2021-22 Sacred Heart School of Halifax Annual Report

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I am grateful to God's Spirit that supports us as we

seek to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly,

our 2021-22 school theme.

dedication, and love of our students throughout the

year and providing a place where they can stretch,

grow, and learn.




Dear Sacred Heart Community,

Our best preparation for each new day is to

consciously feel and express gratitude. Above all,

this Annual Report says very passionately "Thank

You" for the love, learning, service, community

building, and growth that are evident each day at

Sacred Heart School of Halifax. We are grateful

to our teachers and students, our parents,

grandparents, past parents, alums, Board of

Governors, Parents' Guild, RSCJ, and friends who

continue to support Sacred Heart School of Halifax.

As uncertainty and change more often define our

experiences, let's thank our mentors and all who

inspire, guide, and empower us to stay grounded

and focused on what really matters. We are grateful,

too, for the blessing of clear vision through the Five

Sacred Heart Goals, and to have 35 appropriatelyevolving

Criteria to provide excellent direction. And,

Indeed, it is with a humble heart that I thank you for

the honour and privilege of being among you these

past ten years. Thank you for your passion for Sacred

Heart education, and your generous investment

of professional expertise, the precious gift of time,

creative thoughts and energy, and your tremendous

financial support. Your wisdom, dedication, and

faithful support of our mission will continue to make

an important difference in the lives of our students

and all in our community.

Your courageous ownership of our mission makes

the future of Sacred Heart School of Halifax very

hopeful. Our Sacred Heart mission is deep and

global, and this is the reason that Dennis Phillips

moved to Halifax to be the next Head of School.

And, it is the reason I will move to Tokyo in January

2023 to serve the International School of the Sacred

Heart. Preparing for this leadership transition was an

important part of the 2021-22 year.

I am deeply grateful for the privilege of forever

being a part of the SHSH story. You can count on

my support as you live into the next chapter that will

give new expression to our mission of Love - with

and for our students. Thank you, again, for YOUR

part in the dynamic story of Sacred Heart School of


This brings heartfelt gratitude and prayer,

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ

Head of School

PS: I want to extend a personal thank you to all who

supported the Anne Wachter, RSCJ Bursary that was

established by our Board to make it more accessible

to students who need tuition support in order to

attend our outstanding School.




Dear Members of the Corporation,

I am pleased to present my report on the work

of the Board of Governors to the Members of the

Corporation for the academic year 2021-2022.

This year’s school theme was act justly, love

tenderly, and walk humbly. There are many

examples from faculty, staff, students, and families

of living to the theme. A key example of which is

how the community responded to the reality of the

pandemic. We, as a Board, have a deep appreciation

for the patience, understanding, and actions of those

within our School community who kept everyone

safe and healthy. We are proud of our students for

their commitment to learning, friendship, and their

understanding and support of others, both close to

home and around the world. We are also thankful to

the many volunteers who gave their time, spirit, and

support. For our faculty, we are thankful for their work,

With the announcement last spring of Sr. Anne

Wachter, RSCJ completing her ten-year tenure at

Sacred Heart School of Halifax, a focus for the Board

this year was to hire a new Head of School.

A Search Committee was formed to conduct a

broad and fair recruitment process to attract a

strong field of candidates from around the world.

With the assistance of Andrea Forbes-Hurley from

Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette (KBRS) several

engagement sessions were held with faculty, staff,

students, parents, and alumni to seek input on the

characteristics, competencies, and background

believed to be essential in our 45th Head of School.

Nat Wilburn, Head of Conference for the Network

of Sacred Heart Schools, was a valuable consultant

throughout the search process.

In February 2022, we announced that Dennis Phillips

would be the incoming Head of School beginning

August 1, 2022. Dennis brings years of expertise and

deep understanding of the Sacred Heart Network. He

and his wife, Lisa, will be a welcome addition to our

community. A transition team along with the support

of Sr. Wachter is facilitating a smooth leadership


Facilities Committee of the Board

Chair, Torquil Duncan

The expertise of the Facilities Committee provided

insight into several projects this year including the

major restoration of the historical wing’s west-facing

wall, windows, and roof, and for the overhaul of the

system of wireless access points for more effective

internet connectivity.

The Capital Management Plan was updated and

moved to a web-based platform offering a variety

of tools which will be invaluable to our full scope of




understanding and planning for the maintenance of

our campus.

The Committee began to review relevant new

standards of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act,

possible cybersecurity risks, and the impact of

climate change on facilities operations.

We are especially grateful for the expert composition

of the Facilities Committee which includes people

from the wider HRM community. For their ongoing

care and attention to our community and unique and

iconic campus, we are deeply grateful.

Finance Committee of the Board

Chair, Julie Briggs

The School surpassed the budgeted enrollment

target and is closing this year with 513 students; for

the proximate year, enrollment is trending higher

than ever, and re-enrollment is already over 90%.

