted. And yet, for some reason, it did absolutely nothingfor Olive.“Hi, Tom.” She smiled, even though she was a littleirritated by the interruption. “Loved your talk the other day.”“It was good, wasn’t it? Did Adam tell you about ourchange of plans?”She tilted her head. “Change of plans?”“We’ve been making great progress on the grant, so we’regoing to Boston next week to finish setting up stuff on theHarvard side.”“Oh, that’s great.” She turned to Adam. “How long willyou be gone?”“Just a few days.” His tone was quiet. Olive felt relief thatit wasn’t going to be longer. For indiscernible reasons.“Would you be able to send me your report by Saturday,Olive?” Tom asked. “Then I’ll have the weekend to look itover, and we’ll discuss it while I’m still here.”Her brain exploded in a flurry of panic and bright red-alertsigns, but she managed to keep her smile in place. “Yeah, ofcourse. I’ll send it to you on Saturday.” Oh God. Oh God. Shewas going to have to work around the clock. She wasn’t goingto get any sleep this week. She was going to have to bring herlaptop to the toilet and write while she peed. “No problem atall,” she added, leaning even harder into her lie.“Perfect.” Tom winked at her, or maybe just squinted in thesun. “You going back to play?” he asked Adam, and when

Adam nodded, Tom spun around and headed back into thegame.Adam hesitated for just a second longer, then he nodded atOlive and left. She tried hard not to stare at his back as herejoined his team, which seemed to be overjoyed to have himagain. Clearly, sports were another thing Adam Carlsenexcelled at—unfairly so.She didn’t even have to check to know that Anh andJeremy and pretty much everyone else had been staring atthem for the past five minutes. She fished a seltzer can out ofthe nearest cooler, reminding herself that this was exactly whatthey wanted from this arrangement, and then found a spotunder an oak tree next to her friends—all this sunscreen fuss,and now they were sitting in the shade. Go figure.She wasn’t even that hungry anymore, a small miraclecourtesy of having to apply sunscreen to her fake boyfriendvery publicly.“So, what’s he like?” Anh asked. She was lying down withher head on Jeremy’s lap. Above her, Malcolm was staring atthe Frisbee players, probably swooning over how prettyHolden Rodrigues looked in the sun.“Mm?”“Carlsen. Oh, actually”—Anh smirked—“I meant to sayAdam. You call him Adam, right? Or do you prefer Dr.Carlsen? If you guys role-play with schoolgirl uniforms andrulers, I totally want to hear about it.”“Anh.”“Yeah, how is Carlsen?” Jeremy asked. “I’m assuming he’sdifferent with you than with us. Or does he also tell yourepeatedly that the font for the labels of your x- and y-axis isirritatingly small?”

Adam nodded, Tom spun around and headed back into the


Adam hesitated for just a second longer, then he nodded at

Olive and left. She tried hard not to stare at his back as he

rejoined his team, which seemed to be overjoyed to have him

again. Clearly, sports were another thing Adam Carlsen

excelled at—unfairly so.

She didn’t even have to check to know that Anh and

Jeremy and pretty much everyone else had been staring at

them for the past five minutes. She fished a seltzer can out of

the nearest cooler, reminding herself that this was exactly what

they wanted from this arrangement, and then found a spot

under an oak tree next to her friends—all this sunscreen fuss,

and now they were sitting in the shade. Go figure.

She wasn’t even that hungry anymore, a small miracle

courtesy of having to apply sunscreen to her fake boyfriend

very publicly.

“So, what’s he like?” Anh asked. She was lying down with

her head on Jeremy’s lap. Above her, Malcolm was staring at

the Frisbee players, probably swooning over how pretty

Holden Rodrigues looked in the sun.


“Carlsen. Oh, actually”—Anh smirked—“I meant to say

Adam. You call him Adam, right? Or do you prefer Dr.

Carlsen? If you guys role-play with schoolgirl uniforms and

rulers, I totally want to hear about it.”


“Yeah, how is Carlsen?” Jeremy asked. “I’m assuming he’s

different with you than with us. Or does he also tell you

repeatedly that the font for the labels of your x- and y-axis is

irritatingly small?”

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