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Optimization of employee life-cycle

priorities when choosing a workplace (age 20-21)

I was a project consultant intern at the company which struggled with recruiting

engineers, and wanted also optimize the pre- and on-boarding processes

within their organization. To find solution to their problem, our team

used exploratory research methodology to have a deeper understanding

in human resources management, and mapped out the best practices at

other successful corporations. After that, we reached out to our networks

and looked for engineers to make interviews about their job preferences,

and asked them if they remembered their on-boarding period to find out

what worked and didn’t work for them. This helped us designed the right

questions for the internal interview with freshly hired employees at PR.

Thanks to their insights, we got a clear picture how a company with similar

domain should attract and treat their employees to maintain well-being at

the workplace.

employee benefits you think is important (age 20-21)

Affinity diagram from internal interviews


The internal interviews showed that employees in general

feel good at the company, but the communication

between newly hired employees and their managers

could be more effective with some optimization and

scheduling while they are on the preboarding stage.

From the collected data, it was clear that other priorities

and benefits have a big role when choosing a workplace

besides salary: We conducted a survey among electric

engineer students at Aarhus University to find out what

the new generation of engineers would prefer and could

influence their decision:

• Freedom with responsibility

• Workflow

• Social environment of the workplace

• Lunch scheme

• Mentoring

• Social gatherings after work



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