A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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A very old Letter 47

a stranger that comes to our house to see y r Grandmoth r y r Moth r

& all y r Sisters in a plane dress & you only trick d up like a

bartlemew-babby°–– you know what sort of people those are th t

can’t faire well but they must cry rost meate° now what effect

could you imagine y r writing in such a high straine to y r Sisters

could have but eithe r to provoke th m to envy you or murmur

against us. I must tell you neith r of y r Sisters have ever had twenty

pounds a yeare allowance from us yett, & yett they r dress hath not

disparaged neith r th m nor us & without incurring y e censure of

simple covetousness they will have some what to shew out of their

saving that will doe th m creditt & I expect y t you th t are theyr elder

Sister sh d rather sett th m examples of y e like nature th n tempt th m

from treading in y e steps of their good Grandmoth r & poor

Moth r . This is not half what might be saide on this occasion but

believing thee to be a very good natured dutyfull child I sh d have

thought it a great deal too much but y t having in my coming

hither past through many most desperate dangers I cannot forbear

thinking & preparing myself for all events, & therefore not

knowing how it may please God to dispose of us I conclude it my

duty to God & thee my d r child to lay this matter as home to thee

as I could, assuring you my daily prayers are not nor shall not be

wanting that God may give you grace always to remember to

make a right use of this truly affectionate counsell of y r poor

Moth r . & though I speak very plaine downright english to you

yett I would not have you doubt but that I love you as hartily as

any child I have & if you serve God and take good courses I

promise you my kindness to you shall be according to y r own

hart’s desire, for you may be certain I can aime at nothing in what

I have now writ but y r real good which to promote shall be y e

study & care day & night

‘Of my dear Poll

‘thy truly affectionate Moth r .


‘Pera of Galata,° May y e 6th 1686.

‘P.S.–– Thy ffath r & I send thee our blessing, & all thy broth rs &

sist rs they r service. Our harty & affectionate service to my broth r

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