New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 3 1 | N E W E R AY A R E N A L T U N K I R A NWith digitalization, censorship of information andcommunications shared through the internet and otherdigital platforms may become even more difficult.This can be applied in different ways,especially in countries, for variousreasons. For example, in some countriescensorship can be carried out for thepurpose of protecting public safety,cultural values or other social goals.However, censorship can also havenegative effects, such as restrictingaccess to information and violatinghuman rights. Therefore, it is importantto carefully approach the managementand supervision of censorship alongwith digitalization.Censorship laws also vary widely across countries and can beinfluenced by a variety of factors, including cultural values, politicalsystems, and international agreements. In some cases, censorship isexplicitly written into the laws of a country, while in others it may beimplemented more informally through regulatory or enforcementmechanisms.

P A G E 3 2 | N E W E R AY A R E N A L T U N K I R A NDigital journalism, or the practice of producing and disseminating newsand information using digital platforms and technologies, has bothfacilitated and complicated the issue of censorship. On one hand, theuse of digital platforms for news production and distributionhas made it easier for journalists to reach larger audiencesand bypass traditional gatekeepers, such as mediaowners or government censors.This has provided new opportunities forjournalists to report on sensitive orcontroversial topics that mightotherwise be suppressed.On the other hand,digital platforms canalso be used tocensor or suppressjournalism, either bygovernments or otheractors. This caninvolve blockingaccess to certainwebsites or onlinenews sources,manipulatingalgorithms to bury orremove certaincontent, or usingsocial media tospread misinformation or propaganda.The use of digital technologies has also made it easier for governmentsand other authorities to monitor and track journalists and their sources,which can have a chilling effect on freedom of the press.Overall, the relationship between digital journalism and censorship iscomplex and can vary widely depending on the specific context and theactors involved. It is important for journalists and media organizations tobe aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with digitalcensorship and to work to protect freedom of the press and freedom ofexpression.

P A G E 3 1 | N E W E R A


With digitalization, censorship of information and

communications shared through the internet and other

digital platforms may become even more difficult.

This can be applied in different ways,

especially in countries, for various

reasons. For example, in some countries

censorship can be carried out for the

purpose of protecting public safety,

cultural values or other social goals.

However, censorship can also have

negative effects, such as restricting

access to information and violating

human rights. Therefore, it is important

to carefully approach the management

and supervision of censorship along

with digitalization.

Censorship laws also vary widely across countries and can be

influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural values, political

systems, and international agreements. In some cases, censorship is

explicitly written into the laws of a country, while in others it may be

implemented more informally through regulatory or enforcement


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