With thanks to the ‘Dare to Be’ Campaign, we are

able to welcome more students requiring financial

assistance. The Campaign funds also continue to

enhance our growth in innovation and academic


A closer review of the optimal number of students

per class and the international student breakeven

cost of acquisition helped the Committee to gain

a deeper understanding of the uniqueness of our

enrollment challenges. In addition to the usual

budget preparations, discussions with management

addressed the disrupted global economy, rising costof-living,

and increased compensation for employees.

To smooth uneven expenses from year to year, a

technology reserve within the facilities budget was

recommended and established.

Knowing that the province will soon subsidize child

care, the Committee reviewed research done by the

administration; all support that this is not a time to

begin a 3-year-old program.

Nominating and Governance Committee

of the Board

Chair, Michael Simms

The Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference

for each Board Committee and added to each the

responsibility to actively identify and mitigate risks.

For the Engagement Committee and the Board of

Governors, Terms of Reference were articulated and

adopted. In keeping with the annual rotating review of

Board policies, the Committee reviewed and updated

as needed the following policies: Confidentiality

Agreement, Conflict of Interest Agreement, Head of

School Expenditures Approval, Whistleblower Policy,

and the Investment Policy.

The Board Retreat included three elements: a

refresher by Janet MacMillan on Board governance

within non-for-profit organizations, a presentation by

the Institutional Advancement Team on the Strategic

Enrollment Management Plan, and a session with

Nat Wilburn, Head of Conference for the Network of

Sacred Heart Schools, on the role of the Network,

support of member schools, and our Board’s

accountability for mission to the Network and to the

Society of the Sacred Heart.

The Committee seeks to diversify the Board and

Board Committees through relationship-building

experiences and Board education sessions with

people from First Nations and the African Nova

Scotian community. To assist with recruitment

from the wider Halifax community, an open call for

Board members was developed and the process is

described on the School website.

Planning Committee of the Board

Chair, Alexandra Whalen

The Planning Committee’s efforts this year have

been concentrated on determining the timeline and

preliminary work for the School’s next strategic plan.

The Board and employees engaged in an exercise to

understand the common values that will help to direct

the vision for the new plan and understand at the

core what they envision to be our north star for the


The Committee invited various guests in order to

understand key operational areas including Strategic

Enrollment Management, our financial position and

influences, projection of facilities needs based on

the Capital Management Plan, and the work of the

School’s Education to Mission Committee. A twoyear

research project conducted on our behalf

by the education department at St. Francis Xavier

University will be presented to and reviewed by this

Committee in June. This foundational work will serve

the Committee and Board well as we move towards

preparing a new strategic plan for Sacred Heart

School of Halifax.

Engagement Committee of the Board

Chair, Robin Thorsteinson

This Committee of the Board developed throughout

the year. With the Terms of Reference now in place,

the Committee will help the Board of Governors to

understand its role in supporting the Institutional

Advancement Team, in particular with the Strategic

Enrollment Management Plan, engaging new

community partners, alumnae/alumni and parents

of alums, and with recruitment, fundraising, and

communications. The Committee will identify and

mitigate risks in these areas.

Changes made in the Admissions Office this year

are expanding the admissions team’s reach and

effectiveness; already, results have been positive. This

year’s re-enrollment period was highly successful

with the highest re-enrollment response since the

School has been tracking re-enrollment data.

Through the generous support of our School

community and a very enthusiastic and determined

Bursary Fundraising Committee, we held a successful

in-person ‘Blue Skies, Big Hearts Bursary Event’. As

our gift to departing Head of School Sr. Anne Wachter,

RSCJ, the Board initiated a bursary in Sr. Wachter’s

honour and this was publicly announced at the

Bursary fundraiser.

COVID-19 Pandemic

Our community met the challenges associated with

the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board is grateful for the

untiring efforts, energy, and positive ‘can-do’ spirit of

our faculty, staff, and parent volunteers in continuing

our quality program, and to maintain focus on

continuous school improvement.


Sacred Heart School of Halifax is fully accredited and

in good standing with the Network of Sacred Heart

Schools and the Canadian Accredited Independent

Schools (CAIS). Sacred Heart School of Halifax is

accredited to award the Nova Scotia High School

Leaving Certificate.

In Closing

The many successes of this school year are a credit to

faculty and staff members for the gifts and care each

one brings every day to our students and one another

as colleagues. Our Board of Governors would like to

recognize the leadership team for their dedication:

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, Head of School

Dr. Wallace MacAskill, Principal, Senior School

Jared Griffiths, Principal, Elementary School

Sheryl Penny, Director of Finance and Administration

Brian Lumsden, Director of Facilities and Technology

Miriam Regan, Director of Institutional Advancement &

Alumni Relations

Marie Reyes, Admissions Director

Renée Fournier, Marketing and Communications


Patricia Nichols, Executive Assistant to the Head

of School

We wish Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, all the best and thank

her for serving as our Head of School for 10 years. Over

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the past decade, she led our School through significant

restructuring, enrollment growth, as well as our

largest-ever Capital Campaign. We are thankful for her

role and effort in bringing us closer to the full Sacred

Heart School Network and her tireless leadership

throughout the pandemic. Anne will hold a special spot

in our School history and in our Halifax community.

