A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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32 Changes of Customs

sliding bookcases and picture-stands, the letter-weighing

machines and envelope cases, the periodicals and illustrated

newspapers–– above all, the countless swarm of photograph

books which now threaten to swallow up all space. A small

writing-desk, with a smaller work-box, or netting-case, was all

that each young lady contributed to occupy the table; for the large

family work-basket, though often produced in the parlour, lived

in the closet.°

There must have been more dancing° throughout the country in

those days than there is now: and it seems to have sprung up more

spontaneously, as if it were a natural production, with less fastidiousness

as to the quality of music, lights, and floor. Many country

towns had a monthly ball throughout the winter, in some of

which the same apartment served for dancing and tea-room.

Dinner parties more frequently ended with an extempore dance

on the carpet, to the music of a harpsichord in the house, or a

fiddle from the village. This was always supposed to be for the

entertainment of the young people, but many, who had little pretension

to youth, were very ready to join in it. There can be no

doubt that Jane herself enjoyed dancing, for she attributes this

taste to her favourite heroines; in most of her works, a ball or a

private dance is mentioned, and made of importance.

Many things connected with the ball-rooms of those days have

now passed into oblivion. The barbarous law which confined the

lady to one partner throughout the evening must indeed have

been abolished before Jane went to balls. It must be observed,

however, that this custom was in one respect advantageous to the

gentleman, inasmuch as it rendered his duties more practicable.

He was bound to call upon his partner the next morning, and it

must have been convenient to have only one lady for whom he

was obliged

To gallop all the country over,

The last night’s partner to behold,

And humbly hope she caught no cold.°

But the stately minuet still reigned supreme; and every regular

ball commenced with it. It was a slow and solemn movement,

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