A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Opinions expressed by eminent persons––Opinions of others of less

eminence––Opinion of American readers

INTO this list of the admirers of my Aunt’s works, I admit those

only whose eminence will be universally acknowledged. No doubt

the number might have been increased.

Southey, in a letter to Sir Egerton Brydges,° says: ‘You mention

Miss Austen. Her novels are more true to nature, and have, for

my sympathies, passages of finer feeling than any others of this

age. She was a person of whom I have heard so well and think so

highly, that I regret not having had an opportunity of testifying to

her the respect which I felt for her.’

It may be observed that Southey had probably heard from his

own family connections of the charm of her private character. A

friend of hers, the daughter of Mr. Bigge Wither, of Manydown

Park near Basingstoke, was married to Southey’s uncle, the Rev.

Herbert Hill,° who had been useful to his nephew in many ways,

and especially in supplying him with the means of attaining his

extensive knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese literature. Mr.

Hill had been Chaplain to the British Factory at Lisbon, where

Southey visited him and had the use of a library in those languages

which his uncle had collected. Southey himself continually

mentions his uncle Hill in terms of respect and gratitude.

S. T. Coleridge° would sometimes burst out into high

encomiums of Miss Austen’s novels as being, ‘in their way, perfectly

genuine and individual productions.’

I remember Miss Mitford’s° saying to me: ‘I would almost cut

off one of my hands, if it would enable me to write like your aunt

with the other.’

The biographer of Sir J. Mackintosh° says: ‘Something recalled

to his mind the traits of character which are so delicately touched

in Miss Austen’s novels . . . He said that there was genius in

sketching out that new kind of novel . . . He was vexed for the

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