The Horror Megapack_ 25 Classic and Modern Horror Stories ( PDFDrive )

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won’t revive the poor fellow, but it does seem heartless to indulge in a dance


“Wallah,” the girl burst out, “while his soul still hovers over us? Thou hast

said.” She recovered herself with a flush of confusion, and added in

conversational English:

“Are you going up? I’ll go, too, if you don’t mind, for I want to rise early


“Something special to do in the morning?”

“Yes, I’m afraid—I think so,” she returned. “Will you rap on my door early in

the morning? I want to go down to the smoke house before the others and see

that all is well.”

“You don’t think young Phillips will stick it out?”

“I’m afraid he’ll try to, and—”

“Why, you don’t actually believe there’s anything supernatural in this

business, do you?” he demanded. His ward’s affirmed belief in djinn, ghosts and

devils was a never-failing source of amusement to him.

The girl turned big, serious eyes up to him.

“This is an old, old house, Uncle Harvey,” she replied, “and old houses often

grow evil spirits, even as they grow poisonous mosses. Who knows what wicked

thing may seek to do him harm this night?”

“H’m, well,” the Professor returned, “the young man appears quite able to look

after himself.”

“But you will call me—early?” she persisted.

“Of course, if you wish it. Goodnight, dear,” he responded, bending to kiss the

lips she turned up to him as naively as a child.


A shrieking blast of north wind, driving a rout of scurrying snowflakes before

it, hallooed through the open window of the Professor’s room, shaking the chintz

curtains furiously and raising the blankets and coverlet of the bed. The Professor

drew the disturbed bedclothes tighter about his chin, then, realizing that a faint

gray light showed at the window’s square, reached beneath his pillow, fished out

his watch and inspected it. “Half-past six,” he muttered gloomily. “I suppose I

might as well go for Rosalie; she seemed set on making an early inspection of

that confounded smoke house.” Reluctantly, he disengaged himself from the

bed, dashed across the chamber and slammed down the window, then started the

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