New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 2 9 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A YConsider the source: The credibility of the source of the information isimportant. Look for information from reputable sources such asgovernment agencies, well-respected news organizations, andacademic institutions. Be cautious of information from sources that havea reputation for being biased or untrustworthy.Look for evidence: When evaluating information, it is important to lookfor evidence that supports the claims being made. Are the claimssupported by data or research? Are sources cited? Lack of evidence orsources to back up claims should be a red flag.Check the date: Make sure the information you are considering is up todate. If the information is outdated, it may no longer be accurate orrelevant.Check for biases: All sources have some level of bias, so it is important toconsider the perspective from which the information is being presented.Is the source presenting a fair and balanced view, or are they promotinga particular agenda?Take your time: Don't be in a rush to accept information as true. Take thetime to thoroughly evaluate the information and consider multipleperspectives. It is important to be critical and ask questions rather thanblindly accepting what you read or hear.ConclusionIn conclusion, fact-checking plays a vital role in promoting accuracyand transparency in the media, and is essential for the functioning ofdemocratic societies. By verifying the veracity of claims and presentingthem in a proper context, fact-checking helps to combat the spread ofmisinformation and fake news. Fact-checking platforms such as Snopes,PolitiFact, and, Teyit, Doğruluk Payı have establishedreputations for their thorough and unbiased approach to fact-checking,and have contributed significantly to the promotion of truth andaccuracy in the media. As the digital age continues to evolve, it iscrucial that we continue to support and rely on these importantresources to help us separate truth from fiction.

P A G E 3 0 | N E W E R AY A R E N A L T U N K I R A ND I G I T A L A G E :D I G I T A L I Z A T I O N A N D C E N S O R S H I PDigitization is the process of converting information into a digital(i.e. computer-readable) format. The result is the representation ofan object, image, sound, document, or signal (usually an analogsignal) obtained by generating a series of numbers that describe adiscrete set of points or samples.The result is called digital representation or, more specifically, adigital image, for the object, and digital form, for the signal.This can involve creating digital copies ofphysical objects or documents, automatingprocesses using computers or other digitaltechnologies, or developing new productsor services that are primarily delivered oraccessed through digital channels.Digitalization can help organizationsbecome more efficient and effective bystreamlining operations, improvingcommunication and collaboration, andproviding new opportunities forinnovation. It can also have broadersocietal impacts, such as increasingaccess to education and information,and supporting economic development.

P A G E 2 9 | N E W E R A


Consider the source: The credibility of the source of the information is

important. Look for information from reputable sources such as

government agencies, well-respected news organizations, and

academic institutions. Be cautious of information from sources that have

a reputation for being biased or untrustworthy.

Look for evidence: When evaluating information, it is important to look

for evidence that supports the claims being made. Are the claims

supported by data or research? Are sources cited? Lack of evidence or

sources to back up claims should be a red flag.

Check the date: Make sure the information you are considering is up to

date. If the information is outdated, it may no longer be accurate or


Check for biases: All sources have some level of bias, so it is important to

consider the perspective from which the information is being presented.

Is the source presenting a fair and balanced view, or are they promoting

a particular agenda?

Take your time: Don't be in a rush to accept information as true. Take the

time to thoroughly evaluate the information and consider multiple

perspectives. It is important to be critical and ask questions rather than

blindly accepting what you read or hear.


In conclusion, fact-checking plays a vital role in promoting accuracy

and transparency in the media, and is essential for the functioning of

democratic societies. By verifying the veracity of claims and presenting

them in a proper context, fact-checking helps to combat the spread of

misinformation and fake news. Fact-checking platforms such as Snopes,

PolitiFact, and, Teyit, Doğruluk Payı have established

reputations for their thorough and unbiased approach to fact-checking,

and have contributed significantly to the promotion of truth and

accuracy in the media. As the digital age continues to evolve, it is

crucial that we continue to support and rely on these important

resources to help us separate truth from fiction.

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