A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Index 275

Lloyd, Mary (1771–1843; second wife of

James Austen and mother of JEAL

and Caroline): JA’s gift to 79 and

note; illness 120–1; JA on her

shortcomings 131 n.; nurses JA in

her final illness 130, 179–82, 187,

198; JA’s last words to 131 and note,


Lloyd, Mrs 62 and note

Loiterer, The 16 and note

London, JA visits 86–9, 91–3, 99–101,


Lyford, Mr, surgeon of Winchester 128

and note, 179, 182

Lyme Regis 59–61, 63 and note

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, opinion of

JA’s novels 104; intention of writing

a memoir of her 112

Mackintosh, Sir James, opinion of JA’s

novels 110–11

Manydown Park, Hants 54 and note

Mitford, Mary Russell 13 and note, 91;

on JA 133–4 and note; admiration

for JA’s novels 110; her writings

compared to JA’s 118

More, Hannah, Cœlebs 153

Morley, Countess of (Frances Parker,

Viscountess Boringdon), correspondence

with JA 102–3

Morpeth, Lord (7th Earl of Carlisle),

poem on JA’s novels 111–12

Murray, John, publisher of E, NA, and

P 82 and note; correspondence and

relations with JA 99–102

Northleigh, Oxon, estate of James Leigh

Perrot 58

Oxford: Balliol College 11–12, 59; St

John’s College 11, 16

Papillon, Revd John R, rector of

Chawton 126

Pasley, Captain, Essay on . . . Military

Policy 85

Perigord, Mrs 89

Perrot family 58

Prince Regent, admires JA’s novels 92,

176–7; JA dedicates E to 92 and

note, 100, 176

Quarterly Review 101, 107 and note

Quincy, Eliza Susan, American autograph

hunter 53 n., 114–15

Rejected Addresses 84 and note

Reynolds, Sir Joshua 90, 118

Richardson, Samuel 71; Sir Charles

Grandison 33, 71, 141

Robertson, William, historian 71

Rosanne, a novel 106 and note

Ross, Sir William 95

Russell, Dr, rector of Ashe 13, 134

Saxe Cobourg, House of, subject for a

romance 95

Schooling 18, 28

Scott, Walter, his poetry 71–2; The Field

of Waterloo 100; Marmion parodied

83 and note; Waverley 72; The

Antiquary 123; Paul’s Letters to His

Kinsfolk 100; compared to JA 100,

113; review of E in Quarterly 101

and note, 107–8, 118; his opinion

on JA’s novels 113; ‘has no business

to write novels’ 72; ‘a critique on

Walter Scott’ 84

Self Control, a novel 75 n., 106 and note

Seward, Anna 90

Shakespeare, JA compared to 104, 108–9,


Smith, Sydney 113

Southampton, Austens living at 65–7

Southey, Robert, his admiration for JA

110; Poet’s Pilgrimage 127

Spectator, The 33, 71

Staël, Anne Louise Germaine, Mme de,

‘found no interest in’ one of JA’s

books 111; JA does not meet 150

and note

Stent, Mrs 55, 63

Steventon 21–6

rectory ill. 22; JA’s early years in

21–7, 32 n., 36–7, 39, 157; its

appearance 23; the Austens leave

50, 58, 185; JEAL attempts to trace

its remains 189–90

Theatricals, amateur 28 and note

Thrale, Mrs Hester Piozzi 12, 90

Tilson, Frances 120 n.

Trafalgar, Battle of 56 and note

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