A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Southern Hill Reading

Dec r 1864

My dear Edward

You have asked me to put on paper my recollections of Aunt

Jane, & to do so would be, both on your account & her’s a labour

of love if I had but a sufficiency of material.

I am sorry to say that my reminiscences are few; surprisingly

so, considering how much I saw of her in childhood, & how much

intercourse we had in later years. I look back to the first period

but find little that I can grasp of any substance, or certainty: it

seems now all so shadowy! I recollect the frequent visits of my

two Aunts, & how they walked in wintry weather through the

sloppy lane between Steventon & Dean in pattens, usually worn

at that time even by Gentlewomen. I remember too their bonnets:

because though precisely alike in colour, shape & material, I made

it a pleasure to guess, & I believe always guessed right, which

bonnet & which Aunt belonged to each other–– Children do not

think of Aunts, or perhaps of any grown up people as young; yet

at the time to which I now refer my Aunts must have been very

young women–– even a little later, when I might be 9 or 10 y rs . old

I thought it so very odd, to hear Grandpapa speak of them as ‘the

Girls’. ‘Where are the Girls?’ ‘Are the Girls gone out?’

At the time of my birth Aunt Jane was not much over 17–– She

was thus entered in the family Bible in her Father’s hand writing.

A very good clear hand he wrote, by the by. ‘Jane Austen born 16

Dec r . 1775. Privately baptised 17 Dec r . 1775. Rec d . into the

Church 5 Ap l . 1776 Sponsors Rev d . M r . Cooke, Rector of

Bookham Surry, M rs . Jane Austen of Sevenoaks Kent, Father’s

Uncle’s Wife, M rs . Musgrave of Chinnor, Oxon.’

Aunt Jane was the general favorite with children; her ways with

them being so playful, & her long circumstantial stories so

delightful! These were continued from time to time, & begged for

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