Thank you to my fellow Governors and Committee

Chairs for their volunteer efforts throughout the year.

Your thoughtfulness and care for the oversight of

Sacred Heart School of Halifax is deeply appreciated.

With gratitude,

Kathryn Tector, Chair

Board of Governors


to the 2021-22

Board of Governors

Top row, L-R: Torquil Duncan, Robin Thorsteinson, Valerie Patterson, Monique Gogan, Philip Bassil,

Gwyneth Fountain ‘19, Dr. Arunika Gunawardena, Michael Simms

Bottom row, L-R: Charlotte Riley ‘81, Lois Dyer Mann ‘68, Julie Briggs, Kathryn Tector, Alexandra Whalen ‘06,

Sr. Donna Dolan ‘60, RSCJ, Sr. Anne Wachter ‘80, RSCJ, Gord Cooper

Sr. Wachter, RSCJ, has

spent ten years as the

Head of School for

Sacred Heart School of

Halifax. This year, we said

goodbye to Sr. Wachter

in many special ways and with as much love as she has given us over her time here. Sr. Wachter made many

significant contributions to our School, our community, and especially our students, who will remember her

for her personalized birthday cards, her tears of love and joy, and of course, for making Congé such a big

deal! Thank you for everything Sr. Wachter, you will be missed!

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There were ups, and there were downs during the 2021-22 Academic Year as we and the world

continued to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic. There were days that resembled the “before

days”, and days when we feared the return of restrictive measures as the Omicron variant took hold.

It meant that throughout the year we got serious with masking, creative with hybrid events, and

safe by taking it outside.

Elementary School Musical

Our Elementary School was back with their beloved

musical. This year it was a fantastic production of

Madagascar: A Musical Adventure Jr. The 75-member

cast and crew from Grades 4-6 showcased their talents,

learned many skills and life lessons, and had a blast

together. For every single one of the cast, it was their first

production, and it was amazing to experience. As is the

hallmark of these shows, the music, costumes, sets, and

energy were outstanding, as was the collective effort of so

many in our community who made it happen.

Senior School Musical

Live theatre was back in a big way this year as the

Senior School staged the musical revue All Together

Now. This performance was special not just because

it was our first one in two years, but because

ours was just one of 2,500 productions in over 40

countries around the world that performed it on the

same weekend. The show was created in response

to the COVID-19 pandemic to rejuvenate the

theatrical community and to bring performers and

audiences together after an extended hiatus. The

production featured some of the biggest numbers

in musical theatre history from iconic shows such

as Rent, Annie, Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins,

High School Musical, and others. And, our students

did a fabulous job bringing these songs to life; the

audiences, all four sold-out shows, were wowed!


As they say, the third time’s a charm, which for

Congé this year was definitely the case. COVID

delayed the original date not once, but twice. So,

when we were finally able to make it happen in

May 2022, it was a wonderful celebration. During a

special assembly, the students took the opportunity

to pay tribute to Sr. Wachter in their own way which

included a video walk down memory lane and a

special Jeopardy! presentation by the Performing

Arts Club (PAC). Sr. Wachter thanked the students

and then gave them their own celebration by

announcing Congé. The students and staff were

then off to enjoy the day of surprise, fun, and

excitement. Congé is a unique Sacred Heart

tradition that Sr. Wachter brought to life for the

entire school, and it will be one of the traditions for

which she will be most remembered.




Last Will

After two years of virtual ceremonies, one of our

most beloved Sacred Heart traditions — Last Will

— was celebrated in person again and it was as

moving as it was memorable. In a ceremony in front

of all Barat Academy students, the Grade 11’s took

the opportunity to celebrate the graduating class.

Stories, anecdotes, memories, and laughter were

shared during the annual passing of the baton. Sr.

Wachter was also the subject of her own Last Will.

She was presented with a ceremonial box of kleenex

that she and many of the students put to good use.

The afternoon was capped with a fantastic slide

show full of memories and appropriately set to the

music of Abba’s “Slipping Through My Fingers”.


Fancy dresses and dapper suits were back as the

Senior School hosted a formal prom this year. A

pre-prom reception for students and their parents

at the School was well attended and the seniors

were clearly in a celebratory mood. After the

reception, it was over to the Prince George Hotel

where the evening included remarks from Sr.

Wachter and toasts to the graduates, teachers,

and parents — the trifecta of support for the Class

of 2022.

Field Hockey

For the first time in Sacred Heart’s history, we hosted

our first-ever indoor field hockey game! Our Barat

Sharks team welcomed Sackville High during a hardfought

and competitive game that went back and

forth and ended with a 4-3 win for our team. The team

had a great season and the students clearly loved the

sport and the opportunity to be part of this new team.

Credit belongs to the team’s coach, Kathryn Ross,

who was instrumental in getting the field hockey

program up and running and to our own Glen Oxner

who built the boards that allowed it to happen.

