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Sustainable Development

By Hari Thapliyaal

CEO, dasarpAI



MSME Uttarakhand, India

Friday, 6-Jan-23

Speaker Introduction

Vivid blogger on various subjects including Data Science, Project Management, and Advait-Vedanta


Founder of dasarpAI, A training and consulting company. Specialized in Artificial Intelligence, Data

Science, NLP.

Trained thousand of people and helped them in management certification like PMP, PRINCE2, Agile,

Scrum etc.

Mentor and Coach for upGrad’s IIM and IITB program on data science and AI.

Master’s degrees in Computers, Business Management, Data Science, and Economics. He is pursuing

his Doctorate in AI (NLP) from the Swiss School of Business Management (Geneva, Switzerland).

Hari has around 3 decades of experience in management & leadership, training, consulting, and

coaching in technology. 16+ years in all phases of software product development. 10+ years in course

design, training, coaching, and consulting on Project Management.

4+ years experience in course development, exploring, experimenting, training, coaching, and mentoring

hundreds of professionals in Data Science, AI, CV, NLP, complex machine learning algorithms, statistical

modeling, identifying patterns, and extracting valuable insights.

Diverse experience in planning & executing multiple projects and liaising with key stakeholders to

identify & resolve the business problem and deliver excellent results.

In my spare time, I loves to Meditate in some secluded place or in nature.


After seeing my background you know I am not a right speaker on this


But I am part of this planet and living my life consciously, so I can share

my experience. What I am sharing today is totally based on my personal

life, my observations and my interaction with thousands of

professionals like you.

I am not an energy experts neither a productivity expert or environment



Sustainable Development : Means, you can continue it for long time without any

extra pain or extra cost.

Energy Efficiency : Means, you cannot do certain work with lesser energy than

what you are using right now to produce that.

Clean Technology : Means, it does not produce waste or least waste.

Green Energy for Swachhta Programme : Using clean source of energy like solar,

winds, nuclear, tide, water etc.

Some Quotations

● “Our biggest challenge in this new century is to take an idea that seems abstract –

sustainable development – and turn it into a reality for all the world’s people” ~ Kofi Annan

“This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet. Let us resolve that we

will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible

storms devastate our lands.” ~ Barack Obama

“Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us.” ~ Henrik


“I am small people, as an individual I cannot save this planet. But, it doesn’t mean I cannot

spoil this in my lifetime of hundred years. In 100 years of careless living I can spoil my

village, my family, and if I am successful then chances are my people will follow me. And we

comes from I” ~ My Famous.

Think about these

If I am paying full money for the food in a restaurant then who are you to preach me the

austerity? Hotel manager cannot say anything! My partner will not say anything! My

children will not say anything! I can waste as much as I want and finally say I didn’t like the

taste of food therefore instead of spoiling my tongue or my health I have left that!

If I am paying for hotel room then why should I not take one hour bath with hot water, after

that switch on AC at 16 DF and sleep with 4 quilts and all the lights on in my room? And

before exiting make sure every cloth is dirty. Who the hell you are to preach the austerity?

Man, I have paid money!

If my customer is ready to pay any money for the product and I am creating a product for

him then why should I bother about the cost? It should be the best quality at any cost!

These are just a few examples, you can add more. You can take it to any domain either product development or manufacturing or service delivery business

Meri Marzi, I am living in Democracy, I have money,

It is my Company, I can do whatever I want!

What is English word for Hindi Word “Jutha”


In English if you have to say above words it is difficult to say that with one word and express a very strong

meaning. If you want to communicate a strong meaning you have to say sentence. Why this is so?

In Indian culture purity is valued very high. Therefore, even if we touch something it is considered Juthan.

Keep this idea in mind, we don’t touch the food which we don’t want to eat, forget about taking in the plate and

leaving for others.

This concept is so powerful that you can extend it to any aspect of life. Like cloth, we don’t wear other’s cloth.

Don’t like to use other person’s bed. Don’t drink the water by touching our mouth on the glass. It is Indian

culture, you rarely find these kinds of deep rooted ideas related to purity in other world cultures.

Why Am I discussing this in today’s sessions?

What is Development?

The process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation,

region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted

goals and objectives. (source: Wikipedia)

Manufacturing, Service, Agriculture

Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Hotel, etc there are hundreds of verticals and

every industry is developing something for the consumption of other so that

society is happy, we make money and we are also happy.


Whatever you are doing, if that cannot be continued in long run due any reason

then that may development activity but it is not sustainable development.

ZED Discipline

1. Production Management

2. Quality Management

3. Environment Management

4. Design Management

5. Natural Resource Management

6. Human Resource Management

7. Intellectual Property Management

8. Energy Management

9. Safety Management

10. Performance Management

Our MSME is like our daughter.

