New Era

New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University. New Era is a digital magazine on new media that is made by Burcu Kıcık, Muhammet Can Otsay and Yaren Altunkıran for the New Media Project (Digital Journalism) course at Beykent University.


P A G E 1 1 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A YA quick synopsis of Blockchain Technology - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from:[accessed 26 Nov, 2022]P2P networks, on the other hand, are decentralized, not centralized.Shared files are transferred between each other by members of thenetwork. During this transfer, resources of members of the network areused (such as disks of users' computers, internet connections).In other words, peer-to-peer file sharing is the distribution and sharingof digital media items using P2P network technology. For example, let'simagine YouTube's first video, "Me at the zoo," is being distributed on aP2P network. Instead of accessing's servers to access,download or play the video on our computer, let's say, for example, thatthe file me_at_the_zoo.mp4 is transferred between John and Hannah,who are members of a P2P network. John, who uploads from the US stateof Virginia, constantly uploads that video to the internet by using hiscomputer's resources such as disk and internet. Matching with John onthe network, Hannah downloads from California, again using her owncomputer's resources. In this case, there is no need for orany center, authority or institution. Members of the network share theentire workload among themselves.Technically, this file-sharing system made possible the illegal sharing oflicensed content, as shared files had no legitimate ownership. Inparticular, illegal sharing of content such as books, games, movies andmusic has become easier and widespread because of these systems.

P A G E 1 2 | N E W E R AM U H A M M E T C A N O T S A YThe LimeWire application, released in 2000, used the peer-to-peer filesharing system to download files, especially music (free and illegal). Italso gained popularity in Turkey.— Navy Blue formerly iDosh, en:User:SanchmarcNavy Blue at en.wikipedia, GPL, viaWikimedia CommonsThen the BitTorrent P2P sharing protocol was published and the conceptof "torrent", which has become very common in Turkey, entered our lives.An application with the same name, BitTorrent, which enables filesharing using this communication protocol, was also published, andμTorrent, which uses the BitTorrent protocol, was also widely used in thesame period.In these applications, mostly games and movies were shared.Another important part of this ecosystem were “torrent sites”. Theabove-mentioned me_at_the_zoo.mp4 file must be discovered beforeit can be downloaded and uploaded by users. Torrent sites were indexsites that functioned to categorize all kinds of files and make themsearchable online. The Pirate Bay was one of the most famous of thesetorrent sites.Since platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Netflix are veryconvenient and security concerns that occur using illegal methods, Ithink that the need for P2P services has declined. But of course, we mustalso take into account the existence of websites that do not use P2Ptechnology, but that broadcast illegally.

P A G E 1 2 | N E W E R A


The LimeWire application, released in 2000, used the peer-to-peer file

sharing system to download files, especially music (free and illegal). It

also gained popularity in Turkey.

— Navy Blue formerly iDosh, en:User:SanchmarcNavy Blue at en.wikipedia, GPL, via

Wikimedia Commons

Then the BitTorrent P2P sharing protocol was published and the concept

of "torrent", which has become very common in Turkey, entered our lives.

An application with the same name, BitTorrent, which enables file

sharing using this communication protocol, was also published, and

μTorrent, which uses the BitTorrent protocol, was also widely used in the

same period.

In these applications, mostly games and movies were shared.

Another important part of this ecosystem were “torrent sites”. The

above-mentioned me_at_the_zoo.mp4 file must be discovered before

it can be downloaded and uploaded by users. Torrent sites were index

sites that functioned to categorize all kinds of files and make them

searchable online. The Pirate Bay was one of the most famous of these

torrent sites.

Since platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Netflix are very

convenient and security concerns that occur using illegal methods, I

think that the need for P2P services has declined. But of course, we must

also take into account the existence of websites that do not use P2P

technology, but that broadcast illegally.

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