Christmas Fair

It was another year of a hybrid Christmas Fair with

many of our activities taking place online, but

there was still lots of Christmas spirit and all kinds

of community support for activities like our online

auction, Christmas wreaths, and curated cases of

wine. And, for the first time, we also hosted our very

own Christmas Tree Lot where we sold premiumgrade

Christmas trees thanks to a very generous

donation from one of our families while the amazing

George-Wegner family played Christmas music

throughout the day.





Despite COVID restrictions, the Parents’ Guild had a very successful year that included maintaining

many of its traditions, making adaptations to some activities, and even starting a few new ventures.

Funds raised by the Parents’ Guild are given to the School to help with supplies, activities,

and experiences for our children. The PG is committed to an annual financial goal of $52,000

and this year that goal was exceeded by a significant margin.

2021-22 Report Excerpt from Parents' Guild

President, Dr. Heidi Sapp.

The Hot Lunch Program, expertly led by Lesley

Reeves, was back and bigger than ever! In addition

to providing a wide variety of delicious and nutritious

meals for the students and staff, it enabled

volunteers to engage with students and each

other. This year, Easy Street Diner was added as a

vendor and food waste was decreased by donating

unclaimed lunches to those in need. Income from

the Program increased substantially as more families

used the system, the PayPal fees were transferred

from the Parents’ Guild to individual users, and

the School passed along a 10% HST rebate on the

vendor invoices. Additionally, users must pay as they

go now so outstanding balances were eliminated.

The annual Christmas Fair became a hybrid affair

after two years of virtual events and it included

online, drive-thru, and in-person activities like the

Used Uniform Shop which was back in the Study

Hall. Uniform, wreath sales, toque sales, and online

auction revenues were all up, while wine case sales

remained stable. And, this year the PG branched

out and sold premium Christmas trees thanks to a

generous donation from a Sacred Heart family. It

was so successful, it is expected to become a new

tradition for the Fair.

Donations & Fundraising

The PG also hosted or took part in a significant

number of events including a new welcome

breakfast for the faculty in both the Elementary

and Senior schools; the Popsicle Parade, which

temporarily replaced the traditional Ice Cream

Social; the modified Heads’ Reception for new

parents on a beautiful evening in September; the

annual Terry Fox Run; a Shrove Tuesday pancake

take out dinner; two Coffee Talks; and a Parent Social

at The Barrington Steakhouse.

Thank you to our extended Sacred Heart community

for their support and especially to the many parents

who volunteered their time and passion to our

Parents’ Guild.

Thank you to our 2021-22 Parents' Guild Executive:

Dr. Heidi Sapp, President; Vickie Mastrapas '01,

Elementary School Vice-President; Angela Caseley,

Senior School Vice-President; Lola Heavey,

Secretary; Lesley Reeves, Hot Lunch Coordinator;

Christina Forgeron, Volunteer Coordinator;

Jennifer Gillis, Social Committee Coordinator;

Amy Publicover, Christmas Fair Coordinator; Keith

Bourne, Past President; Monique Gogan, Board

Designate; Jason Scott, Faculty Liaison; and Sr. Anne

Wachter '80, RSCJ, and Miriam Regan '80, Honorary


PARENTS’ GUILD 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Donations to the School $ 51,506 $ 45,021 $ 50,474 $ 61,021

Donations to the Bursary Fund 1,000 1,000 - -

Donations to Congé 3,000 - - -

Other 1,408 - - -

With a new name, a new location, and a new lease on life,

there was nothing but “Blue Skies” at this year’s return

to our in-person bursary fundraiser. Held in late

April at Pier 21, our community came together

with joyful spirits to raise over $145,000 to

support our Bursary Fund.

This year we used the opportunity to pay

tribute to Sr. Wachter in words, pictures,

and music that included a special rendition

of “Wild Mountain Thyme” from Sacred

Heart grandparent and past parent Denis

Ryan. Sr. Wachter was also our keynote

speaker for the evening and she spoke about

the importance and meaning of a Sacred Heart

education, something she has spent most of her

life celebrating and advocating.

Alums Dr. Rohini Bannerjee ‘93 and David MacDonald ‘16

led the evening as the co-emcees, and they were brilliant!

As only alums who truly understand the impact of their

Sacred Heart education can do, Rohini and David added

truly personal and insightful touches to the evening.

Of course the event could not happen without

countless hours of volunteer effort. A big-hearted

thank you to the Big Hearts Bursary Benefit Planning

Team: Chair, Tina Di Quinzio, Keith Bourne, Marcia

Burke, JJ Choo, Renée Fournier, Jennifer Gillis,

Riley Goedkoop, Suzanne Hamlyn, Rebecca

Hiltz LeBlanc, Paul Hopkins, Aisha Leon, Andrea

MacMillan, Vickie Mastrapas, Miriam Martin, Mark

Mayhew, Denise McMackin, Marlee Naipaul, Monica

Ongay, David Rankine, Michelle Reddy, Miriam Regan,

Monica Rodriguez, Mary Shakespeare, Kristine Smith, and

Kelley Spearin.

