A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen

A Memoir of Jane Austen


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A very old Letter


‘Y r letters by Cousin Robbert Serle arrived here not before the

27 th of Aprill, yett were they hartily wellcome to us, bringing y e

joyful news which a great while we had longed for of my most

dear Mother & all other relations & friends good health which I

beseech God continue to you all, & as I observe in y rs to y r Sister

Betty y e extraordinary kindness of (as I may truly say) the best

Moth r & G nd Moth r in the world in pinching herself to make you

fine, so I cannot but admire her great good Housewifry in affording

you so very plentifull an allowance, & yett to increase her

Stock at the rate I find she hath done; & think I can never

sufficiently mind you how very much it is y r duty on all occasions

to pay her y r gratitude in all humble submission & obedience

to all her commands soe long as you live. I must tell you ’tis

to her bounty & care in y e greatest measure you are like to owe y r

well living in this world, & as you cannot but be very sensible

you are an extraordinary charge to her so it behoves you to take

particular heed th t in y e whole course of y r life, you render her a

proportionable comfort, especially since ’tis y e best way you can

ever hope to make her such amends as God requires of y r hands.

but Poll! it grieves me a little & y t I am forced to take notice of &

reprove you for some vaine expressions in y r lett rs to y r Sister––

you say concerning y r allowance “you aime to bring y r bread &

cheese even”° in this I do not discommend you, for a foule

shame indeed it would be should you out run the Constable°

having soe liberall a provision made you for y r maintenance–– but

y e reason you give for y r resolution I cannot at all approve for

you say “to spend more you can’t” thats because you have it not

to spend, otherwise it seems you would. So y t ’tis y r Grandmoth

rs discretion & not yours th t keeps you from extravagancy,

which plainly appears in y e close of y r sentence, saying y t you

think it simple covetousness to save out of y rs but ’tis my opinion

if you lay all on y r back ’tis ten tymes a greater sin & shame th n

to save some what out of soe large an allowance in y r purse to

help you at a dead lift.° Child, we all know our beginning, but

who knows his end?° Y e best use th t can be made of fair weath r is

to provide against foule & ’tis great discretion & of noe small


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