The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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Which, Olive assumed, meant that they were actually doingthis. Of course they damn were. Because this was her life, andthese were her poor, moronic, harebrained choices.“Hey,” Adam said to her once they were closer. He waslooking at her hands, at the way she had to hold them in frontof her body like a supplicant. Behind her, Anh and Jeremywere no doubt ogling them.“Hey.” She was wearing flip-flops, and he had sneakers on,and—he was always tall, but right now he towered over her. Itput her eyes right in front of his pecs, and . . . No. Nope. Notdoing that.“Can you turn around?”He hesitated for a moment, but then he did,uncharacteristically obedient. Which ended up resolving noneof Olive’s problems, since his back was in no way less broador impressive than his chest.“Can you, um . . . duck a bit?”Adam bent his head until his shoulders were . . . stillabnormally high but somewhat easier to reach. As she liftedher right hand, some of the lotion dripped to the ground—Where it belongs, she thought savagely—and then she wasdoing it, this thing that she had never thought she would ever,ever do. Putting sunscreen on Adam Carlsen.It wasn’t her first time touching him. Therefore, sheshouldn’t have been surprised by how hard his muscles were,or that there was no give to his flesh. Olive remembered theway he’d pushed the truck, imagined that he could probablybench-press three times her weight, and then ordered herself tostop, because that was not an appropriate train of thought.Still, the issue remained that there was nothing between herhand and his skin. He was hot from the sun, his shouldersrelaxed and immobile under her touch. Even in public, close asthey were, it felt like something intimate was happening.

“So.” Her mouth was dry. “This might be a good time tomention how sorry I am that we keep getting stuck in thesesituations.”“It’s fine.”“I really am, though.”“It’s not your fault.” There was an edge in his voice.“Are you okay?”“Yep.” He nodded, though the movement seemed taut.Which had Olive realizing that maybe he was not as relaxed asshe’d initially thought.“How much do you hate this, on a scale from one to‘correlation equals causation’?”He surprised her by chuckling, though he still soundedstrained. “I don’t hate it. And it’s not your fault.”“Because I know this is the worst possible thing, and—”“It isn’t. Olive.” He turned a bit to look her in the eyes, amix of amusement and that odd tension. “These things aregoing to keep on happening.”“Right.”His fingers brushed softly against her left palm as he stole abit of her sunscreen for his front. Which, all in all, was for thebest. She really didn’t want to be massaging lotion into hischest in front of 70 percent of her Ph.D. program—not tomention her boss, since Dr. Aslan was probably watching themlike a hawk. Or maybe she wasn’t. Olive had no intention ofturning around to check. She’d rather live in less-than-blissfulignorance. “Mostly because you hang out with some reallynosy people.”She burst out laughing. “I know. Believe me, I’m reallyregretting befriending Anh right now. Kind of contemplatingassassinating her, to tell the truth.”

“So.” Her mouth was dry. “This might be a good time to

mention how sorry I am that we keep getting stuck in these


“It’s fine.”

“I really am, though.”

“It’s not your fault.” There was an edge in his voice.

“Are you okay?”

“Yep.” He nodded, though the movement seemed taut.

Which had Olive realizing that maybe he was not as relaxed as

she’d initially thought.

“How much do you hate this, on a scale from one to

‘correlation equals causation’?”

He surprised her by chuckling, though he still sounded

strained. “I don’t hate it. And it’s not your fault.”

“Because I know this is the worst possible thing, and—”

“It isn’t. Olive.” He turned a bit to look her in the eyes, a

mix of amusement and that odd tension. “These things are

going to keep on happening.”


His fingers brushed softly against her left palm as he stole a

bit of her sunscreen for his front. Which, all in all, was for the

best. She really didn’t want to be massaging lotion into his

chest in front of 70 percent of her Ph.D. program—not to

mention her boss, since Dr. Aslan was probably watching them

like a hawk. Or maybe she wasn’t. Olive had no intention of

turning around to check. She’d rather live in less-than-blissful

ignorance. “Mostly because you hang out with some really

nosy people.”

She burst out laughing. “I know. Believe me, I’m really

regretting befriending Anh right now. Kind of contemplating

assassinating her, to tell the truth.”

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