Total $ 56,914 $ 46,021 $ 50,474 $ 61,021









We most gratefully

acknowledge those who

contributed to

the 2021-2022

Annual Giving Fund.

$10,000 +


Valerie Patterson & Robert Ritacco

$5,000 +

Deborah Coles ‘76

Judith O'Dea-Oliver ‘65 & James


$2,000 +

Nicholas & Sarah Childs

Amanda Giannoulis & Yianni


Monique Gogan

Roger & Lindsey King

Maureen Nolan

Carole Parker

Danette Pottle & Chris Cruikshank

Mary & Robert Shakespeare

Ning Xu & Songtao Hou

$1,000 +

Simone Abbass

Mary Akin ‘72

Jim Barker & Linda Macdonald

Julie Briggs & Darren MacDonald

Lydia Bugden & Chris Smith

Yuan Cao & Fuqiang Ma

Richard & Elizabeth Carten

Pat & Sarah Cassidy ‘76

Gregory Chiasson - in memory of

Joan & Alfred Chiasson

Gordon Cooper & Chere Chapman

Sheila Donahoe ‘64 - in memory of

Michael Derwin

Vlad Kozousek & Sarah Dyack

Lois Dyer Mann ‘68 & David Mann

Patricia Ernst ‘75

Paula Farmer ‘80

Ellen ‘72 & John Feehan

Frank & Mary Fitzpatrick

Bianca Lang ‘76 & Andrew Orr

Wendy & Ward Larson

Karen Liu

Laurie MacKeigan & Tom Murray

Mahmoud Mirmehrabi & Azadeh


David & Ruth Anne Nicholson

Harold & Dolores Nickerson

Anna & Lex Stuart

Tracey's Landscaping

YanJun Tu & LingYan Ren

Peng Zhang & Zhihao Chen

Na Zhang & Gang Liu

$500 +

Victoria & Robert Apold

Robert Batherson & Cathy MacIsaac

Judith ‘62 & Lou Beaubien

Patricia Bennett

Guanlin & Tana Chen

Heather Dyment

Dennis Gillis and Isabelle French

Lloyd & Lorna Gillis

Christine Hanson & Victor Tannous

David & Geralynn Hirsch ‘74 - in

memory of Mrs. Lydia Aquino

William Laurence

Anne Li & Zhenjiang Wang

Nina Liu & Zhijiang Zhou

Stewart & Liz Mahoney

Ken Mantin - in memory of Betty

Mantin ‘55

Melissa McLaughlin ‘95

Denise McMackin

Leona & Matthew Milne

Tarra Mont-Colgan ‘80

Marlee & Mark Naipaul

Tim & Pam O'Regan

David & Jillian Regan

Robbie & Jean Shaw

Michael Simms & Lee Gifford-


Olivia Stephen ‘18

Patti Towler

Weiwei Wang & Jay Shen

Ruoyun Wang & Yi Feng

$250 +


Neale & Sharon Bennet

Kailie J. Benson ‘86

David & Nicole Bortolussi

Alan & Gwyn Bruce

Cheryl & Stephen Carter

Patrick Casey & Monica Rodriguez

Margaret Casey

Mary Clancy ‘66

Michel & Trudy Comeau - in

memory of Anne Hallisey ‘53

Simone Cottreau

Janet Curry & Wayne MacDonald

Jane Donahoe ‘63

Cathleen Donahoe Niedermayer ‘59

Sarah & Jordan Dudley

Torquil & Lisa Duncan

Mark Emberly & Elaine Shelton

Jen Feron & James Murphy

Renée Fournier

Neal Lade & Allison Fitzpatrick

Cynthia Langlands-Gray ‘81

Bonnie LeFrank & Mark Young

Feng Liu & Qiang Lu

Maria MacNeil - in memory of

Patricia (Patsy Ann) Pigot MacNeil


Erika Nicholson & David Maginley

The Nunes Family

Avrum & Fran Ostry

Sheryl Penny

Thelma Rankine

Society of the Sacred Heart

Kathryn & Mark Tector

Robin Thorsteinson & Rob Barbara

Alexandra ‘06 & Bryan Whalen

Dave & Margie Whitehouse

Dominika Wranik & Florian Friedrich

- in memory of Jozef Wranik

$100 +


Yan An & Wenhai Ma

Maria Aquino Fawcett ‘73 - in

memory of Mrs. Lydia S. Aquino

Jennifer Bain & Simon Docking

Philip & Brigitte Bassil

Louis & Megan Beaubien

Crystal Beazley ‘65

Kathleen & Robert Bekkers

Sara Bonnyman ’71

Beverley Box ‘59

Maureen Brown*

Martin Bullock & Meghan Nieman

Miriam Calderon Martin & Jorge


Greg Campbell & Family - in

memory of Anne Hallisey ‘53

John Carling

Charles & Claire Cartmill

Zhuo Chen & Zhiwen Xu

Amanda Chen & Zihao Lin

Maya Churbaji & Ayman Samman

Jane Corkum & Todd MacLean

Father Albert Cosgrove

Claudia Cubillos

Sharron Dolan - in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Sr. Donna Dolan, RSCJ ‘60

