A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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50 Death of Mrs. Lefroy


Hers is the energy of soul sincere;

Her Christian spirit, ignorant to feign,

Seeks but to comfort, heal, enlighten, cheer,

Confer a pleasure or prevent a pain.


Can aught enhance such goodness? yes, to me

Her partial favour from my earliest years

Consummates all: ah! give me but to see

Her smile of love! The vision disappears.


’Tis past and gone. We meet no more below.

Short is the cheat of Fancy o’er the tomb.

Oh! might I hope to equal bliss to go,

To meet thee, angel, in thy future home.


Fain would I feel an union with thy fate:

Fain would I seek to draw an omen fair

From this connection in our earthly date.

Indulge the harmless weakness. Reason, spare.

The loss of their first home is generally a great grief to young

persons of strong feeling and lively imagination; and Jane was

exceedingly unhappy when she was told that her father, now

seventy years of age, had determined to resign his duties to his

eldest son, who was to be his successor in the Rectory of Steventon,

and to remove with his wife and daughters to Bath. Jane had

been absent from home when this resolution was taken; and, as

her father was always rapid both in forming his resolutions and in

acting on them, she had little time to reconcile herself to the


A wish has sometimes been expressed that some of Jane

Austen’s letters should be published. Some entire letters, and

many extracts, will be given in this memoir; but the reader must

be warned not to expect too much from them.° With regard to

accuracy of language indeed every word of them might be printed

without correction. The style is always clear, and generally ani-

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