A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Emma 101

the attention you have paid to my convenience and amusement.

I return also “Mansfield Park,” as ready for a second edition, I

believe, as I can make it. I am in Hans Place till the 16th.

From that day inclusive, my direction will be Chawton, Alton,


‘I remain, dear Sir,

‘Y r faithful humb. Serv t.


‘I wish you would have the goodness to send a line by the

bearer, stating the day on which the set will be ready for the

Prince Regent.’

‘Hans Place, December 11 (1815).°

‘DEAR SIR,–– I am much obliged by yours, and very happy to

feel everything arranged to our mutual satisfaction. As to my

direction about the title-page, it was arising from my ignorance

only, and from my having never noticed the proper place for a

dedication.° I thank you for putting me right. Any deviation from

what is usually done in such cases is the last thing I should wish

for. I feel happy in having a friend to save me from the ill effect of

my own blunder.

‘Yours, dear Sir, &c.


‘Chawton, April 1, 1816.°

‘DEAR SIR,–– I return you the “Quarterly Review” with many

thanks. The Authoress of “Emma” has no reason, I think, to

complain of her treatment in it, except in the total omission of

“Mansfield Park.” I cannot but be sorry that so clever a man as

the Reviewer of “Emma”° should consider it as unworthy of being

noticed. You will be pleased to hear that I have received the

Prince’s thanks for the handsome copy I sent him of “Emma.”

Whatever he may think of my share of the work, yours seems to

have been quite right.

‘In consequence of the late event in Henrietta Street,° I must request

that if you should at any time have anything to communicate

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