A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Abercromby, General Sir Ralph 56 and


Alton, Hants 67, 127, 159, 171

Amateur theatricals 28 and note

Amiens, Treaty of 27

Austen family, origins of 10–11

Austen, Anna, see Lefroy, Jane Anna


Austen, Caroline Mary Craven (1805–80;

JA’s niece, daughter of James) ill.

164, 180; describes Chawton Cottage

167–8; closeness in later years

to Aunt Cassandra 162

and JA: character and appearance 169;

JA and children 72–3, 169, 174; JA’s

daily routine 170–1; letter from JA

127; JA’s relationship to Cassandra

175; possible JA romances 186,

187–8; JA’s dexterity 77–9, 171;

JA’s singing 193; JA’s portrait 192;

JA’s writing 172–3; JA’s last illness

127–8, 177–82; JA’s funeral 187;

objects to making public JA’s last

verses 190–1; inherits JA memorabilia

59 n.

literary activities: childhood stories 42,

174; helps JEAL with Memoir 10

and passim, 185–8, 193; Memoir of

My Aunt Jane Austen 163–82, 262

headnote; Reminiscences 49 n., 170 n.

Austen, Cassandra (1739–1827; JA’s

mother), Mrs George Austen (née

Leigh): ancestry 11 and note,

44; marriage and early days at

Deane 11, 13; character and traits in

common with JA 15; health 15, 177;

gardening 31 n.; offer of Chawton

Cottage 67, 166–7; death 15

and family: fostering out of children

39 and note; and story of JA’s refusal

to be separated from Cassandra 18,

160; domestic routine at Chawton

168, 171; Leigh Perrot will 120 n.;

on JA’s death 197–8

Austen, Cassandra Elizabeth (1773–1845;

JA’s sister): character 19; boarding

school 18 and note, 28; engagement

28 and note; death 69; ‘the best

of then living Authorities’ 162;

Caroline Austen on 169, 188; and

Godmersham, Kent 158; excursion

to the Wye with brother Charles 192

and JA: their closeness 18–19 and note,

175, 198; memorandum of JA’s

novels 44 n.; portrait of JA 70 and

note, 192; ‘does not like desultory

novels’ 76; in JA’s last illness

128–31, 142, 150, 179, 182, 187;

destroys JA’s letters 174; dispersal

of JA’s manuscripts and

memorabilia 43 n., 50 n., 184

Austen, Cassandra (Cassy) Esten

(1808–97; JA’s niece): as child 89

and note, 170, 174; co-operates

with JEAL on Memoir 40 n., 63 n.,

84 n., 97 n., 184, 192; memorabilia of

JA 184 and note

Austen, Catherine Anne, see Hubback,

Catherine Anne

Austen, Charles John (1779–1852; JA’s

brother) 55–7, 64–5, 123–4;

character 17–18; childhood

anecdote of 160; naval career 17–18

and note; death 17

and family: gives crosses to sisters 56

and note; children 170 and note;

receives news of Leigh Perrot will

120 and note; excursion to the Wye

with sister Cassandra 192

and JA: details from his naval

experiences incorporated in her

novels 17 n., 56 n.; letter from JA

120 and note; not at her funeral 187

Austen, Edward, see Knight, Edward

Austen, Edward, see Austen-Leigh, James


Austen, Elizabeth (1773–1808; JA’s

sister-in-law, née Bridges) 67 n.,

158 n.; Anna Lefroy on her lack of

fondness for JA 158

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