New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 2 7 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A YImportance of fact-checkingAs we know, democracy is not a concept like black and white, zero andone. When we talk about democracy, we think more of a scale. We canalso see from the Democracy Index reports, how democratic or not thecountries are. (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2020) One of the things thathas a great impact on democratic processes is the public'saccess to the information. Independent and accuratemedia outlets contribute to democracy. People's access toaccurate information about politicians canaffect who they vote for in elections.For example, according to a study conductedin 2019, presenting the lies (claims) thatpoliticians tell coupled with their fact-checkedversions in a summary has a greater effect ondecreasing support for that politician thanpresenting the same cases one by one. (A. etal., 2019) In other words, fact-checkingpublications can have an effect on theincrease or decrease in people's support forpoliticians. While these are happening, howthe results and reports of fact-checkingprocesses are presented to the public mayalso make a difference in terms of theirimpact. While this is not always the case,politicians who are confirmed to be lying are expected to lose votesand supporters, as their reputation has a negative impact. For thisreason, fact-checking, especially in political areas, contributes greatlyto democracies.Some fact-checking platformsFact-checking platforms have become increasingly popular in recentyears as a means to verify the accuracy of information found online.These platforms aim to combat the spread of misinformation and fakenews by providing a space for experts to review and verify the veracityof various claims. These organizations have established reputations fortheir thorough and unbiased approach to fact-checking, and haveplayed a valuable role in helping to promote accuracy and transparencyin the media.

P A G E 2 8 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A is a non-profit organization founded in the United Statesin December 2003. The purpose of this organization is to expose falseinformation. It became Facebook's fact-check partner in 2016 to detectand verify fake news on social is another American non-profit organization. It wasestablished in August 2007. This website scores the accuracy of whatpoliticians and other important people say. The platform uses anaccuracy scoring metric called the Truth-O-Meter.Full FactFull Fact is a London-based fact-checking agency. Founded in 2009,Full Fact became Facebook's fact-checking partner in, formerly Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a factcheckingsite. Founded in the USA in 1994, the company becameFacebook's fact-checking partner in, founded by Mehmet Atakan Foça in Turkey in 2016, is a factcheckingplatform. Claiming to be a non-profit social enterprise, publishes in Turkish, English and Azerbaijani.Doğruluk PayıEstablished in June 2014, Doğruluk Payı is a fact-checking platformpublishing in Turkey. The platform mainly does fact-checking on politicalissues.Fact-checking tipsHere are some tips on how to factcheckinformation:Check multiple sources: It is important to check multiple sources ofinformation to get a well-rounded understanding of the topic. Differentsources may present different perspectives or have different biases, solooking at a variety of sources can help you get a more accurate pictureof what is going on.

P A G E 2 7 | N E W E R A


Importance of fact-checking

As we know, democracy is not a concept like black and white, zero and

one. When we talk about democracy, we think more of a scale. We can

also see from the Democracy Index reports, how democratic or not the

countries are. (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2020) One of the things that

has a great impact on democratic processes is the public's

access to the information. Independent and accurate

media outlets contribute to democracy. People's access to

accurate information about politicians can

affect who they vote for in elections.

For example, according to a study conducted

in 2019, presenting the lies (claims) that

politicians tell coupled with their fact-checked

versions in a summary has a greater effect on

decreasing support for that politician than

presenting the same cases one by one. (A. et

al., 2019) In other words, fact-checking

publications can have an effect on the

increase or decrease in people's support for

politicians. While these are happening, how

the results and reports of fact-checking

processes are presented to the public may

also make a difference in terms of their

impact. While this is not always the case,

politicians who are confirmed to be lying are expected to lose votes

and supporters, as their reputation has a negative impact. For this

reason, fact-checking, especially in political areas, contributes greatly

to democracies.

Some fact-checking platforms

Fact-checking platforms have become increasingly popular in recent

years as a means to verify the accuracy of information found online.

These platforms aim to combat the spread of misinformation and fake

news by providing a space for experts to review and verify the veracity

of various claims. These organizations have established reputations for

their thorough and unbiased approach to fact-checking, and have

played a valuable role in helping to promote accuracy and transparency

in the media.

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