A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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Character and Tastes

her great pleasure; she did not live to make much acquaintance

with his novels. Only three of them were published before her

death; but it will be seen by the following extract from one of her

letters, that she was quite prepared to admit the merits of ‘Waverley’;°

and it is remarkable that, living, as she did, far apart from the

gossip of the literary world, she should even then have spoken so

confidently of his being the author of it:––

‘Walter Scott has no business to write novels;° especially good

ones. It is not fair. He has fame and profit enough as a poet,

and ought not to be taking the bread out of other people’s

mouths. I do not mean to like “Waverley,” if I can help it, but I

fear I must. I am quite determined, however, not to be pleased

with Mrs.—— ’s,° should I ever meet with it, which I hope I may

not. I think I can be stout against anything written by her. I have

made up my mind to like no novels really, but Miss Edgeworth’s,

E.’s, and my own.’°

It was not, however, what she knew, but what she was, that

distinguished her from others. I cannot better describe the fascination

which she exercised over children than by quoting the

words of two of her nieces. One says:–– °

‘As a very little girl I was always creeping up to aunt Jane, and

following her whenever I could, in the house and out of it. I

might not have remembered this but for the recollection of my

mother’s telling me privately, that I must not be troublesome to

my aunt. Her first charm to children was great sweetness of

manner. She seemed to love you, and you loved her in return.

This, as well as I can now recollect, was what I felt in my early

days, before I was old enough to be amused by her cleverness. But

soon came the delight of her playful talk. She could make everything

amusing to a child. Then, as I got older, when cousins came

to share the entertainment, she would tell us the most delightful

stories, chiefly of Fairyland, and her fairies had all characters of

their own. The tale was invented, I am sure, at the moment, and

was continued for two or three days, if occasion served.’

Again: ‘When staying at Chawton, with two of her other

nieces,° we often had amusements in which my aunt was very

helpful. She was the one to whom we always looked for help. She

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