The Horror Megapack_ 25 Classic and Modern Horror Stories ( PDFDrive )

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the ritual from which she had escaped. Her body was to serve as an altar,

perhaps to feel the thrust of a sacrificial knife. Black candles burned about her,

diffusing acrid fumes which half obscured her; but Crane saw that she breathed.

The tourniquet with his initials, however, had been removed.

Since Diane was alive; he need not find that damning handkerchief, provided

that he could extricate her. But though he was armed with the sentry’s pistol, the

odds were far too great for open attack.

Then he saw that the figure on the two foot, brazen crucifix behind that altar of

bare, lacerated flesh was inverted. That final detail sent frost racing through his

blood. Those hooded figures had gathered for the Black Mass, the evil ritual of

modern satanism, utterly different from the oriental devil-worship. Crane

wondered how that silver peacock fitted into the tangle.

From one of the passages at the left came bestial snarls and half human

mutterings: some monster held in reserve for the ultimate horror of that mad


The lordly figure in black clapped his hands. The devotees shifted into crescent

formation. Crane joined them as they moved toward the altar.

The Black Monster was donning a priest’s stole and cope. Six red-robed

acolytes filed from a passageway. Three carried thuribles from which poured

blue-black, pungent fumes; the others had trays of hammered copper, all heaped

with diamond shaped lozenges. They passed among the gathering, swinging their

thuribles and offering wafers to the devotees.

Crane tasted one of the confections; but instead of swallowing, he palmed it. It

reeked with hasheesh and datura, blended with other oriental drugs he could not

identify; but the two he recognized warned him. Both were brain-searing

aphrodisiacs. Those wafers of illusion would make the partaker a crazed beast

gnawed by outrageous fancies and delusions. That would give Crane his chance

to act.

And all the while that bestial mumbling and groaning and the vibration of

pounded iron echoed from the further crypt.

Crane watched the high priest of Satan make a foul mockery of the genuflections

of the Mass, saw him spit upon the reversed crucifix, heard him chanting

in a high, malignant voice.

Crane could scarcely understand the ritual, but some phrases of ultimate

blasphemy were all too clearly burned into his reeling brain.

“Satan, Lord of the World, defend us against an unjust god who created only to

damn…defend us against hypocrisy that mocks with the lure of redemption…

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