They take birth from our mind.

Grow with our efforts and

dedication. Very soon they become

young and find many who can take

care of them. Then they don’t listen

to us. And some time become pain

for us or bring shame for us. Only

way to manage the situation is

disciple or Sanskar from day one

and on daily basis.

No Bing Bang

What is organization?

What is an organization?

Importance of keeping the Reins in Your Hands

and Giving Direction

Organization is : People

(Employees & Stakeholders),

Policies, Process & Procedures,

Standard & Guidelines, Purpose,

Goals and Objectives

For Profits, Wellbeing and

Happiness of All stakeholders

Lack of Commitment Leads to Madness


(, , , ) + (, , ,


If you want to control your physical organs but mind is continuously dwelling on

the opposite. You are hypocrite you will cause pain for yourself.

Internal Discipline is the Key

Define Metrics, Collect Data, Measure & Track Those

You can create these metrics around Energy, Waste, and Cleanliness. Tie

them with your profits, earnings or assets.

For Example

- Per Week/Time Spent in Searching

- Per Week/Time Spent on writing

clarification or justification to

management or customer or government


- Energy per unit/sales

- Energy per unit/profit

- Energy Units/ Employee

- Energy Units/ Unit Sold

- Wastage Cost/Unit Sold

- Unit Waste/Unit Sold

- Transportation Diesel+Petrol Liters/


- Production Diesel+Petrol Liters/ Unit Sold

- Weight of Waste/Meal or Food


- Water consumption/unit sold

- Water consumption/employee

Overall Philosophy & Litmus Test

Compete with your own yesterday (Kaizen)

Even if no one is watching you ask yourself,

What am I doing right now, is it sustainable for long time?

What if everyone does this?

What if everyone in the world knows that you are doing X thing?

If you don’t feel bad.

If you feel proud of it.

Then continue doing it.

Keep asking yourself, even if everyone is appreciating me for something I may be wrong in

long run. Therefore self consciousness is more important.

Investment to Collect Data

Use mobile apps for planning and tracking the work (many of those may be


Use Artificial Intelligence Systems to get the data a source

Invest in process improvement and trainings

Invest in analysing the data and reflecting what you are doing.

Have appropriate reward and punishment system in place and bring

metrics under control

Certification & Other Management System

QMS - ISO-9001

Environmental Management System - ISO-14001

Lean Manufacturing

Improvement - 5S, Kaizen

Clean Development Mechanism

Supply Chain Management

Energy Conservation


Parameters Related to Energy, Cleanliness & Sustainability

Enable Parameters:

a. Enablers for emission, effluent & waste disposal activities

b. Enablers for resource management

Performance Parameters

a. Outcome for overall company performance

b. Outcomes for quality performance

c. Outcomes for Process Performance

d. Outcomes for environmental performance

Sustainable Development

1. Water

a. Developing and promoting sustainable agriculture practices, such as using organic fertilizers and reducing water usage

2. Environment & Waste Management

a. Promoting sustainable tourism by working with local communities and minimizing environmental impact

b. Developing and implementing sustainable waste management practices, such as waste-to-energy conversion or composting

c. Implementing a comprehensive recycling program for paper, plastic, and other materials.

d. Implementing water conservation measures, such as installing low-flow toilets and faucets.

3. Energy

a. Implementing renewable energy generation

b. Promoting sustainable transportation options (e-rickshaw, public transit, cycling)

c. Implementing energy-efficient lighting and appliances, such as LED light bulbs and Energy Star-certified equipment.

d. Adopting renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines.

4. Mix

a. Implementing green infrastructure for storing water, temperature control

b. Using sustainable building materials, such as bamboo or recycled materials.

c. Implementing a telecommuting or flexible work schedule to reduce transportation-related emissions.

d. Developing and implementing sustainable waste management practices, such as waste-to-energy conversion or composting.

Business and Life Philosophy

● It is not about how much I can spend. It is about

can we create same quality or better product with

less resources?

● If you spend more resources and create a better

product, you can find customer who can pay more

for that. At individual and organization level it may

look sustainable but from the perspective for

industry, country, next generation, civilization, is it a

sustainable development?

“Whether we are atheist or theist we have to leave this

planet one day. When we leave the planet, it matter what

good Karma we have done while we were living but more

than that it matter how less biological footprints we

leave behind, can live like Kabirdas Ji told,

. Before leaving the planet even if we cannot

make it better place to live, we have no right to make it



Measure everything what matters in your life. Track

it, analyse the data, and take corrective and

preventive actions. It applies to everything including

Energy, Cleanliness, Environment, and Efficiency.


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