The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“What do I do?” Malcolm made a face in the rearviewmirror. “Left? Right? Ol, what do I do?”In the back seat, Olive looked up from the car window andshrugged. “Try right; if it’s wrong, we’ll just turn around.” Sheshot Anh a quick, apologetic glance, but she and Jeremy weretoo busy mock-glaring at each other to notice.Malcolm grimaced. “We’ll be late. God, I hate these stupidpicnics.”“We are, like”—Olive glanced at the car’s clock—“onehour late, already. I think we can add ten minutes to that.” Ijust hope there’s some food left. Her stomach had beengrowling for the past two hours, and there was no wayeveryone in the car hadn’t noticed.After her argument with Adam three days ago, she’d beentempted to just skip the picnic. Hole herself up in the lab andcontinue with what she had been doing the whole weekend—ignore the fact that she had told him to fuck off, and with verylittle reason. She could use the time to work on Tom’s report,which was proving to be trickier and more time-consumingthan she’d initially thought—probably because Olive couldn’tforget how much was at stake and kept rerunning analyses andagonizing over every single sentence. But she’d changed hermind last minute, telling herself that she’d promised Adamthat they’d put on a show for the department chair. It would beunfair of her to back out after he’d done more than his share ofthe deal when it came to convincing Anh.That was, of course, in the very unlikely case that he stillwanted anything to do with Olive.“Don’t worry, Malcolm,” Anh said. “We’ll get thereeventually. If anyone asks, let’s just say that a mountain lionattacked us. God, why is it so hot? I brought sunblock, by theway. SPF thirty and fifty. No one is going anywhere beforeputting it on.”

In the back seat Olive and Jeremy exchanged a resignedlook, well acquainted with Anh’s sunscreen obsession.The picnic was in full swing when they finally arrived, ascrowded as most academic events with free food. Olive madea beeline for the tables and waved at Dr. Aslan, who wassitting in the shade of a giant oak with other faculty members.Dr. Aslan waved back, no doubt pleased to note that herauthority extended to commandeering her grads’ free time ontop of the eighty hours a week they already spent in the lab.Olive smiled weakly in a valiant attempt not to look resentful,grabbed a cluster of white grapes, and popped one into hermouth while letting her gaze wander around the fields.Anh was right. This September was uncommonly hot.There were people everywhere, sitting on the lawn chairs,lying down in the grass, walking in and out of the barns—allenjoying the weather. A few were eating from plastic plates onfolding tables close to the main house, and there were at leastthree games going on—a version of volleyball with the playersstanding in a circle, a soccer match, and something thatinvolved a Frisbee and over a dozen half-dressed dudes.“What are they even playing?” Olive asked Anh. Shespotted Dr. Rodrigues tackle someone from immunology andlooked back to the almost empty tables, cringing. Slimpickings was all that was left. Olive wanted a sandwich. A bagof chips. Anything.“Ultimate Frisbee, I think? I don’t know. Did you put onsunblock? You’re wearing a tank top and shorts, so you reallyshould.”Olive bit into another grape. “You Americans and yourfake sports.”“I’m pretty sure there are Canadian tournaments ofUltimate Frisbee, too. You know what’s not fake?”“What?”

In the back seat Olive and Jeremy exchanged a resigned

look, well acquainted with Anh’s sunscreen obsession.

The picnic was in full swing when they finally arrived, as

crowded as most academic events with free food. Olive made

a beeline for the tables and waved at Dr. Aslan, who was

sitting in the shade of a giant oak with other faculty members.

Dr. Aslan waved back, no doubt pleased to note that her

authority extended to commandeering her grads’ free time on

top of the eighty hours a week they already spent in the lab.

Olive smiled weakly in a valiant attempt not to look resentful,

grabbed a cluster of white grapes, and popped one into her

mouth while letting her gaze wander around the fields.

Anh was right. This September was uncommonly hot.

There were people everywhere, sitting on the lawn chairs,

lying down in the grass, walking in and out of the barns—all

enjoying the weather. A few were eating from plastic plates on

folding tables close to the main house, and there were at least

three games going on—a version of volleyball with the players

standing in a circle, a soccer match, and something that

involved a Frisbee and over a dozen half-dressed dudes.

“What are they even playing?” Olive asked Anh. She

spotted Dr. Rodrigues tackle someone from immunology and

looked back to the almost empty tables, cringing. Slim

pickings was all that was left. Olive wanted a sandwich. A bag

of chips. Anything.

“Ultimate Frisbee, I think? I don’t know. Did you put on

sunblock? You’re wearing a tank top and shorts, so you really


Olive bit into another grape. “You Americans and your

fake sports.”

“I’m pretty sure there are Canadian tournaments of

Ultimate Frisbee, too. You know what’s not fake?”


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