Sheila Donahoe ‘64 - in memory of

Georgia Wootten Jordan ‘50

Sheila Donahoe ‘64 - in memory of

Sr. Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Lynne Donahoe ‘64 - in honour

of Arthur Donahoe, Cathleen

Niedermayer, Sheila Donahoe,

Nora Strapps & Ellen Feehan

Lynne Donahoe ‘64

Patricia Donnelly** & Brian Casey**

Marla & Thomas Dorward

Theresa Driscoll ‘48

Deborah Dunham*

Archbishop Brian Dunn

Maureen Elliott*

Laura & Matt Elworthy

Ellen Feehan ‘72 - in memory of

Colette Flinn Perey ‘57

Ellen Feehan ‘72 - in memory of

Anne Hallisey ‘53

Marilyn & Robert Ferguson

Nicole ‘86 & Allan Ferguson

Sr. Mary Finlayson, RSCJ

Ann Fitzgerald

Donna Forest-Robertson ‘60

Thérèse & Jim Francis

Paton Francis and Leigh Gillis

Linda Franklin ‘59

Ruth Graham ‘43

Jared & Joy Griffiths

Sr. Sheila Hammond, RSCJ*

Joan Hanrahan ‘47

Patty Himmelman ‘72

Carolyn & Steven Hipson

Mathieu Jolin & Jillian Coolen

Eileen Kelleher ‘64

Jean F. Knickle ‘50

Hon Lee & Donna Baggley

The Lightfoot Family

Haoyan Lin & Yuanyuan Wang

Sheila Lu & Leo Jiang

Brian & Jeanette Lumsden

Wallace & Amy MacAskill

Catherine MacDonald ‘73

Elmer MacDonald

Jody & Wayne MacDonald & Family

Jennifer MacDougall & Wayne J.


Carolyn & Leo MacKenzie

Bridget McCormick - in memory of

Sr. Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Barbara-Ann McGarry

Sarah McGuire ‘88

Adele Merritt

Anthony Morris

The Naulls Family

Anne & Larry Nestman - in memory

of Anne Hallisey ‘53

Kathleen Newman ‘70

Patricia & Dale Nichols

Patricia Nichols - in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Patricia Nichols - in memory of

Michael Derwin

Kelly Nichols ‘09

Beverley Palmer Mason & Peter


Simone Abbass – in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Craig Pinches & Heather Jackson

Simone Poirier-Bures ‘63

Eileen M. Porter ‘76

Maria Josefina Ramos & Antonio Jr.


Carole Regan

Miriam Regan ‘80 & Ian MacNeil

Marie Reyes & Ashley Leonard


Charlotte Riley ‘81

Thomas Rissesco

Neil & Patricia Robertson

Mary Ryan McCullough ‘61

Rosemarie Sampson

John & Judith Sapp ‘61

Heidi & John Sapp

Moira ‘93 & Jonathan Schrader

Jason & Gillian Scott

Sisters of Charity - in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Baoya Song & Hua Zhang

Janne Tamblyn Lee

Geoff Turnbull & Nathalie Blanchet

Brett Vair & Andrew Bergen

Eileen Vanora Haldane

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ ‘80

Wendy & Brice Walsh

Janet Willwerth

Yihang Yun & Yunyao He

Ying Zhang & Ji Lu

$1 - $99


Joan Backer ‘60

Mary Barker & Ronald Gilkie

Sharon ‘56 & Harold Beals

Peggy Beaton ‘64 & David Cox - in

memory of Michael Derwin

Wendy Black ‘72

Jill & Dylan Blain

Jeff Britton & Jenny Walker

Jennifer & Jonathan Budgell

Joan Caron ‘58

Sean Cashin & Barbara McCay


Charitable Irish Society of Halifax -

in memory of Michael Derwin

Antwon & Daphne Christian

Diane Clarke ‘64

Alison Comeau

Sr. Anne Marie Conn, RSCJ ‘65

Sheila Cook*

Deborah Crane ‘80 - in memory of

Sr. Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Linda Davis

Judy Dietz ‘73

Amruta & Ankur Dnyanmote

Sheleagh Donahue ‘70

Richard Drake ‘12

Bill Druker

Rebecca Fear

Moira Findlay

Marion (Feetham) Gaetan ‘57

Gabrielle Gesner & David Connolly

Riley & Wouter Goedkoop

Erin & Jeff Gouthro

Arunika Gunawardena &

Rajaratnam Rajaselvam

Catherine Gunther ‘54

Rebecca Hammond

Jason & Shoneth Leadbetter

Heather Leal

Norma & Robert Lord

Taunia MacAdam & Michael


Mairi-Lindsay MacDonald ‘98

Michael MacDonald & Camilla


Andrew MacSwain

Grace Mader ‘42

Rory Martin

Jessica Maynard ‘06

Michael McCallum

Helena & Garry McCay

Gina & Trevor McFetridge

Catherine McGuigan ‘71

Patricia McMullen

Janice Chisholm McQuaid

Kathryn Miller ‘49

Janelle Misener

Peter Moores

Gretta Morash - in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Gretta Morash - in memory of Anne

