A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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1794 M. de Feuillide guillotined in Paris; death of Edward Austen’s

adopted father Thomas Knight.

1795 JA probably writes ‘Elinor and Marianne’; death of Anne

Mathew Austen at Deane; Anna sent to live at Steventon;

December, Tom Lefroy visits Ashe rectory.

1796 January, Tom Lefroy leaves Ashe for London; Tom Fowle

sails for West Indies; October, JA begins ‘First Impressions’

(finished August 1797).

1797 Marriage of James Austen and Mary Lloyd; Anna returns to

live at Deane; February, Tom Fowle dies of fever at San

Domingo; 1 November, the Revd Austen unsuccessfully

offers ‘First Impressions’ to Cadell; JA begins Sense and Sensibility;

31 December, marriage of Henry Austen and his

cousin Eliza de Feuillide.

1798 JA begins writing ‘Susan’ (Northanger Abbey); 17 November,

James’s son James Edward (JEAL), JA’s future biographer, is

born at Deane.

1799 Mrs Leigh Perrot, JA’s aunt, charged with theft and committed

to Ilchester Gaol.

1800 Mrs Leigh Perrot tried at Taunton and acquitted; December,

the Revd Austen decides to retire and move to Bath.

1801 Henry Austen sets up as banker and army agent in London;

May, the Austens leave Steventon and settle in Bath; the

family story of JA’s seaside romance derives from holidays

spent in the West Country between now and autumn 1804;

Eliza de Feuillide Austen’s son Hastings dies.

1802 2 December, Harris Bigg-Wither proposes to JA; JA revises

‘Susan’ (Northanger Abbey).

1803 JA sells ‘Susan’ to Crosby and Co.

1804–5 JA perhaps writing ‘The Watsons’ and ‘Lady Susan’; 16

December 1804, JA’s early friend Mrs Lefroy of Ashe killed

in a riding accident.

1805 21 January, death of the Revd Austen in Bath; 16 April, death

of Mrs Lloyd at Ibthorpe; Martha Lloyd joins the Austen

household; 18 June, James Austen’s youngest child Caroline

born at Steventon.

1806 October, the Austens take lodgings in Southampton with

Frank Austen and his new wife.


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