New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 1 | N E W E R AA NEW LOOK TO NEW MEDIAH E L L O D E A RR E A D E RWelcome to the New Era Magazine!We are excited to bring you a collection of thoughtprovokingarticles on a range of topics related to new media.In this issue, you will find articles on the new age movement,internet culture, the impact of new media on children, theproblem of body shaming, the importance of fact-checking inthe digital age, and the issue of censorship in the digital age.We believe that it is more important than ever to criticallyexamine the role of new media in our society, and we hopethat our articles will inspire you to do just that. We encourageyou to engage with the ideas presented in these articles andto share your own thoughts and perspectives with us.Thank you for choosing to read New Era Magazine. We hopethat you enjoy this issue and that you will join us for futureissues as we continue to explore the many faces of newmedia.B U R C U K I C I K 1 8 1 1 0 0 8 0 3 1M U H A M M E T C A N O T S A Y 2 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 7 7Y A R E N A L T U N K I R A N 1 8 1 1 0 0 8 0 1 8

P A G E 2 | N E W E R AA NEW LOOK TO NEW MEDIAC O N T E N T S0 3 . S P I R I T U A L B U T N O TR E L I G I O U SThe article in which the reflections of the newage are discussed in the new media.0 8 . A B R I E F O V E R V I E W O FI N T E R N E T C U L T U R EAn article discussing what internet culture is andthe forms that it was appeared.1 8 . N E W M E D I A A N D C H I L D R E NThe article about the children and digitalage.2 1 . F R O M B A R B I E T O B O D YS H A M I N G : T H E D A R K S I D E O FS O C I A L M E D İ A A N D B E A U T YAn article on the perception of beauty that themedia imposes on people.2 6 . T H E A R T O F F A C T - C H E C K I N G :S E P A R A T I N G T R U T H F R O M F I C T I O NI N T H E D I G I T A L A G EA piece on what fact-checking is, why and howshould do more about it.3 0 . D I G I T A L A G E : D I G I T I Z A T I O NA N D C E N S O R S H I PAn article about information acquisition andcensorship in the digital age.

P A G E 1 | N E W E R A




Welcome to the New Era Magazine!

We are excited to bring you a collection of thoughtprovoking

articles on a range of topics related to new media.

In this issue, you will find articles on the new age movement,

internet culture, the impact of new media on children, the

problem of body shaming, the importance of fact-checking in

the digital age, and the issue of censorship in the digital age.

We believe that it is more important than ever to critically

examine the role of new media in our society, and we hope

that our articles will inspire you to do just that. We encourage

you to engage with the ideas presented in these articles and

to share your own thoughts and perspectives with us.

Thank you for choosing to read New Era Magazine. We hope

that you enjoy this issue and that you will join us for future

issues as we continue to explore the many faces of new


B U R C U K I C I K 1 8 1 1 0 0 8 0 3 1

M U H A M M E T C A N O T S A Y 2 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 7 7

Y A R E N A L T U N K I R A N 1 8 1 1 0 0 8 0 1 8

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