New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 5 | N E W E R AB U R C U K I C I KPeople feel in the mystical environment with things like slow motions,captivating sounds and narrative emphasis used in the videos, or, as aspecific example, they added what they experienced in Tarkovsky andTerrence's films to the comments, The people who made this commentalso added that they watched the movies of these people with the aimof escaping from the world. Some of the carefully chosen words are:nature, eternity, mindfulness and no-mind.While we come across these contents so often in Tiktok, we see thesimilar algorithm on Youtube, but the consumption frequency is lessand it is a place that should be searched especially, and it is a circlethat you may never reach unless you search for Twitter. Youtube hasmore frequencies, chakra meditations, sometimes self-help, astrologyand tarot reading, And as I said, consumption is low. On Twitter, weoften come across weekly tarot readings (“Weekly Tarot Reading”),horoscope comments and astrological information.If we talk about the New Age content we see on these four socialmedia platforms in three articles.Firstly; tutorial, maybe even developerSome content tells people how to breathe, what to pay attention towhile meditating, and the essence of being a good person. From thispoint of view, they say that positive thinking, helping people andanimals, and sharing behaviors raise the frequency. If our frequency isrising in this way, it may be a useful area for society at some point.Because in order to have rituals, one must pay attention to one's ownself. Here they summarize the situation like this, 'you get what you give'to the universe.Secondly; therapy for peopleunconsciouslyAs I mentioned in the first part,after being a good person, theystart striving for a happy lifeconsciously or unconsciously.People who change their eatinghabits, change their perspective,think that they are a better versionof themselves when they clean theiraura or listen to certainfrequencies. At some point, thiscarries the person to a morepositive perspective, unlike anxiety.

P A G E 6 | N E W E R AB U R C U K I C I KEspecially when you come across a meditation video onTiktok (“Frequencies on Tiktok”), there are warnings in thedescription that 'it's normal to cry, you can get emotional,your suppressed feelings come out'. People write in thecomments that they cried and felt better after themeditation. Mostly they have content such as how you wouldbehave if you were in your childhood, how to talk with yourlittle self (“This is something i have been using recently andit’s helped me heal. So i hope it can help you too”). but thesuccess of this healing process can make the person addicted to suchcontent and he thinks that it would be better if he/she constantly relivedthat moment and did the same meditation again. On Tiktok, they usuallyshare this on #witchtok hashtag and it has a lot of interaction as it invitesthe viewer directly to the ritual or meditation (“Money Ritual”). After theinteraction in these meditations, people felt that they were not alone.Thirdly; magic under the name of ritualMost of the time it appears in the stream; People burningsage carry the smoke around the house (“HappyCleansing”) or write on papers about getting someone todo something with their name, sometimes they organizetheir ritual areas, and clean their natural stones withincense. I often come across these videos while scrolling,and there is definitely a comment 'don't do this magic, karma affectsyou' in the comments. Most teen girls -depending on their faith- want todo this so that their boyfriend will return (“Ex-Boyfriend spell”). I don'tknow if it's karma or sin, but I'm sure it's definitely harmful to mentalhealth!Fourth and final; tarot readings, pendulum and yes noquestionsThese are also a few of the videos titled ‘do not pass’before, but the problem is that; The topics are generallycontent prepared with questions such as 'does he still loveme, will he come back to me, how is he now' (“How he feelsabout you”). Considering the algorithm, these videos are nota coincidence, as they contain specific topics and areconsidered 'livable'. If you watch the tarot reading, ofcourse, another reading will be in the stream. With another example,when you ask a yes or no question (“Ask your question... YES or NO”) andwatch that video, of course, you will see the same again and you will askit again. In fact, as I mentioned in the third part, when you see questionsand tarot readings, you either think negatively or give yourself hope invain. Again, this is not a very logical situation for your mental health, sonever mind that your boyfriend doesn't come back.

P A G E 6 | N E W E R A


Especially when you come across a meditation video on

Tiktok (“Frequencies on Tiktok”), there are warnings in the

description that 'it's normal to cry, you can get emotional,

your suppressed feelings come out'. People write in the

comments that they cried and felt better after the

meditation. Mostly they have content such as how you would

behave if you were in your childhood, how to talk with your

little self (“This is something i have been using recently and

it’s helped me heal. So i hope it can help you too”). but the

success of this healing process can make the person addicted to such

content and he thinks that it would be better if he/she constantly relived

that moment and did the same meditation again. On Tiktok, they usually

share this on #witchtok hashtag and it has a lot of interaction as it invites

the viewer directly to the ritual or meditation (“Money Ritual”). After the

interaction in these meditations, people felt that they were not alone.

Thirdly; magic under the name of ritual

Most of the time it appears in the stream; People burning

sage carry the smoke around the house (“Happy

Cleansing”) or write on papers about getting someone to

do something with their name, sometimes they organize

their ritual areas, and clean their natural stones with

incense. I often come across these videos while scrolling,

and there is definitely a comment 'don't do this magic, karma affects

you' in the comments. Most teen girls -depending on their faith- want to

do this so that their boyfriend will return (“Ex-Boyfriend spell”). I don't

know if it's karma or sin, but I'm sure it's definitely harmful to mental


Fourth and final; tarot readings, pendulum and yes no


These are also a few of the videos titled ‘do not pass’

before, but the problem is that; The topics are generally

content prepared with questions such as 'does he still love

me, will he come back to me, how is he now' (“How he feels

about you”). Considering the algorithm, these videos are not

a coincidence, as they contain specific topics and are

considered 'livable'. If you watch the tarot reading, of

course, another reading will be in the stream. With another example,

when you ask a yes or no question (“Ask your question... YES or NO”) and

watch that video, of course, you will see the same again and you will ask

it again. In fact, as I mentioned in the third part, when you see questions

and tarot readings, you either think negatively or give yourself hope in

vain. Again, this is not a very logical situation for your mental health, so

never mind that your boyfriend doesn't come back.

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