The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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“Because you moved the truck. I—I know how ridiculousthat sounds. I know. But I didn’t want her to get suspicious,and there are faculty members here, too, so maybe they’ll tellthe department chair and it will be two birds with one stoneand I can leave if you—”“It’s okay, Olive. Breathe.”Right. Yes. Good suggestion. Olive did breathe, and the actmade her realize that she hadn’t done that in a while, which inturn made her smile up at Adam—who did his mouth-twitchthing back at her. She was really starting to get used to him. Tohis expressions, his size, his distinctive way of being in thesame space as her.“Anh’s staring at us,” he said, looking over Olive’s head.Olive sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I just betshe is,” she mumbled.Adam wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of hishand.Olive squirmed. “So . . . Should we hug or something?”“Oh.” Adam looked at his hands and down at himself. “Idon’t think you want to do that. I’m pretty gross.”Before she could stop herself Olive studied him from headto toe, taking in his large body, his broad shoulders, the wayhis hair was curling around his ears. He didn’t look gross. Noteven to Olive, who was usually not a fan of dudes built likethey spent a double-digit percentage of their time at the gym.He looked . . .Not gross.Still, maybe it was better if they didn’t hug. Olive mightend up doing something egregiously stupid. She should justsay goodbye and leave—yes, that was the thing to do.

Except that something absolutely insane came out of hermouth.“Should we just kiss, then?” she heard herself blurt out.And then she instantly wished a stray meteorite would hit theexact spot where she was standing, because—had she justasked Adam Carlsen for a kiss? Was that what she’d done?Was she a lunatic all of a sudden?“I mean, not like a kiss kiss,” she hastened to add. “But likethe last time? You know.”He didn’t seem to know. Which made sense, because theirother kiss had definitely been a kiss kiss. Olive tried not tothink about it too much, but it flashed in her mind every oncein a while, mostly when she was doing something importantthat required her utmost concentration, like implantingelectrodes inside a mouse’s pancreas or trying to decide whatto order at Subway. Occasionally it would pop up during aquiet moment, like when she was in bed and about to fallasleep, and she would feel a mixture of embarrassment andincredulity and something else. Something that she had nointention of examining too closely, not now and not ever.“Are you sure?”She nodded, even though she wasn’t sure at all. “Is Anhstill staring at us?”His eyes flicked up. “Yes. She’s not even pretending not to.I . . . why does she care so much? Are you famous?”“No, Adam.” She gestured at him. “You are.”“Am I?” He looked perplexed.“Anyway, no need to kiss. You’re right that it wouldprobably be a bit weird.”“No. No, I didn’t mean that . . .” There was a droplet ofsweat running down his temple, and he wiped his face again,

“Because you moved the truck. I—I know how ridiculous

that sounds. I know. But I didn’t want her to get suspicious,

and there are faculty members here, too, so maybe they’ll tell

the department chair and it will be two birds with one stone

and I can leave if you—”

“It’s okay, Olive. Breathe.”

Right. Yes. Good suggestion. Olive did breathe, and the act

made her realize that she hadn’t done that in a while, which in

turn made her smile up at Adam—who did his mouth-twitch

thing back at her. She was really starting to get used to him. To

his expressions, his size, his distinctive way of being in the

same space as her.

“Anh’s staring at us,” he said, looking over Olive’s head.

Olive sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I just bet

she is,” she mumbled.

Adam wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his


Olive squirmed. “So . . . Should we hug or something?”

“Oh.” Adam looked at his hands and down at himself. “I

don’t think you want to do that. I’m pretty gross.”

Before she could stop herself Olive studied him from head

to toe, taking in his large body, his broad shoulders, the way

his hair was curling around his ears. He didn’t look gross. Not

even to Olive, who was usually not a fan of dudes built like

they spent a double-digit percentage of their time at the gym.

He looked . . .

Not gross.

Still, maybe it was better if they didn’t hug. Olive might

end up doing something egregiously stupid. She should just

say goodbye and leave—yes, that was the thing to do.

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