The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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pitch her voice. “Or do you maybe want to fake–break upearly?”He didn’t reply for a second. Then, just as Dr. Moss tookthe mic to thank Tom and ask the audience for questions, sheheard him say, “No. I don’t want to fake–break up.”He really did smell good. And he was funny in a weird,deadpan way, and yes, a known ass, but friendly enough to herthat she could sort of ignore that about him. Plus, he wasspending a small fortune on sugar for her. Truly, she hadnothing to complain about.Olive settled herself more comfortably and turned herattention back to the podium.—AFTER THE TALK, Olive considered walking down to the podiumto compliment Tom and ask him one or two questions shealready knew the answers to. Sadly, there were dozens ofpeople waiting to speak to him, and she decided that the asskissingwasn’t worth standing in line. So she said goodbye toAdam, waited for Anh to wake up from her nap whilecontemplating getting revenge by drawing a dick on her face,and then slowly headed with her across campus back to thebiology building.“Is it going to be a lot of work, the report Benton askedfor?”“A fair amount. I need to run a few control studies to makemy results stronger. Plus there’s other stuff I should beworking on—the TA’ing, and my poster presentation for theSBD conference in Boston.” Olive bent her head back, felt thesun warm her skin, and smiled. “If I hole up in the lab everynight this week and the next, I should be able to finish it ontime.”

“SBD is something to look forward to, at least.”Olive nodded. She usually wasn’t a fan of academicconferences, given how prohibitively expensive registration,travel, and lodgings could be. But Malcolm and Anh weregoing to be at SBD, too, and Olive was excited to exploreBoston with them. Plus, the intradepartmental drama thatalways happened at academic functions with open bars wassure to be A+ entertainment.“I am organizing this outreach event for BIPOC women inSTEM from all over the country—I’m going to get Ph.D.students like me to talk face-to-face with undergrads who areapplying and reassure them that if they come to grad schoolthey won’t be alone.”“Anh, this is amazing. You are amazing.”“I know.” Anh winked, sliding her arm through Olive’s.“We can all share a hotel room. And get free gadgets from theexhibit booths, and get sloshed together. Remember at HumanGenetics, when Malcolm got wasted and began hitting randompassersby with his poster tube— What’s going on there?”Olive squinted against the sun. The parking lot of thebiology building was uncharacteristically jammed with traffic.People were blowing their horns and getting out of their cars,trying to figure out the source of the holdup. She and Anhwalked around a line of vehicles stuck in the lot, until they raninto a group of biology grads.“Someone’s battery died, and it’s blocking the exit line.”Greg, one of Olive’s lab mates, was rolling his eyes andbouncing impatiently on his feet. He pointed at a red truckstuck sideways in the most inconvenient turn.Olive recognized it as Cherie’s, the department secretary.“I defend my dissertation proposal tomorrow—I need todrive home to prepare. This is ridiculous. And why the fuck is

“SBD is something to look forward to, at least.”

Olive nodded. She usually wasn’t a fan of academic

conferences, given how prohibitively expensive registration,

travel, and lodgings could be. But Malcolm and Anh were

going to be at SBD, too, and Olive was excited to explore

Boston with them. Plus, the intradepartmental drama that

always happened at academic functions with open bars was

sure to be A+ entertainment.

“I am organizing this outreach event for BIPOC women in

STEM from all over the country—I’m going to get Ph.D.

students like me to talk face-to-face with undergrads who are

applying and reassure them that if they come to grad school

they won’t be alone.”

“Anh, this is amazing. You are amazing.”

“I know.” Anh winked, sliding her arm through Olive’s.

“We can all share a hotel room. And get free gadgets from the

exhibit booths, and get sloshed together. Remember at Human

Genetics, when Malcolm got wasted and began hitting random

passersby with his poster tube— What’s going on there?”

Olive squinted against the sun. The parking lot of the

biology building was uncharacteristically jammed with traffic.

People were blowing their horns and getting out of their cars,

trying to figure out the source of the holdup. She and Anh

walked around a line of vehicles stuck in the lot, until they ran

into a group of biology grads.

“Someone’s battery died, and it’s blocking the exit line.”

Greg, one of Olive’s lab mates, was rolling his eyes and

bouncing impatiently on his feet. He pointed at a red truck

stuck sideways in the most inconvenient turn.

Olive recognized it as Cherie’s, the department secretary.

“I defend my dissertation proposal tomorrow—I need to

drive home to prepare. This is ridiculous. And why the fuck is

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