Hallisey ‘53

Susan Mosher

William & Sheila Murphy

Glen & Stacey Oxner

Heather Russell ‘72

Bana Samman ‘17

Anas Samman ‘16

Simon & Jennifer Sherry

Briann Smith

Gloria Sola

Sara & Sean Spears

Jane Steele*

Wenyin Tan & Ling Chen

Laurie & Franco Tarulli

Sr. Paula Toner, RSCJ

Barb Wade

Hai Wang & Qiujun Dong

Monica West

Jiran Ye & Yueqi Yang

Yan Zhang & David Cao

14 15


We most gratefully


undesignated gifts.

$1,000,000 +


We most gratefully

acknowledge those

who contributed to the

2021-2022 Bursary Fund.

$7,500 +

Tabitha Rogers ‘91

$5,000 +

Deborah Coles ‘76

Shelagh Leahey ‘69

$2,000 +

Mark Walsh

$1,000 +

Eltie* & David Boyer

Zead & Jamale Haddad

Vladimir Kozousek & Sarah Dyack

Cynthia Lang

Bianca Lang ‘76 & Andrew Orr

$500 +


In memory of Margaret Boyd

Lisa Buckley & Dennis Phillips

Sarah ‘76 & Patrick Cassidy

Barbara FitzGerald* – in memory of

Sr. Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

In memory of Mary (Hayes) Gilroy

Leona & Matthew Milne

In memory of Margo Mullane

Harold & Dolores Nickerson

Pauline Scott*

Sisters of Charity

$250 +

Neale & Sharon Bennet

Katie & Scott Carroll

Sean Court & Irina Jorge Khan

Nicole ‘86 & Allan Ferguson

Geralynn ‘74 & David Hirsch

Rosine & John Lawen

Bongsun & Ron MacDonald

Catherine & Eric Morrison

Anthony Murphy & Denise


Geoffrey & Kelly Regan

Janet Robertson

Michael Rushe

Rosemarie Sampson

Vinita & Sailesh Savani

Jason & Gillian Scott

Peter & Siew Kim Secord

Robin Thorsteinson & Rob Barbara

Jane Wootten - in memory of

Georgia Jordan ‘50

$100 +

Nelia Andrade - in memory of

Georgia Ann Jordan ‘50

Rohini Bannerjee ‘93 & Karim


Robert Berard

Jill & Dylan Blain

Martin Bullock & Meghan Nieman

Canadian Association of Sacred

Heart Alumnae - Halifax

Sheila Cardone

Bob Carney - in memory of Georgia

Ann Jordan-Wootten ‘50

Lynne Donahoe ‘64

Sheila Donahoe ‘64 - in memory of

Anne Hallisey ‘53

Jane & Grant Machum

Maison Brison Communications - in

memory of Georgia Ann Jordan

(Wootten) ‘50

Ken Mantin - in memory of Betty

Mantin ‘55

Dian Marciniak

Vickie ‘01 & Billy Mastrapas

Patricia Nichols - in memory of

Anne Hallisey ‘53

Miriam Regan ‘80 & Ian MacNeil

Pauline Scott – in memory of Sr.

Mildred Peterkin, RSCJ

Michelle Williams

Debra Wilson

$1 - $99

Sarah & Michael Biddulph

Cathleen Donahoe Niedermayer ‘59

Thérèse & James Francis

Holly Gilkie - in memory of Bernard


Lola & Mark Heavey

Gail Hogan & Ian Wallace - in

memory of Georgia Wootten-

Jordan ‘50

Vivian Jennings

Terrie Logue & Paul Smith

Denise McMackin

Pauline Scott* - in memory of Anne

Hallisey ‘53

Pauline Scott* - in memory of

Michael Derwin

We most gratefully

acknowledge the

sponsors and donors of

the Big Hearts Bursary



Domus Realty - Michelle Reddy &

Jennifer Gillis


Supplement King

Assante/Bloom Wealth Investment



Debbie Coles ‘76

Eldis Inc.


