A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Appendix 185

3. Copy of a letter from Caroline Austen to JEAL (NPG,

RWC/HH, fos. 4–7).

April 1 st . [1869?]

My dear Edward

I have lost no time in getting ready all the helps I have to offer

for our Aunt’s ‘Life’––I wish they were more. Memory is treacherous,

but I cannot be mistaken in saying that Sense and

Sensibility was first written in letters–– & so read to her family.

Northanger Abbey, under a different name I beleive, was the first

actually prepared for publication & was sold for (I think 20£) to

a publisher–– who declared that he had lost the copy–– refused to

have the loss supplied, and was contented to remain minus his

20£. Afterwards the copyright was purchased back again and it

was left, as you know ready for publication at the time of her

death–– I enclose a copy of Mr. Austen’s letter to Cadell°–– I do

not know which novel he would have sent–– The letter does not do

much credit to the tact or courtesy of our good Grandfather for

Cadell was a great man in his day, and it is not surprising that he

should have refused the favor so offered from an unknown–– but

the circumstance may be worth noting, especially as we have so

few incidents to produce. At a sale of Cadell’s papers &c Tom

Lefroy picked up the original letter–– and Jemima copied it for


My Aunt was very sorry to leave her native home, as I have heard

my Mother relate–– My Aunts had been away a little while, and

were met in the Hall ˆon their returnˆ by their Mother who told

them it was all settled, and they were going to live at Bath. My

Mother who was present.[sic] said my Aunt Jane was greatly

distressed–– All things were done in a hurry by Mr. Austen &

of course this is not a fact to be written and printed–– but you

have authority for saying she did mind it–– if you think it worth


As to the ‘stuffing’ of the projected volume, I have already

said that I expect little from letters–– but some of her light

nonsensical verses might take–– such as ‘In measured verse I

now rehearse, The charms of lovely Anna’, & perhaps some

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