A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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case; because I am able to prove by a reference to dates that Miss

Mitford must have been under a mistake, and that her mother

could not possibly have known what she was supposed to have

reported; inasmuch as Jane Austen, at the time referred to, was a

little girl.

Mrs. Mitford was the daughter of Dr. Russell, Rector of Ashe,

a parish adjoining Steventon, so that the families of Austen and

Russell must at that time have been known to each other. But the

date assigned by Miss Mitford for the termination of the

acquaintance is the time of her mother’s marriage. This took

place in October 1785, when Jane, who had been born in December

1775, was not quite ten years old. In point of fact, however,

Miss Russell’s opportunities of observing Jane Austen must have

come to an end still earlier: for upon Dr. Russell’s death, in

January 1783, his widow and daughter removed from the neighbourhood,

so that all intercourse between the families ceased

when Jane was little more than seven years old.

All persons who undertake to narrate from hearsay things

which are supposed to have taken place before they were born are

liable to error, and are apt to call in imagination to the aid of

memory: and hence it arises that many a fancy piece has been

substituted for genuine history.

I do not care to correct the inaccurate account of Jane Austen’s

manners in after life: because Miss Mitford candidly expresses a

doubt whether she had not been misinformed on that point.

Nov. 17, 1869.

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