J2K Properties

Atlantic Digital

Signature Health


RCR Hospitality

Nathalie & Darin McLean


Sancton Access

Sacred Heart Parents’ Guild

Bicycle Thief

Scotia Fuels

St. Mary’s University

Owens MacFadyen Group

The Voyager’s Workshop

Blossom Shops

Bank of Montreal

Keith Bourne & Rebecca Saturley

Philomena Hughes

Eltie* & David Boyer

Robert Oyler

We most gratefully

acknowledge those

who contributed to the

2021-2022 Anne Wachter,

RSCJ, Bursary

Simone Abbass

Mary Barker & Ronald Gilkie

Sharon ‘56 & Harold Beals

Margaret Beaton ‘64

Judith ‘62 & Lou Beaubien

Crystal Beazley ‘65

Sophie Bieger & Paul Donovan

Robert Bortolussi

Julie Briggs & Darren MacDonald

Margaret Casey

Mary Clancy ‘66

Alison Comeau

George & Tia Cooper

Gordon Cooper & Chere


Debbie Crane ‘80 & Nancy Crane


Jane Dexter ‘76

Judy Dietz ‘73

Sheila Donahoe ‘64

Lynne Donahoe ‘64

Cathleen Donahoe Niedermayer


Torquil & Lisa Duncan

Archbishop Brian Dunn

Lois Dyer Mann ‘68 & David Mann

Patricia Ernst ‘75

Ellen ‘72 & John Feehan

Barbara FitzGerald*

Frank & Mary Fitzpatrick

Catherine Forbes & Mike Barrett

Lincoln Hiatt & Donna Forrest

Geralynn ‘74 & David Hirsch -

in memory of Lydia & Jose


Ramona Lumpkin & Bill


Denise MacDonell & Michael


Ken Mantin - in memory of Betty

Mantin ‘55

Barbara Martell**

Justin & Heather McDonough

Gretta Morash

Kathryn Naulls

Anne & Larry Nestman

Patricia & Dale Nichols

Erika Nicholson & David Maginley

Harold & Dolores Nickerson

Janet O'Brien ‘62

Roxanne O'Neil & Ross Cantwell

Maria Pacurar & Greg Nazaire

Valerie Patterson & Robert


Kelley & Peter Polley

Michelle Reddy & David Rankine

Miriam Regan ‘80 & Ian MacNeil

Marie Reyes & Ashley Leonard


Charlotte Riley ‘81

Michael Rushe

Sacred Heart School of Halifax

Parents' Guild

Rosemarie Sampson

Judith ‘61 & John Sapp

Pauline Scott*

Michael & Meaghan Sim

Michael Simms & Lee Gifford-


Roger Sinclair & Lisa Bugden

Christopher Smith & Lydia


Society of the Sacred Heart -

Sophie Community

Anna & Lex Stuart

Tammy Sullivan & Matthew


Angela & Mark Surrette

Kathryn & Mark Tector

Divya Varma

Sara Wachter*

Wendy & Brice Walsh

Alexandra ‘06 & Bryan Whalen

Our Advancement Office has

worked to ensure the accuracy

of this information and to avoid

errors and omissions. If your name

is not listed as you would prefer it

to be, please let us know so that

our records may be corrected. If an

error or omission is found, please

accept our sincere apologies and

advise us by calling 902-422-4459

or send an email to giving@shsh.ca.

If your gift was received after June

30, 2022, your name will appear in

our 2022-23 Annual Report.

*Alum from Sacred Heart sister school

** Honorary Alum




Financial Statement

Sacred Heart School of Halifax – Year ending June 30, 2022



Carole Parker

90.6% Tuition

1.4% Annual Giving

2.1% Auxiliary Income

4.4% Other Giving

1.5% Interest & Other Income





Instruction, Support, Salaries,

& Materials

Financial Assistance,

Scholarships, & Discounts

Plant Operations,

Maintenance & Improvement

13.3% General Administration


Additions to Operating Reserve &

Capital Program Enhancements

1.5% Auxiliary Expenses



For 13 years Receptionist Carole Parker

has been working at Sacred Heart. And

for all of those 13 years, she has been

donating to the Annual Giving Fund. For

Carole, it’s not about the amount; some

years it’s been more and some years

less. It’s about the opportunity to give

back to the place she feels privileged

to work, a place that has become her

home away from home. In addition to her

financial generosity, Carole is a faithful

volunteer — always available to lend

a hand in the Library, for recess duty,

at the Christmas Fair, and in countless

other ways and at a myriad of events.

Carole has worked at many places over

her 75 years, but Sacred Heart has been,

by far, the most rewarding she says. And

primarily it’s because of the kids, they

bring her joy and keep her young. It’s

also because of the relationships she’s

built with staff and families. From all of

them, she receives love. Yet they say in

life you get what you give, which is just

one of the reasons Carole is so beloved.

Heartfelt thanks to Carole who gives so

much to our Sacred Heart workplace

and community and whose support

of our Annual Giving Fund helps us

continue our mission and our legacy

of excellence.

When I give, I wish I could give more. But I give from

my heart because it’s my way to give back.”



The Year in Photos

Barat Academy Class of 2022

Fountain Academy Class of 2022

Congratulations to the Class of ‘22

For the first time in two years we didn’t have to produce a composite photo of our graduates on the steps of

our historic front entrance as they are able to stand side by side! That in itself was great news, but not nearly as

great as our return to traditional graduation ceremonies with all the pomp and ceremony of past events. A big

hats off (or should we say mortar boards off) to our Barat Academy and Fountain Academy graduates who have

officially embarked on their next chapter. We wish them all the best. To read our 2021-22 Graduation Report,

click here.

5820 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS B3H 1X8 www.shsh.ca

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