

Opening new channelsHome wine tastingThis is my internship and bachelor project at Pannonvin which is a webshop in Denmark sellingHungarian wines and holding wine tasting events in Randers. That time was the quarantine periodthrough the Covid-19 pandemic when every social events were closed and nobody knew whenthey open again, thus the company lost one of its channels and revenue stream. My task wasto find a sustainable alternative to optimize the business model. The idea was to bring the winetasting events into the customers’ home and educate themselves with the given materials on thewine and its culture. To test the concept, I organized a focus group with different demographics andconducted two surveys to see before and after effects of the event. I designed a leaflet that givesinformation about the wines’ characteristics, and see how the Hungarian wines compare to otherwines from Spain, Italy and France in similar price range with blind test. The results were positiveand based on their answers, they increased their knowledge on wines after the experience.Promising feedback before and after the Home wine tastingBeforeAfterLeaflet Information of wineFeedback from focus groupFindingsWine TastingFocus groupI was able to collectsome insights fromthe focus group.The majority drinkswine every week,and the pricerange they usuallypay for a bottle iseither low (lessthan 40kr.-), ormid (100-149kr.-).This insight wasfavorable, becausePannonvin offerswines at similarprice range. Therewere also moreparticipants whowould or may holda wine tastingevent in theirhomes.The home wine tasting kit18

ProductdevelopmentInventor Ányos Jedlik (the creator of the world’s first electricmotor) is said to have been the first one to devise a way tocreate soda water on an industrial scale in 1826, effectivelyleading to the beloved combination: The fröccs. Fröccs issaid to be a Hungarian invention and seemed unknown on theDanish market, so I applied the leaflet idea from before andtook it to the bars for testing the product and concept whenthe restrictions were loosed. The results were positive amonginternationals and among Danish who had been familiar withthe Hungarian culture.Fröccs: “A secret for the long lasting life”Trifold- Sándor MáraiFeedback19

Opening new channels

Home wine tasting

This is my internship and bachelor project at Pannonvin which is a webshop in Denmark selling

Hungarian wines and holding wine tasting events in Randers. That time was the quarantine period

through the Covid-19 pandemic when every social events were closed and nobody knew when

they open again, thus the company lost one of its channels and revenue stream. My task was

to find a sustainable alternative to optimize the business model. The idea was to bring the wine

tasting events into the customers’ home and educate themselves with the given materials on the

wine and its culture. To test the concept, I organized a focus group with different demographics and

conducted two surveys to see before and after effects of the event. I designed a leaflet that gives

information about the wines’ characteristics, and see how the Hungarian wines compare to other

wines from Spain, Italy and France in similar price range with blind test. The results were positive

and based on their answers, they increased their knowledge on wines after the experience.

Promising feedback before and after the Home wine tasting



Leaflet Information of wine

Feedback from focus group


Wine Tasting

Focus group

I was able to collect

some insights from

the focus group.

The majority drinks

wine every week,

and the price

range they usually

pay for a bottle is

either low (less

than 40kr.-), or

mid (100-149kr.-).

This insight was

favorable, because

Pannonvin offers

wines at similar

price range. There

were also more

participants who

would or may hold

a wine tasting

event in their


The home wine tasting kit


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