A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Explanatory Notes 249

finance minister. A prominent intellectual and political opponent of

Napoleon, she wrote two major works, Corinne, ou l’Italie (Corinne, or

Italy (1807) ) and De l’Allemagne (On Germany (1810) ). In December

1808 JA can be found recommending an acquaintance to read ‘Corinna’

(Letters, 161). Subsequently, JA and de Staël shared a publisher in John


Mons. Guizot: François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787–1874), conservative

French politician and historian and a prolific writer on general

topics. He became French minister of education and prime minister.

Susan Ferrier (1782–1854), an Edinburgh novelist whose first novel,

Marriage (1818), was her most popular.

‘Keepsake’ of 1825: R. W. Chapman notes that this should be 1835. A

popular annual miscellany, the issue for 1835 has at p. 27 the verses

printed here. They form one of the earliest expressions of the sentimental

enthusiasm that came to be known as ‘Janeism’. Their author was

George Howard, sixth Earl of Carlisle (1773–1848). Among the female

novelists compared unfavourably to JA are Elizabeth Inchbald (1753–

1821); Mary Brunton (1778–1818), already mentioned in this Memoir

(see p. 106); and Amelia Opie (1769–1853); Susan Ferrier (see preceding

note), was author of The Inheritance (1824).

112 admiration felt by Lord Macaulay: Macaulay’s sister, Lady Hannah Trevelyan

(1810–73), provided the information from her brother’s journal

entry of 1858, where he recorded: ‘If I could get materials I really would

write a short life of that wonderful woman, and raise a little money to put

up a monument to her in Winchester Cathedral.’ This subsequently finds

its way into his nephew George Otto Trevelyan’s biography, The Life and

Letters of Lord Macaulay (2 vols., 1876), ii. 466.

Sir Henry Holland: (1788–1873), fashionable London physician, doctor

to Queen Victoria, and cousin of Elizabeth Gaskell. He was unrelated to

Henry Fox, third Lord Holland, here described. See Sir Henry Holland,

Bart., Recollections of Past Life (1872), 231 n.

Sir Denis Le Marchant: (1795–1874), politician, had married in 1835

Sarah Eliza Smith, sister of JEAL’s wife Emma.

Mr. Whewell: William Whewell (1795–1866), Professor of Moral Theology

at Cambridge, 1838–55, and Master of Trinity College from 1841

to his death.

113 Lord Lansdowne: Lord Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, third Marquis of

Lansdowne, referred to at p. 66 above. In his edition of the Letters of Jane

Austen (1884), i. 79, Edward, Lord Brabourne, Fanny Knight’s son,

records on the authority of his aunt Louisa Knight, now Lady Hill, that

Lord Lansdowne was ‘grieved and affected’ to hear of JA’s death.

Sydney Smith: (1771–1845), essayist and wit, one of the founders, in 1802,

of the Edinburgh Review, a hugely influential periodical aimed at educating

middle-class taste. He was a member of the great Whig political and

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