New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 1 7 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A YDiscordOne of the most popular instant messaging applications of recent yearsis Discord. Designed for people to communicate by voice while playinggames, Discord is home to all kinds of communities these days. Discord,which can also be accessed from mobile devices, has more than 350million registered users and more than 150 million monthly active usersas of 2021.Discord has some elements that are very similar to IRC systems inoperation.Servers, which we also know from IRCs, are seen more as a community.This community can be an institution/company, a hobby group, a studygroup, or a student club.There are channels inside the servers that we will remember from IRC,you can think of them as specific chat rooms. There are also directmessages, user profiles. In audio channels, users can turn on their webcameras and share screens. They can even play games together.Mostly used by young people, Discord has language learning, practicecommunities, artificial intelligence art community and even role-playinggame communities.ConclusionThe internet culture, which has a great impact on the lives of societies,continues to live and change. This change, triggered by the needs ofinternet users and technological developments, also changes society. Allthe applications that are part of this culture, from torrent to MSN, showpeople's practices rather than nostalgia. Other technologies developedand used by people seem to continue to do so.

P A G E 1 8 | N E W E R AY A R E N A L T U N K I R A NN E W M E D I A A N D C H I L D R E NThe world is becoming digital in every aspect. It is observed thattechnological developments have existed in almost every era of humanhistory, and these developments continue unabated. This virtual realityimmerses us in every aspect of our life. The new media, which isdeveloping with the Internet and developing technology, has started toexperience a social transformation and affects individuals of all ages andall walks of life through this process.New media can be defined as ”environments that direct existingmedia in general to transform them interactively into digital dataand provide production, distribution and sharing through computers"(Manovich, 2001). Radio, television, newspaper, etc. in addition tomass media such as mass media, Internet technology and mobiletechnologies, which enable the formation of the new media age,have a very important position.Nowadays, many of us now prefer our virtual space even in a publicarea where we go out for coffee with our friends, and we havebecome more likely to spend time with our phones than chatting.Public spaces have now become a place where we enter our virtualpublic space with the coffee we collect and buy for us. We arethere, but our mind is not there.

P A G E 1 7 | N E W E R A



One of the most popular instant messaging applications of recent years

is Discord. Designed for people to communicate by voice while playing

games, Discord is home to all kinds of communities these days. Discord,

which can also be accessed from mobile devices, has more than 350

million registered users and more than 150 million monthly active users

as of 2021.

Discord has some elements that are very similar to IRC systems in


Servers, which we also know from IRCs, are seen more as a community.

This community can be an institution/company, a hobby group, a study

group, or a student club.

There are channels inside the servers that we will remember from IRC,

you can think of them as specific chat rooms. There are also direct

messages, user profiles. In audio channels, users can turn on their web

cameras and share screens. They can even play games together.

Mostly used by young people, Discord has language learning, practice

communities, artificial intelligence art community and even role-playing

game communities.


The internet culture, which has a great impact on the lives of societies,

continues to live and change. This change, triggered by the needs of

internet users and technological developments, also changes society. All

the applications that are part of this culture, from torrent to MSN, show

people's practices rather than nostalgia. Other technologies developed

and used by people seem to continue to do so.

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