A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Explanatory Notes

final chapter (manuscript now in the British Library) is dated on the last

page ‘July 18. 1816’.

two others, entirely different, in its stead: the two concluding chapters of P

were originally numbered 10 and 11 (that is, volume 2, chapters 10 and

11). What JA in fact did was to cancel the greater part of this first version

of chapter 10 and substitute for it two new chapters, 10 and 11. The

original chapter 11 was largely retained and became chapter 12. In most

modern editions the three chapters are numbered continuously, without

regard for the original two-volume division, as chapters 22–4. So, the

final version of the ending was completed on 6 August 1816. What we

have in manuscript are the drafts for the cancelled chapter 10 and the

unrevised chapter 11 (which became volume 2, chapter 12, or chapter

24). The cancelled chapter was first printed by JEAL in Ed.2 of his

Memoir but is not included in this edition because of its wide availability

as an appendix to most modern editions of the novel. Along with the

fragment of the unfinished novel (Sanditon), the manuscript chapters of

P descended after Cassandra’s death to Anna Lefroy.

The following letter: this marks the beginning of a long section (over four

pages) added in Ed.2, comprising the letter to Alethea Bigg, the short

extract from JA’s letter to Caroline, and the quotation from Caroline’s

subsequent recollections. Ed.1 reads: ‘the suppression of which may be

almost a matter of regret. [new paragraph] In May 1817 she was persuaded

to remove to Winchester . . . ’

Miss Bigg . . . Robert Southey: JA’s letter is to Alethea Bigg whose sister

Catherine was married to Southey’s uncle. See note to p. 110 above.

three days before . . . her last work: the reference is to the unfinished novel

now known as Sanditon. According to the date at the top of the first page

of the manuscript (now in King’s College, Cambridge), JA began writing

on 27 January 1817. The tradition in the family was that she intended to

call it ‘The Brothers’, but Anna, who inherited the manuscript fragment,

is calling it ‘Sanditon’ in a letter of 1862 (see Appendix). JEAL refers to it

as ‘The Last Work’ and adopts that phrase for the title of ch. 13 of Ed.2

of the Memoir, in which he includes extracts amounting to about onesixth

of the total. As late as 1925, when R. W. Chapman first published

the fragment in its entirety, it was still ‘Fragment of a Novel’.

126 ‘My Dear Alethea’: extracts from no. 150 in Letters. JEAL omits other

family news from the letter he prints in order to focus attention more

steadily on JA’s health.

I am convinced: JA wrote ‘I am more & more convinced’ (Letters, 326–7).

a good account of his father: Jane’s eldest brother James was in poor health

and died in December 1819.

127 between Streatham and Winchester: Alethea Bigg lived in Winchester with

her widowed sister Mrs Elizabeth Heathcote, and was at this time visiting

their other sister Mrs Catherine Hill in Streatham.

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